Chapter 354 Damn it

  The border guards are still fighting, and the battlefield has shifted from the city walls to street fighting.

  The latter is more brutal and involves more civilians.

  Everyone has different choices at the moment of life and death.

  Some people will choose to escape, hoping that the farther away the better.

  Some people will stay where they think they can feel safe enough, the most common one is-home.

  From the moment the gate of Huju City was breached, the city became the final battlefield for the confrontation between the frontier army and Bei Rong.

  Bei Rong came here for food, yes.

In order to **** the food in Huju City, they planned for a long time, made many clever schemes, opened up several joints, and sacrificed the lives of many people. Only then did the city break down this day, and they tried to block them out with a solid city defense. The big city, trampled on underfoot, taking whatever you want...

  Blood and death easily touched their fragile heartstrings called 'humanity'.

  In the place where the people of Huju call their home, Bei Rong wields butcher knives and hunts every living life in the dark night.

  Failure needs to be sacrificed with blood, and victory also needs to be written with this bewitching blood color!

  Yan's second son was wrong!

  Bei Rong still haven't captured Hu Ju's barn, but that doesn't mean they won't do "excess things" as Yan Laoer said.

   Tigers occupy the city, like purgatory.

  When the night is no longer silent, there are only screams and heart-piercing cries, nervous laughter and the sudden end of whimpering "Help... life..."

   The feeling of suffocation drives everyone crazy.

  Yan Er Er is no exception.

  All his previous prudence, thinking of avoiding disaster, rationality of protecting oneself, and belief in surviving are constantly collapsing... faster and faster!

   Breathing became more and more rapid, not only his, but everyone on the roof!

   The irresistible impulse, the red eyes, the creaking sound of teeth grinding, all explain one thing:

   Their blood is not cold, but hot like magma, boiling hot!

  Liang Manshan put his hands on the ladder, and stared at Yan's second son.

   "Brother Huai'an, let's fight!"

  Yan Er Er's nerves crawled out at the entrance of the alley, and a figure in the shape of a woman crawled out. After being dragged back by a Bei Rong with a strange smile, it completely broke down!

  He seemed to be able to hear the sound of nails scraping on the slate...

   "Bastard! Bastard! Damn it, **** it! You damned it!" He stood up suddenly, unable to bear the time to climb down the ladder, and ran directly on the roof.

  The tiles kept falling along with his figure.

   At the moment when Bei Rong raised his head in surprise, Yan Er Er shot his arrow full of anger!

   One arrow—seal the throat!

   With his movement, everyone moves.

  They rushed over recklessly, looking like they were crazy, and they were about to tear apart.

   One by one, they jumped onto the street, rushed towards Bei Rong as far as they could see, exerted all their strength, and waved the knife in their hands, with only one thought in their minds, hack him to death, hack him to death...

   These Beirongs never expected that the World News is right in front of them, falling from the sky!

   Without any defense at all, he just died under the knife.

  Yan's second son squatted down with what little reason he had left.

  Can’t stand, standing too conspicuous...

   Just shot?


  How did you shoot?

never mind! that's not important.

   Anyway, it’s not the accuracy that he can get out of hard training...

   There was only a thud, and the tiles fell to the ground, smashing into pieces.

  He looked over stiffly, and saw his eldest nephew's mouth widened, stunned, with a look that he never expected.

  Yan Er sneered in his heart, what is this, I, Yan Er, am not the cowardly and cowardly Yan Er.

   Killing, this is not the first time for him!

  Kill the person who deserves to be killed, he has only a hard heart, and he will never be soft!

   It would be better if the legs were not so soft...

   "Uncle, Grand Master... Grand Master..." Yan Xiangheng pointed to the leaky piece of the roof, and swallowed: "Stepped on the void, fell down..."

  Yan’s second child: …

   Even an ellipsis can't express his mood at this time, so add another one.

  Yan’s second child: …

  He hurried over, looked down through the hole, and asked in a hoarse voice: "My lord... How are you, my lord?"

   "I'm fine." The old man's deep voice came from below.

  Liang Manshan hurriedly lowered the ladder.

   Several people hurried down the ladder.

  After checking it out, I was very lucky.

  The old man is fine, his legs and waist are all fine, but he was startled, and his arms were a little misaligned when he put his hands on the ground.

  No one here knows how to set bones, let alone give the Grand Master a try.

   I have to endure it first.

  If there is life, it will not be too late to see a doctor in the future.

   If the life is gone, it doesn't matter if the arm is good or not.

  Help the old man out, and then put a ladder for the brothers who just jumped off in anger to let them come up.

  Along with them, there are also the common people who narrowly escaped from those Bei Rong swords.

  Yan Lao Er searched around, but didn't see the dragged shadow, so he was silent.

   "Yan Er, the tiger is in the safest place in the city, except for the barn, don't think about it." Mr. Tian said slowly.

  Yan's second son thinks so.

  The structure of the government office is actually not bad, but who is called a tiger who is poor?

  The barn is different. The high wall is the same standard as the city defense. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is indeed a good place.

   Just can’t go.

  Liang Manshan suddenly said: "I think it's good to walk from a high place. Beirong didn't expect it. We can jump out suddenly and kill them by surprise."

  Yan Laoer wants to say that although the height is not very high, but unfortunately, he will sprain his feet...

  He looked at the government servants with solemn faces and burning eyes, and he clenched the bamboo crossbow in his hand.

"Then go from a high place, how many can be rescued, there are still frontier guards in the city, and the people who resisted, we still have a chance, the beacon is lit, the reinforcements will definitely arrive, as long as we persist until that moment... You must persist until that moment!"

  Yan Er Er climbed up to the roof again, followed by many people, even the people who had just been rescued gritted their teeth and followed.

   And... Master Tian...

"My lord, you wait here. If we save people, we will tell them to come to the government office. Bei Rong has searched here before, and he probably won't come here in a short time. If they come, you... take them to the roof , or there is that kind of dry well that is not used, it is safe to hide in it..."

   In the worst case, look for people in wells all over the city in the future.

   If there is a future.


  Yan Yu decided to take the initiative and kill the ten or so Bei Rong outside the village first!

   There are simply too many enemies to wait until they are assembled.

  She asked Maomao to scan the number of arrow feathers carried by Beirong, and got a very exciting result.

  Bei Rong's arrows are not much left.

   They need a lot of people to besiege Huju. The dozen or so people outside, and the more than 300 people who are about to come, have more knives, less bows, and fewer arrows!

   It’s not that I can’t write this feeling in the middle of the night~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o~

   Zhai Zhai is quite satisfied with this chapter, he has written what I want~

Dramatic comedy elements are mixed into the tragedy, and the handling method may not satisfy the public's aesthetics, but I still prefer to write it this way. In various difficulties, we must still remain optimistic. The general tone of this light-hearted book will continue To the end, firm and unchanged~! hey hey hey~~~



  (end of this chapter)

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