The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 774: Dolphin TV is in a hurry


A new day begins.

The new director of Dolphin TV came to the station early in the morning, standing in front of the director of the advertising department.

"To make a long story short, I will have another meeting later."

"Leader, an advertiser came to me last night, hoping to arrange their advertisement during the broadcast of "Hit"."

"Isn't this a nonsense! You are the director of the advertising department, don't you know that the advertisements are already full?"

"But they bid very high, forty percent higher."

"Hi...Tell me what you think."

"That’s what I think. The time for the opening and closing of the film ads is actually not very full. You can squeeze out a few seconds of free time, and then squeeze out a few seconds from the ten o’clock show... I’ve counted it, fifteen. Seconds are no problem."

"Well, let me think about it and give you an answer before noon."

"Leader, I'm going out first, don't disturb your work, I'll wait for your call."

After the director of the advertising department left, ** leaned on the back of the chair with his arms around him and shook it lightly.

He came to Dolphin TV by air from above, and his family hasn't picked it up for the time being. He is still in Yanjing.

When talking with his wife on the phone last night, the wife told him that these days, his son came back from school to watch TV almost every night.

**'S son is now in college. The winter vacation is coming soon, and almost all of them are entering the final exam stage. The wife was worried that her son would be addicted to TV and not review well and fail the exam. She wanted him to talk to her son.

** I agreed, but my son didn't answer the phone because it would delay him from watching "I Love You by Fate".

When the wife called and said that her son had time to chat, I looked at the watch, it was almost ten o'clock, and the three episodes of "Hit" had just been broadcast tonight.

When the father and son talked on the phone, Xiao Hu made no secrets, and directly admitted that he had gone home every night recently and just wanted to watch "Hit."

It can be seen in the school, but a large group of classmates crowded in. The scents of fart, body odor, foot odor, and oily head were mixed together, and the air was too unpleasant.

And there are very few dormitories that have trouble. In order to watch "Hit", I had to grab a place early. A dormitory can fit people on the 20th to 30th. The upper and lower bunks next to the TV are all people, Wuyang Wuyang. You have to hold back when you go to the toilet, or you will lose your place when you come back from the toilet.

Do you want to be so hot?

**I also want to say a few words to my son, so that he can hurry up to review and prepare for the exam, and he can no longer hang two consecutive courses like last summer.

Student Xiao Hu responded to two sentences "I got it", and immediately proposed that he wanted the stand version of "Hit".

**It means that this is not true, Xiao Hu doesn't believe it at all.

"Aren't you the director? Everyone knows that Dolphin TV has a good relationship with Moeren. Say hello and ask Moeren to show me the Taiwanese video. I promise not to pass it on."

Have a good relationship with cute people?

** Speechless.

If it were Wang Yunshi, it would be a phone call, but he...

Forget it, let's consider the advice of the director of the advertising department.

He thought about it for a while, but hadn't considered whether it was suitable or not, and trusted the director of the film purchase department to call in.

"Leader, I'm afraid it's not easy to get the first broadcast rights of "Xia Family Three Thousand Gold"."

"A lot of competitors?"

"This is, Litchi TV, Yanjing TV, Blueberry TV, I have met people from several satellite TVs."

"What you do and the number of competitors mean that everyone is optimistic about this drama. I authorize you to be the master. No matter how high the price of cute people is, the premiere rights must be taken down."

"Leader, Mengren hasn't quoted yet."

"Then why don't you have confidence? Mengren will show you a look?"

"That’s not true. The person who received me was very polite, but I heard that Mango TV is talking about exclusives with Moeren, and the bid is very high. I’m surprised, Mango TV has never bought Moeren’s TV series before, Moeren I haven't found Mango TV to sell dramas. Why have the two companies changed their tempers this time..."

Why else, Dolphin TV changed the channel!

When Wang Yunshi was the director of the TV station, Mengren Film and Television and Dolphin TV were close partners. Every drama produced by Dolphin TV would definitely be counted as one of Dolphin TV.

Dolphin TV is also very righteous here. Even if the outside world is not optimistic about Moe's drama before it is broadcast, it will be bought at the market price, and Moe has never let Dolphin TV waste a penny.

After the establishment of the Mengren TV brand, Mango TV has not paid much attention to Mengren TV, but Mengren does not sell it because Dolphin TV and Mango TV are competitors.

Why is the relationship between Wang Yunshi and Mai Xiaoyu so good?

At first, it was because Wang Yunshi suspected that there were people on Mai Xiaoyu, because Mai Xiaoyu always had some ideas to increase the ratings of Dolphin TV. However, after the contact time was long, Wang Yunshi thought that Mai Xiaoyu was a good friend.

Just like Wang Yunshi never told Mai Xiaoyu not to sell the drama to Mango TV, his biggest competitor, but Mai Xiaoyu did that.

Now that Dolphin TV has changed the channel director, I can’t hide the fact that "Love Apartment ~ has broken the relationship between the two parties."

Of course, Mango Satellite TV had to take advantage of his illness and kill him, and grabbed the exclusive broadcast rights of "Xia Family Three Thousand Gold".

The actor Huo Jianhua, the most recent phenomenon-level male number in "Hit"; the heroine Tang Yan, the female number one in the hit drama "Stewardess" at the end of last year; last summer's hit drama "Fairy 3", the two men's sadomasochistic order Many viewers were crying.

There are also brands of cute idol dramas; the reputation of the top universal screenwriter Ah Zheng; the fame of "Stewardess" director Sun Yaxing; the prequel heroine of "Magic Phone", "Bao Lian Lan", "Bao Lian Lan", popular idol singer Shu Chang Popularity...

Is there any reason not to be optimistic about this show?

Why not grab exclusive broadcast rights?

Why can't the first-line satellite TV, the first-half satellite TV, and the ambitious second-tier top satellite TV sit still? Contacting Mengren wants to book the premiere rights of "Xia Jia" in advance because of this factor!

As for Mango Satellite TV, hehe, people are rich and powerful, as long as the drama is good, they are never short of money!

In recent years, Dolphin TV has been adhering to the foundation of establishing TV dramas, relying on more than cute dramas. However, Dolphin Satellite TV’s ratings have improved, and the cute drama has definitely played an indispensable role in boosting it!

Take "Hit", which is now on the air, as an example. The show itself has achieved remarkable results, and it has also contributed to the increase in the overall ratings of Dolphin TV. In the eight days of airing, the Dolphin Satellite TV channel has won 4 second-ranking all-day ratings and 2 of the best results in all-day ratings!

"Hey, leader, leader..."

The voice of the director of the film purchase department pulled the ** out of thinking.

He affirmed his instructions: "You told Mengren that we can speed up the settlement of several other dramas. If necessary, we can hint to them that if we cannot get the first broadcast rights, there may be force majeure in the payment of the balance. ."

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