The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 767: Boss, do you have funds?

"It's this **** again, it has sullied me three times... Come out one-on-one, and my residual blood can kill him!"

Following Chen Chichi's unpacking and surprise attack, the police lost to the gangsters.

Chen Chichi took off his earphones annoyed, and Zheng Kai next to him and the young man in his twenties were equally aggrieved.

Zheng Kai also looked unhappy: "That guy is very wretched and trivial, I told you not to unpack it in a hurry, first look around."

"There's no time, the bag is about to explode without listening. And when the trash comes, there is no sound of footsteps."

"Forget it, let's do it again. They have built another room, this time they will cooperate well," the young man persuaded.

"Okay, do it again, this time see how I abuse him."

"Still calling, don't you want to leave?" Zheng Kai took out his cell phone, "It's almost twelve o'clock, and Zhang'er has called. I didn't hear it just now."

Chen Chichi came to his senses and took out his cell phone to take a look: "I went, and I really called and urged, and I didn't hear it. Walk around, I might be scolded if I go back late."

Seeing that the young man next to him had entered the room and started a new round of battle, he asked again: "Aren't you going back to eat?"

"Webmaster, come to the bucket of instant noodles!"

"You won't go back?"

"There is nothing to do when I go back."

"If this is the case, we won't get off the plane. Hang up first and come back after dinner. Let the three abuse them together."

"Okay, when will you come back?"

"It's hard to tell. Or I'll leave you a phone call and call me if I have something to do."

Chen Chichi exchanged name and phone numbers with the other party, and put it away: "I think you have a good level of playing games, do you not play Warcraft?"

"Even if you play, you won't be a server with us." Zheng Kai urged, "Stop the ink, Zhang Er called. It must be the boss who is here. Be careful of being scolded when you go back late."

"Yes, yes, right. Wang Kai, let's go first, don't you know how powerful our boss's mouth is... boss? Ha, ha ha, when did you come?"

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at Wang Kai who was playing CS, and smiled at Chen Chichi: "Guess what?"

Out of the Internet cafe, Ke Haoyi drove, and the four of them went to the booked hotel.

Mai Xiaoyu remained silent, still thinking about Wang Kai, who was playing in Internet cafes, playing cs, eating instant noodles, and messed up his head. He felt that the style of painting in his dreams was too far apart.

What about saying that "then the face is paralyzed, the eyebrows are sharp"?

Even if he is young, he doesn't seem to be a decadent looking at Internet cafes for a long time.

As soon as he thought about it, Zheng Kai and Chen Chichi sat on the wax.

The two looked at each other, and under Zheng Kai's eyes, Chen Chichi asked tentatively; "Boss, are you not angry?"

Mai Xiaoyu gave him an angry look: "You two are crazy, you are so addicted. On the afternoon plane, do you want to go online after lunch?"

"No, that buddy is pretty good. It's rare to meet God teammates when going out, it's not easy..."


Zheng Kai coughed and reminded Chen Chichi.

Chen Chichi immediately changed his words: "Boss, I have always had a dream, do you know what it is?"

Mai Xiaoyu ignored him.

Chen Chichi continued: "I hope that one day, I can gather my friends together, do nothing, think about anything, and just play games all the time. It feels very enjoyable to think about it."

Mai Xiaoyu yawned.

Chen Chichi was not discouraged: "I liked playing games when I was very young. At that time, under the guise of buying a learning machine to practice typing, I owned the first game console. I still remember that the first game I played was " Battle of Tanks. Boss, have you played this game?"

"I have practiced Sanda since I was young."

"Oh, what a miserable childhood."


"I drink water if I have an uncomfortable throat, and cough or cough, interrupting my thoughts." Chen Chichi stunned Zheng Kai and continued to say to Mai Xiaoyu: "Who hasn't had a miserable childhood? My childhood was too. It's tragic."

"Boss, let me tell you, just for the game "Tank War", it seems that the picture is rough and rough now, but when I was a child, I was obsessed with it. My parents watched it tightly during the day, and I could only wait for the night. After they fell asleep, they sneaked up to play."

"You don't know how difficult it is for me to play a game. The installation must be light, the handle cannot be pressed too hard, the card insertion and removal must be slowed down by three times, just like the slow motion in the movie, for fear Make a noise to wake up my parents."

"But I did it to the extreme. My parents would still kill me after falling asleep. Do you know what it feels like to be caught in the middle of the night? If I lie again at some time, I guess it won’t be something that can be solved by being beaten."

"My idea at the time was very simple: I can hit me, and I must not hurt my game console. I really love to play. It has become a habit to be beaten every three to five. In order to play games, I am willing to risk being beaten."

Chen Chichi recounted his childhood experience, with a hint of excitement on his face.

Mai Xiaoyu couldn't stand it anymore: "How do you feel that you are a bit cheap?"

Zheng Kai made up the knife: "Boss, you feel so right, this product is so cheap at school. Because of him, our bedroom is very messy, and the clothes are all mixed together..."

"Hey hey hey, God of Drama, speak conscientiously, our dormitory is dirty and messy, is it me alone?"

"But you are the only one to cut the appendix."

Chen Chichi: "..."

Zheng Kai continued: "Boss, think about it. He has lived in a dirty environment for a long time. It is difficult to think about illness, so he committed appendicitis."

"What does my appendicitis have to do with this, you also live in a dormitory with me."

"But you are too addicted to games, and you spend more time in the dormitory. The boss, let me tell you, you don’t know how many puzzle games he has. Whenever you have time, you can play "World of Warcraft" in the dormitory, team up with people, download dungeons, You can't imagine how crazy it is to buy equipment."

"Yes, you are the best. Every day you run an advertising company to pick up advertisements, the new generation of advertising little princes from the school, or everyone calls you the **** of drama."

"That's better than playing games in Tiantianwo dormitory."

"I still said that, the day I went to cut the appendix, I should have the doctor cut your appendix as well."

Seeing that the pair of appendix brothers was about to quarrel, Mai Xiaoyu bent over and fumbled under the seat, took out two crosshead screwdrivers, and handed them over.

"If you can do it, don't beep. Come on, one by one, and directly poke each other."

Zheng Kai: "..."

Chen Chichi: "..."

"What? Just move your mouth." Mai Xiaoyu retracted the screwdriver, "You two are in a tacit understanding, but it's too tender to come with me."

The routine was seen through, Zheng Kai and Chen Chichi looked at each other with an anguished look.

Chen Chichi changed his routine: "Boss, Brother Xi said that you are not such a stingy person."

"I have a treat, everyone is here, but you two can't see you. If you don't answer the phone, I have to go and invite me personally. You have a big face."

"Mr. Mai, you didn't show up, his face is very big."

Seeing that the two were preparing for a routine again, Mai Xiaoyu once again showed the two screwdrivers in his hand, and the appendix brother was silent.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at them and asked blankly: "How do you choose between playing games and filming?"

"It must be filming."

"Yes, games are just leisure activities."

"OK, as long as the leisure activities are legal, the company will not interfere. But we are a film and television company, not an e-sports team, understand?"

"We understand that we just use our free time to relax and change our minds, and we won't delay business matters."

"Today is an accident, there will definitely not be another time."

"Next time I will pick an Internet cafe that is farther away, so I can't find you?" Mai Xiaoyu joked, and immediately became serious. "Playing games belongs to your personal interest. I have no right to intervene, but if it is because Games influence filming... The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is actors. Don't think that you are young, you can squander your youth at will."

"Boss, we remember."

"I'll call that Wang Kai later and ask him to check out the machine for us."

"Let's put this aside beforehand, let's go on to talk about you two who are talking bad about me behind your back."

"Boss..." Chen Chichi was dumbfounded.

Mai Xiaoyu gave a light cough and asked, "Wang Kai, how did you two get together with him?"

Zheng Kai thought that Mai Xiaoyu was worried that they might cause unnecessary trouble to the "Love Apartment" broadcast next winter vacation, and immediately explained: "I happened to know each other."


It is indeed a coincidence.

Chen Chichi's favorite is "World of Warcraft". After pulling Zheng Kai to the Internet cafe, and seeing that there is not much time, we played netbsp with Zheng Kai; it happened that Wang Kai next to him was also playing, and his level was good. Chen Chichi invited him to join him. All three of them were police officers and could still watch. Screen.

"……That's it."

Mai Xiaoyu thought a little: "It looks like, you guys are still having a good time playing?"

Chen Chichi nodded: "His level is pretty good, especially the use of sniper, which is much better than the **** of drama."

"In that case, after eating at noon, you two will go back to the Internet cafe and continue playing."

"Boss, we won't play anymore. After four o'clock in the afternoon, we are almost ready to prepare." Zheng Kai thought it was Mai Xiaoyu who was testing herself, and Chen Chichi responded quickly: "Boss, you shouldn't be right. Is Wang Kai interested?"

When he said this, Zheng Kai also reacted and looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled lightly and said, "You are smart. You should contact Wang Kaiduo first, understand his background information, understand his character, but don't tell him anything."

"Like the company testing us, let us test him?"

Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai were excited.

I remembered that I received a call from Xiaoxing Xiao, and the process of coming to Mengren for an interview, and being manipulated like a silly little guinea pig all the way, it felt very bad. But it feels very good to control the mouse by himself.

Chen Chichi was even more excited and asked, "Boss, do you have funds?"


Very happy for lunch.

The seven leading actors of "Love Apartment" are not very famous. For them, the most important thing is to have a filming and a leading role. As for the effect of the filmed TV series...the hits are the best, and the response is generally not unacceptable.

But Xiaoxing Xi is under pressure. Because of my own willfulness, the director of a well-known film is inappropriate, and I should make a TV series. Now it has become a "web drama". If it is smashed, his face will hurt.

So he attaches great importance to this sitcom and took the initiative to take over the promotion of the TV series. After dinner, I took people to the wheat leaf special effects and invested in the post-production of the mini short film.

Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai took a taxi to the Internet cafe. They took Mai Xiaoyu's mission and made a special call before going to make sure that Wang Kai was still waiting for them in the Internet cafe.

Liu Yan and Jin Wei are artists of Fiber Media. This time they specially set aside a day and a half to cooperate with the crew to shoot a series of mini-short films, which took up part of their working time and had to make up for it.

Meng Yuxing went to the airport. His plane was at 2:30 in the afternoon. Xiaoxing Xi arranged for someone to drive him.

Mai Xiaoyu drove home and took Zhao Liying and Yang Ying along the way.

"Love Apartment" is the first TV series starring Zhao Liying. She is very concerned about the broadcast of this series: "Mr. Mai, can't this series be broadcast on TV?"

"For now, that's it."

"Ah... this is the first TV show I starred in, and so is baby."

Yang Ying nodded, his face also a little frustrated: "Yes."

Mai Xiaoyu drove the car and looked at them through the rearview mirror: "You won't die if you don't broadcast it on TV. In this way, "Love Apartment" has become the pioneering work of the web drama Once it becomes popular, you, as the protagonists in the play, will also be recorded in the annals of history."

"Really?" Yang Ying was a little skeptical, "How do you feel that you are lying?"

"He is a lie. I tell you, he is the most lie, you must be careful. I tell you..."

Zhao Liying pulled Yang Ying, and whispered about Mai Xiaoyu's past "spotted deeds", like stealing cards from playing cards, crying Tangyan on the set, shouting "little fox", etc. As I talked, I was already overwhelmed with joy.

Yang Ying was also amused by Mai Xiaoyu's various methods of "bullying" people in the past, and he kept giggling.

The two little beauties were sitting in the back row, laughing and joking while talking, and pointing at Mai Xiaoyu, laughing staggeringly.

Mai Xiaoyu pretended to be angrily: "Ai Concubine!"

Zhao Liying was anxious: "Ah, you can't call me a concubine!"

Yang Ying Daqi: "Sister Liying, why did Brother Mai call your concubine?"

"It's not that he likes to bully me!"

"Ai Concubine, you keep saying bad things about me, saying that I often lie to people, and that I bully people. Well, I just lied to you, and your rewards are gone."


Because of Zhao Liying's hard work, during the filming of "Love Apartment", Mai Xiaoyu promised to start a big drama for her!


How does this work!

Zhao Liying almost jumped up and started to sell cute with the back of her chair: "Mr. Mai, I didn't say anything just now. Did you hear me wrong? How can I say that you are a bad person for such a cute girl?"

"Why don't I call you Brother Mai too, okay?"

"You promised my reward for almost half a year, why hasn't there been any movement?"

"You are a big man, big boss, you can't speak without counting."

"Has Mr. Azheng's script been written? What themes, how much investment, and when will it start..."

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