The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 290: 2 times being circled (2 in 1 big

"You liar, I finally found you"

Tang Yan fingered Mai Xiaoyu, her delicate body trembling lightly, and said excitedly, giving people a feeling of tears of joy.

To be reasonable, Mai Xiaoyu has circulated two thousand lambs in three years, and he really can't remember every lamb. Lin Zhiling is a special case, and the way to circle is very special.

Tang Yan in front of him, he only remembered that he had appeared in his own strange dream, but he did not remember that he was also a member of his lamb army.

However, when he saw Tang Yan's excited expression and heard Tang Yan's excited words, he quickly reacted.

Without saying a word, Mai Xiaoyu stepped in front of Tang Yan in two steps, grabbed Tang Yan's wrist, and directly pulled her into his office.


The office door was closed.

The sound of closing doors fell on everyone's mind, and it also aroused many curiosities.

"Who is that girl"

"What is the relationship between Mr. Mai and her?"

"Why does she say that Mai is always a liar"

"Mak seems to be nervous"

"She said Mai is always a liar. Mai always lied to her. He doesn't know how to make money."

Tang Yan's expressions and words, as well as Mai Xiaoyu's reaction, can't help but make people think about it.

When they saw Tang Yan's information, the idea was as if a goddess scattered flowers, more and more exciting.

Tang Yan, female, 19 years old, from Donghai, a freshman in the 02 undergraduate class of the Central Academy of Drama

Do you know where the point is

East China Sea

That's right, Donghae

In November last year, for the release I believe, Mai Xiaoyu went to the East China Sea alone and stayed for about a month.

This is a month-long intersection. Is there something abnormal about the lonely journey?

In addition, Mr. Mai is young and handsome, and he is generous in his righteousness. As the boss of Moe Ren film and television, he has the ability and ability to be almost omnipotent. He led Moe Ren’s small sampan from scratch and achieved a series of dazzling achievements in less than two years.

Is it not normal to attract girls?

In the entertainment industry, based on Mr. Mai's conditions, if there are not a few girls around, it is a problem, and it is easy to be mistaken for bending.

You suspect money

Don't be funny, do you need to cheat money for Mr. Mai's net worth?

Do you know how big the red envelopes of the stone and the pink girl are?

A tall, rich and handsome young man with a successful career was mistakenly regarded as a "liar" by a young and beautiful girl. Excluding money, isn't there only feelings left?

Alas, it seems that the girl named Tang Yan has a deep love for Mr. Mai, and Mr. Mai likes

Does Mr. Mai like Sister Tao or Jon?

Nima, no matter who it is, I can’t let them know about this.

The cute employees who support Mai Xiaoyu silently reached a consensus in their hearts. If Mai Xiaoyu hears their voices, he will definitely hurt them by saying three words.

At this moment, in Mai Xiaoyu's office.

Mai Xiaoyu's left arm touched Tang Yan's chest, her right hand covered Tang Yan's cherry lips, and she could not move Tang Yan against the wall.

It’s not that he is too rude and doesn’t understand pity, but that the little lamb in front of him reacts too fiercely.

Worrying that the other party would say nothing, he pulled Tang Yan into the office for the first time, ready to talk to her, to make up for her like Lin Zhiling, or simply sign her and use Mengren's resources to help her make her debut.

It's a pity that Tang Yan is not Lin Zhiling, and she doesn't give him a chance to speak. He scolded him as a "liar" and said he wanted to "call the police," while resisting fiercely, he wanted to escape from the office.

There was no way, Mai Xiaoyu had to incarnate as a "human-shaped bundle of immortals" and "imprisoned" him, with Tang Yan still biting on the edge of his palm, causing pain.

Feeling that Tang Yan's breath was slightly stable, and the strength to bite her palm was weakened, Mai Xiaoyu stared at her eyes at close range and asked: "Let's talk about it, are you willing?"


"If you want, blink twice."

Big eyes flickered and blinked twice.

"I let you go, you are not allowed to shout, promise?"

The long eyelashes flickered twice.

"Okay, I will let you go now."

Mai Xiaoyu slowly let go of his right hand, the palm of his hand was bitten, a circle of deep fine teeth marks.

Tang Yan took a deep breath and raised her head and shouted, "Help!"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Mai Xiaoyu prevented her from blowing her hair early, but first let go of her right hand. As soon as she looked up, she knew that she was going to suffer, and she covered her cherry lips again with lightning speed.

"I knew you came to this set"


Tang Yan struggled, trying to push Mai Xiaoyu away with both hands, kicking and pushing her legs and feet unfaithfully.

Mai Xiaoyu exerted force on her legs, tightening Tang Yan's slender legs, squeezing her body forcefully, compressing her movement space to the extreme.

Tang Yan was unyielding, scratching and tearing Mai Xiaoyu's shirt with both hands, and wanted to greet his face.

Mai Xiaoyu was so annoyed that the world was quiet with a sudden grasp of his left hand.

His left arm ran across Tang Yan's chest, and his left hand just pressed against Tang Yan.

At this time, the weather in the north is very cold, and there is no stipulated warm-up date, which is the most difficult, so people wear very thick clothes.

Tang Yan was wearing a thick red down jacket with a sweater inside, wrapping herself tightly.

The two people's attention was not in this aspect before, and they didn't feel anything. But Mai Xiaoyu didn't catch anything with such a hard grasp, but the outline and embarrassment came out.

Tang Yan's pretty face was pale and her body was trembling, and her beautiful eyes stared at Mai Xiaoyu in shame.

"this is an accident."

Mai Xiaoyu's face remained as usual, moving his left hand, from moving away, to clasp Tang Yan's shoulders instead.

"Don't force me, I don't want to hurt you. We can sit down calmly and talk slowly if we have anything to say, OK you agree to blink twice."

Tang Yan didn't blink, but nodded hard.

"Okay, I will trust you again. If you lie to me, be careful that I strip you naked."

Mai Xiaoyu released Tang Yan again, this time Tang Yan was very honest, did not shout or escape, and quickly flashed aside.

"Come on, sit on the sofa, let's talk slowly."

Mai Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and assumed a pleased posture. Tang Yan hesitated for a moment, and sat down cautiously on the sofa.

Mai Xiaoyu followed, sitting opposite her: "Your name is Tang Yan, right?"

Tang Yan nodded, slightly nervous.

"where are you from"

After a while, Tang Yan's lips lightly opened: "Donghai."

"Oh, so you met me in the East China Sea too"

Tang Yan nodded again.

"Why don't you speak? Your voice is very nice, you are also very beautiful, and you have the potential to be a star. Don't look at me with such a vigilant look. I'm serious. Okay, let's change the topic. You are here for an interview. ,right"

Tang Yan continued to nod.

"Ok, in fact, your interview ended as early as in Donghai. You are very good. Congratulations. I now formally notify you to sign the contract on behalf of the company and become the sixth contracted artist of Mengren Film and Television."

Tang Yan said nothing, her eyes widened.

Mai Xiaoyu has a gentle smile and a warm smile: "After signing the contract, the company will give you a gift. The company is currently preparing a new drama, which is a costume idol drama. How about the debut work"

Tang Yan lowered her head, considered for a few minutes, then raised her head and said, "Really"

"Of course, we can put this in the contract."

"Then, what about the contract"

The little girls in the entertainment industry are really cheating

Mai Xiaoyu sighed and got up to get the contract.

There is a set of contracts in the drawer of his desk, which is reserved for Chen Qiaoen, and it is now just used to sign Tang Yan.

However, after two steps, he suddenly realized something and suddenly turned around. Sure enough, he saw Tang Yan creeping around, still holding a mobile phone in her hand.


I have been circling lambs all my life, but today I was almost fooled by the lambs

"where do you want to go"

Mai Xiaoyu shouted and hurried to catch up.

Tang Yan wanted to run, but she tripped over the arm of the sofa in a hurry and fell onto the sofa.

Before she got up, Mai Xiaoyu had already rushed over, pressed her on the sofa, and snatched the phone from her hand.

On the display of the mobile phone, the three large numbers "1", "1" and "0" are really dazzling.

"You want to call the police"

"You let me go, I must call the police to catch you, you liar"

"I lied to you, why don't I tell you, Donghae was an interview that time, and now I'm signing you."

"Hmph, do you believe this kind of lie? I have been deceived by you once. I won't be fooled the second time."

Wow, why is this lamb so axis?

"At most, I promise to make you popular."

"Hmph, are you afraid? Then why did you lie to people and lied so many people that you can't escape? I advise you to surrender yourself."

It seems that normal routines will not work.

Mai Xiaoyu put on a vicious expression: "Since you must have trouble with me, don't blame me for being rude. To be honest, you are such a beautiful girl, and you are my favorite type."

Before he finished his words, he changed his squinted expression again, grabbed a strand of Tang Yan's hair, and sniffed deeply: "It smells so good. I think your body must be more fragrant, right?"

Tang Yan was not afraid: "You can't scare me, I know you are gay."

"Fart, don't force me."

"You pretend less, you obviously like men"

"Do you want me to prove it to you?"

"You are bent"

I go

As a normal man, Mai Xiaoyu said that he couldn't tolerate it. He chose the most direct punishment method: tooth for tooth, mouth for mouth.

Mai Xiaoyu kissed Tang Yan's cherry lips hard, while holding Tang Yanyu's neck with one hand and Tang Yanliu's waist with one hand, a French wet kiss came.

Tang Yan was stunned.

Opening his eyes wide, his mind went blank, and even Mai Xiaoyu's tongue stuck into her mouth, and he forgot to bite it hard.

Isn't he gay

Isn't he not interested in women?

Otherwise, Sister Fei tempted him several times during the interview, why did he not respond?

Sister Fei and the others hurt me miserably

My first kiss

Tang Yan cried.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Mai Xiaoyu asked jokingly: "How is it, do I still need to prove it?"

Seeing Tang Yan's tears, he couldn't bear it. He stood up and sat next to him, but he pretended to be vicious: "Don't cry, cry again, I will be the overlord now."

Tang Yan hurriedly sat up, clutching her neckline with one hand to protect herself, and wiping tears with the other. For the first time, there was fear in her eyes.

The trick of pretending to be a rogue really worked.

Mai Xiaoyu sighed in his heart, lit the cigarette, and the gangster sat opposite Tang Yan like a gangster: "Do you know where I am wrong? You know I'm not a good person, and I'm provoking me again and again, if it's not looking at you There is also use value, Lao Tzu has long been a bully on the bow."

Tang Yan was so frightened, her eyes flickered, and she did not dare to face Mai Xiaoyu.

"Now I have two choices for you. Either sign a contract obediently, I will praise you, and you will make money for Laozi; or I will be the king of the bow, and then you are the best woman who is willing to be Laozi, and I don’t want to hum, I shoot you. Sell ​​nude photos to"

"Before smoking this cigarette, I want to hear your decision"

Tang Yan was scared, really scared. Seeing that Mai Xiaoyu was about to extinguish the cigarette **** in her hand, she said in a crying voice: "I signed a contract."

"Is that right?"

Mai Xiaoyu opened the door and shouted at the door: "Lu Ning, give me Tang Yan's information. Take another membership contract, and then print out another artist contract. The contract period is changed to ten years."

Sign up

Mr. Mai wants to sign the girl in the middle of the show

That girl's luck is too good, right?

You must know that after signing Sister Tao, Mr. Mai has never signed a female artist again. Xiqian is Mr. Mai’s sister, can it be the same?

In the envy of the employees, Lu Ning sent two contracts. During this period, Tang Yan sat down on the sofa with her mobile phone beside her without touching it.

The contract was shot in front of Tang Yan, and Mai Xiaoyu said, "Come on, I signed the two contracts."

One membership contract, one artist contract.

The membership contract is exactly the same as before, and Tang Yan doesn’t need to read it; but the ten-year period on the artist contract is equivalent to selling all of his best youth to cute people, which is a real bargaining agreement.

Seeing her hesitation, Mai Xiaoyu said: "You have just entered your freshman year this year, and you are still three or four years away from graduation. During this period, the company will continue to invest resources in you. This is all money. In other words, four years later. The company can make money from you. Should you sign for ten years? The most important thing is, do you have a choice?"

Yeah, do i have a choice

That regret in Tang Yan's heart.

Why should I come to Mengren for an interview

Why provoke this liar, gangster and asshole

He only lied to me 10,000 yuan now

Tang Yan has a sore nose and wants to cry again.

Mai Xiaoyu spoke again.

"Although I am not a good person, I have my rules. If you become a company artist, I will not only not touch you, but I will also protect you from being bullied. In addition, it is true that I will play with you next year."

"Also, the company expects you to make a lot of money, and it will definitely work hard to make you popular. In this way, you are actually not at a loss, right?"

In this way, Tang Yan signed her own fame on the membership contract and artist contract, and once again fell into Mai Xiaoyu's set, feeling like selling herself to the devil.

When I left Mengren Film and Television, it was almost dusk.

Tang Yan walked aimlessly on the road, her mind was numb, and her mind was a mess.

This is an unforgettable afternoon for her.

In just a few hours, the joy of being admitted to the Chinese opera, the dreams of the past, the longing for the future, and the efforts to fight for it all turned into bubbles and passed away with the wind.

Not only did she lose her first kiss, but she also lost her soul. She was reborn from the hopeful Chinese opera acting department and became a cash cow


Unwilling to scream, the contract in her hand was torn to pieces by her and thrown into the trash can on the side of the road.

A police car drove by with a siren, Tang Yan's eyes followed the police car for a long time, and then disappeared from sight.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind.


Yes, call the police

He cheated money first, then tried to assault me ​​and forced me to sign a contract with despicable means.

I want to sue him and let him be severely punished by law

After making up his mind, she asked the clerk of the nearest police station from the shop assistant on the roadside. Tang Yan stepped forward, and her heart was bright. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote from the starting point. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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