The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family

Chapter 521: I want to protect (ask for a monthly ticket!)

  Chapter 521 I want to protect you (ask for a monthly pass!)

  Eunuch Li can see it. Eunuch Wang is very protective of his newly recognized god-granddaughter, and he can't say anything about it.

   "Since you let this child show his strength in front of me, you must have some thoughts in your heart. You might as well talk about it."

  Wang Deshan was deeply moved.

  Speaking of which, Li Lianji was brought out by him.

At that time, he became the supervisor of Zhidian a year earlier than this little old man. The so-called supervisor of Zhidian was in charge of sweeping and sweeping the verandahs of the halls. , Sweep the fallen leaves frequently in autumn, and the winter solstice will be clear when the snow falls...

  Four seasons of the year, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, there is no leisure time.

  At that time, they were all young eunuchs who had just entered the palace. They had only been taught for a few days, and then they were assigned to work in various places. The rules engraved in their bones were all made out of mistakes.

Li Lianji was only eight years old when he entered the palace, he would be old enough, he was the youngest in their group, the **** in charge thought he was clever, and he recovered quickly after castration, so he was sent to the Shangshan Supervisor, they were all envious of him at the time No, although they have not been in the palace for a long time, everyone knows that the Shangshan Supervisor is full of luxuries, but these little eunuchs can't find any decent jobs, can't get rewards, at least they don't lose money!

  But because the job was so good, within a few days, Li Lianji was pushed down and went to the Bell and Drum Division.

The Bell and Drum Division is in charge of music and dance, acting, and juggling in the palace. Li Lianji learned juggling for half a year, and then accidentally fell from a high place and broke his leg. The Bell and Drum Division returned him and raised him for several months After the injury, he finally did not lose his disability. After recovering from the injury, he was assigned to the Zhidian Supervisor, and he was taken by Wang Deshan.

In the palace, he had a lot of skills. He paid homage to his godfather and learned the skill of making tea. When practicing, Li Lianji drank the tea he made, and the two of them also searched around for good tea. …

  Later, he relied on this housekeeping ability to get in the side of Zhao Xuan and now Concubine Zhao Shu. As Zhao Niangniang became favored, the people around them also rose with the tide.

  He just gave Li Lianji a hand. He didn’t want to get lucky with him, jumping from Yinshoujian to Yumajian and then to Silijian...

   It's really over the top!

  Although he, Wang Deshan, is the number one person around the King of England, and his speech in the Palace of the King of England has some weight, but compared with this little old man, he is far behind.

  People in the palace are the most realistic. Age and seniority are all fictitious. The real qualifications are whether they have real power or not.

  Wang Deshan: "Our mistress is so good, you can help find someone who is capable, and my brother has never asked you for anything, that's all."

  Eunuch Li glanced at Yan Yu.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Wang Deshan said again: "Xiao Er is very filial, I am already this age, and the rest of the day can be all depended on her to take care of me, just this one, it is not difficult for you, You pay attention to..."

Eunuch Li sighed lightly, and said: "Once you have learned all the skills, you will not be content with the inner house. Those female officials in the court are examples. If you get more here, you need less there. You and I understand these principles. "

"There are too many noble girls who are difficult to marry in the capital, but I don't see any left." Wang Deshan said in a low voice: "The two families are married because they are of equal family status and help each other... Don't talk about being so far away to scare me , Just say that brother is doing this favor, will you help me or not..."

  Wang Deshan lowered his face and looked straight at Eunuch Li.

The latter laughed angrily. Who is he doing all this for? He expects the child to provide for the elderly, and he also finds a good teacher for her. The child will be more capable, and his heart will grow up. hard to say...

   When it comes to acknowledging a kinship, where can it compare to the palace.

   Father-in-laws adopt sons, and the most powerful and proud one is definitely not the one who stays with them at the end.

  Be filial, better be stupid...

   "Little Er, it's hard work to learn skills!" Eunuch Li turned his head and said to Yan Yu.

  Yan Yu listened to her father's words and was very obedient, but she couldn't stop talking when he was handed over.

"Grandpa Li, I'm not afraid of suffering. Our Guanzhou is not peaceful. Only those who are capable can live well. The godfather bought land in our village. When the weather is warmer, we will build a house. Beirong climbed over the mountain next to our village. I can't guarantee that there won't be a next time. Not only do I have to be filial to the godfather, but I also have to protect the godfather and the whole family. If I learn the skills well, I want to protect our village and our tigers. .”

No matter whether it is Yan Huaiwen, Wang Deshan, or Yan Laoer and Li Xuemei, when it comes to choosing a teacher for Yan Yu, they are all laissez-faire. Yan Laoer and Li Xuemei feel that they can't choose, which one can come Which one is it? Yan Huaiwen and Wang Deshan know it well in their minds. The court lady does not refer to a single person, but a whole. Now that the court is in decline, they are more united. With Yan Yu's qualifications, no matter who is coming, find When there is nothing to teach, there will naturally be successors to take over.

  Yan Yu has her own ideas.

   This is also the first time she expressed her appeal to the teacher.

  That's right, she hopes that the teacher who came to teach her has the ability to hurt Bei Rong.

   It can be superior in force, it can be good at the art of war, in short, no matter what it is, it is best to meet her needs first.

  Eunuch Li laughed so hard that tears came out, he touched the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and said happily: "Brother, your second child is ambitious, and this is to find a martial arts master among the female officials!"

   "Children are ignorant..." Wang Gonggong said this, and he felt very good in his heart. The corners of his mouth curled up and he couldn't come down.

  Listen to what his second child said, not only to be filial, but also to protect, oh, his good grandson, it's so sweet!

   "There are those who can do it twice." Eunuch Li laughed enough, and said seriously: "There are also those who are good at arithmetic."

  Yan Yu looked at Wang Gonggong.

  Eunuch Wang smiled and said: "Everything is fine, we are satisfied with whoever comes."

  Eunuch Li nodded and said: "There is really no reason for us to pick and choose. I will talk to the other side about Xiaoer's situation in detail, and see which one of them is willing to come."

  Eunuch Wang was overjoyed, knowing that since he said so, not only did he agree, but he was also guaranteed to find a teacher for Xiao Er.

  The two talked again, and Eunuch Li left.

  The identities are different. Although there are personal friends, it is not suitable to get together for too long.

   "Grandpa, why did Eunuch Li talk about arithmetic?" Yan Yu didn't speak just now, because she was vaguely aware that the two grandpas might be playing tricks, and she couldn't be sure.

"Your grandpa Li is a fine person. He knows your little thoughts, so he can just follow you. You have to deal with Beirong. What is this war? Yes, right way."

  What Wang Gonggong didn’t say was that the former imperial court could prolong their lives to this day, and they were more proficient in arithmetic than calculating people’s hearts...

  If it wasn't for being repeatedly suppressed and its wings cut off, the Muting court would not be in the current situation.

   The second update is coming~

   Writing is really too slow~~~

   Go to bed first, and wait until you get up to see if there are many tickets~

   If there are more votes, the third one will be fought after returning home after the injection, if there are few, then... hehehe~~~~



  (end of this chapter)

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