The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 763: Fire in the back garden

"Mai, the broadcast rights have been negotiated with Yangba, and the contract can be signed tomorrow."

"What did you do early? I wanted to buy it to them at first, but they didn't want it. Now they take the initiative to buy it."

"Don't be angry, waiting until next year's CCTV broadcast, it will be good for us."

"Hehe, I know, I'll just say that."

Moe people film and television.

Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Xiaoli are sitting in the office, discussing the company's recent development.

In the early stages of production, Mai Xiaoyu wanted to sell eight sets to CCTV according to the situation in the strange dream. But people don't like pure love dramas, don't, and finally four provincial satellite TVs including Dolphin TV bought the first-round broadcast rights at a high price.

Buying the copyright now is not enough. Yangba has its own considerations, at least buy it now, the price is much lower.

It was also the news of the purchase of the central bank that the online debate over "who is number one" ended with reluctance to win. Rao is so, there are also diehard fans who complain that CCTV has no vision and does not buy.

Actually, and, who is the number one in ratings, Dolphin TV, Mango TV, Mengren TV, and DynaSky TV don’t care much now.

For Dolphin TV and Mengren Film and Television, CSM50 has the highest ratings in the city, which is a certainty, and there are data to prove it.

For Mango TV, even if the ratings of CSM50 City lose to Dolphin TV, it does not matter. Because they "selected carefully" the ratings of CSM32 City, first, they can still be used to negotiate business with advertisers in the future.

For DynaSky, Mango Satellite TV’s approach has also made their faces shine.

Yes, the ratings of 50 cities lost to, but the combined ratings of those 32 cities won.

Even when Mango Satellite TV selected the sample cities, it deliberately selected the sample cities where Litchi Satellite TV, Yanjing Satellite TV and Blueberry Satellite TV were located, and excluded the sample cities where Dolphin Satellite TV, Donghai Satellite TV, Jinmen TV, and Parrot Satellite TV were located. The so-called CSM32 city is the first in the same period of ratings.

Liu Xiaoli took a sip of her tea and asked, "How sure are you about that movie?"

"It's hard to say, the investment is too big, the key depends on the overseas box office."

"I'm asking, if the investment of more than one billion yuan is made by our company."

"Definitely not, find a few companies to jointly invest."

"Do you have a goal in your heart?"

"Fiber Optic, Hailian... and Cheng Longying Emperor."

"Counting we have a total of four, it's almost the same. Fiber optics and Hailian have their own strengths, and Cheng Longyinghuang also counts Cheng Long's favor."

"How is Hu Xu's recovery recently?"

"Very good, everything is developing in a good direction. After the Spring Festival next year, it will almost be back."

"Don't worry about this, just give him more time. I am mainly worried about his psychological recovery, and I will introduce him to a psychologist later."

At the end of the year, the company should also make a year-end summary of its work in the past year.

The year-end summary was hosted by Liu Xiaoli, but before that, he needed to ventilate with Mai Xiaoyu and hold a small meeting.

The two talked a lot, and Liu Xiaoli could feel the changes in Mai Xiaoyu this year.

This year's Moe, the number of film and television productions and the scale of investment are more than in the past, and the profits created are also higher than in previous years.

To draw a successful conclusion to this year, it has entered the propaganda stage as the opening drama next year.

Then came three movies during the winter vacation, the first half of the year, and the ones in preparation, and the ones in talks.

"Aunt Liu, don't you care about the progress in the US?"

"With your brother, I don't think I need to worry."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "The US is discussing the amount of investment, but Cici hasn't talked about it. But with me, Cici is definitely the heroine."

The two summarized the company's development last year, and made plans for next year. Liu Xiaoli got up and left quickly and arranged work in her own office.

Mai Xiaoyu sat at his desk, thinking of the company's artists in his mind.

Which TV series is suitable for Liying to shoot now?

Who is arranged to take her?

And Chang Chang, graduate next year...

Just thinking about it, assistant Yu Ping's phone came in.

"Ms. Mai, Miss Shu Chang is here, now at the door, I want to see you."

"Let her in."

After a while, the office door opened, Shu Chang trot in, and said angrily: "Mr. Mai, you have a big frame now, and it's too difficult to see you."

"My **** is itchy again, isn't it?"

"I'm 20 years old soon. I'm not a little girl anymore. I won't spank my **** anymore."

"It depends on whether you are good. Come on, sit on the sofa and talk."

Greeting Shu Chang and sitting on the sofa, Mai Xiaoyu asked, "What to drink?"

"I'm not thirsty."

"Aren't you going to record a record? Why did you suddenly come to the company to find me?"

The theme song and an episode are both sung by Shu Chang. The song is very popular. The MLGB record company is collecting songs and is preparing to create another album of love songs for Shu Chang. The title song is.

Shu Chang is either preparing for the graduation drama at school these days, or going to the studio to practice singing.

"Brother, I am a senior this year and will graduate next year."

"I know, then what?"

"Then?" Shu Chang frowned, "Did you forget what you promised me?"

"Remember, of course I do. You haven't done less filming in the past few years. All of them are pretty good TV shows."

Shu Chang was silent, sitting on the sofa, looking at Mai Xiaoyu.

The look and the look in the eyes are a bit like Cici.

"When did you learn this trick from Cici?" Mai Xiaoyu said with a smile, seeing Shu Chang still not talking He continued: "Don't worry, I never forgot what I promised you Yes, I was thinking of you just now."

"Really?" Shu Chang smiled happily, "What theme?"

The script is not a problem, the question is which script to "copy".

"At that time you will know. You are now ready to prepare your new album, and your graduation drama. When the crew is ready, you will be very busy."

"Be busy, I'm not afraid. I'm just worried about your illness. Is it really better?"

"Of course, I can freely control several other personalities now. Do you want me to call out Xiaoyuer and say hello to you?"

"No, as long as you are okay." Shu Chang took Mai Xiaoyu's arm, "I have only you left."

"Don't talk nonsense. What about your uncles? And Cici, and your godfather and godmother, aren't they all your relatives..."

The two were sitting on the sofa and chatting. Seeing that it was almost noon, Mai Xiaoyu was about to go out for a meal with Shu Chang, and Liu Xiaoli hurried over.


"Oh, Changchang is here, wait for dinner together." Liu Xiaoli was worried, and she responded, and said to Mai Xiaoyu solemnly: "Mai, something has happened."

"what's up?"

"I just received a call. Dolphin TV adjusted the schedule for next year's TV series and was taken down..."

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