The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family

Chapter 544: Pang Xiaopang (two in one

  The next day, Yan Yu began to give her father special pre-exam training.

  Can’t live at home yet, on the road, in the village, at the charcoal field, at the repairing site of various dilapidated houses...

  The focus is on a person who studies hard and has been trained for a long time.

  First brush through the basic original questions in the mathematics book, and then do it again after making a slight change. Brush the wrong questions three times...The classic original questions will be silent...

  Then there is the recitation that Yan Laoer is familiar with, trying to be able to come up with the first sentence and think of the next sentence, and silently recite the previous sentence when there is a second sentence, know the source, and write difficult words well...

  Yan Yu is a person who has a horizontal comparison of her own level.

   Like her elder brother, like Liang Tongsheng.

  Liang Tongsheng is better at reading more than her. Whether it is words or articles, writing is definitely better than her, but it can be said that she has a deep understanding, logical arrangement and the main point of the full text... I am afraid that she is better.

  Yan Xiangheng is a little worse than Liang Tongsheng. This is an advantage in age, which can only be leveled with time.

   At least two or three years, this gap is difficult to make up.

  Uncle once said that the eldest brother is a scholar, so by comparison, we can see that her level is almost equal to that of a scholar?

   So Yan Yu asked herself whether she could do it by tutoring her father, a scumbag with pre-exam syndrome.

  Really letting him go to Mr. Cheng, she was worried.

   Of these adults I have come into contact with, one counts as one, and none of them are simple.

  Think about it too, they are all elites who have been slaughtered from the imperial examination field by thousands of troops, and they have been officials for many years, which one is given for nothing?

  Master Cheng is just picky, a master who likes to pass gossip with his master, and knows everything about the commotion in Yongning City, big and small, can her father hide it?

   If you really get close to Mr. Cheng, you might be noticed something.

  Her godfather let them know that she couldn't speak out even if she was killed.

   It’s not that it’s serious when people know about it, but that her godfather got the news from the King of England.

  What is a confidant?

   Only trustworthy people can be called confidantes.

  In the view of the superior, you can do some things secretly, but he doesn't care.

  But if you do things with your mouth, it is not so reassuring.

  Yan Yu also considered whether to send a letter to her eldest brother.

  After thinking about it, at her elder brother's really isn't necessary.

  Uncle pays great attention to the teaching of their practice, so the elder brother is good at arts and sciences, and he is not lame.

   "Xiao Er, the method you said really works. Look, we made it yesterday!" said the little dog excitedly.

  How could Yan Yu not think of the difficulty of getting ice that Yan's second child thought of.

   In this season of dripping ice, what could be faster than using molds to freeze ice!

  As long as there is a corresponding mold, it will take two or three more hours to freeze the shape they want.

Yan Yu and the others used local materials, and they used ice cubes. It took them a lot of work to dig out these two large ice troughs. They put soil and hay clippings in them to separate them, and the deicing went smoothly. Adhesion, just repair it with a file.

After the inspection, Yan Yu said: "It seems that the ice mold is not good, the adhesion is too strong, we want to save trouble, it is best to pour it in and out and shape it, the square wooden box at my house will be moved over to try, if it works, I will Remember that you have some at home, bring them all."

Square wooden boxes became popular for a while, because the Yan family used them, and the village followed suit to make some. The shape is simple, and the materials are easy to obtain. You can also make rough boards at home. Of course, the effect of filling water is good or bad. Later, the big guys I still feel that the drum is easy to use, so the square box is idle.

  I used it for a while when pressing the fodder, and then let it go again.

   Now look, huh? Can it still come in handy?

  The children didn't wait for Yan Yu to finish the experiment, they pulled their own small sledges and rushed home.

  That’s right, the children in our Xiao’an village are so famous when they travel.

   Don’t be afraid if you don’t have a dog at home, they can pull it by themselves, running not much slower than a dog...

  Yan Yu was about to calculate the amount of ice to use when he slapped his forehead.

   What a ready-made arithmetic problem!

   "Father! Come help me count!" Yan Yu shouted.

  Yan’s second child is nestling in the igloo built by the children on the river to do the quizzes. Let alone, this igloo looks cold, but it’s really okay to stay there.

  Light the fire, and the fire will make the ice cubes glow red, beautiful and warm.

   "Come on, come on!" Yan Er Er walked out, immediately felt the severe cold outside, shrunk his neck.

   "What is it?"

   "Calculate the amount of ice used in this igloo." Yan Yu said.

   "It still needs to be calculated, you can find a child to count." Yan Laoer said subconsciously.

   "Father! This is a problem that needs to be solved by mathematics in real life!" Yan Yu said sullenly: "If you use numbers for everything, why do people still need to study mathematics, just count!"

   "You're right, I'll count!" Yan Lao Er didn't argue with his daughter, mainly because he couldn't say it...

Yan Yu was still babbling at the side: "Anything is fine for the solution, easy or difficult, it's all for solving the problem. Except for the few original questions, you need to write down the steps well, and you can feel free to write down the other steps. Play, the key is right or wrong, which is much better than my previous exams. We were not allowed to make mistakes in any step, and we may not give points if we use super-class solutions. It is common for a problem to solve a full sheet of paper. The bigger words have to be written on the back..."

"Girl! It takes a lot of work to make your igloo. Even if you use a mold to remove the ice, it is also laborious. In fact, an igloo can also be made. Look at the thick snow on the ground. Building an igloo is much faster than building an igloo." Yan Laoer couldn't help but said.

   "Father, you are too careless to observe. Didn't you realize that there are only half of the people here? Most of them are making snow bags in the village!" Yan Yu rolled his eyes.

  Take their Boy Scouts too seriously.

   Her father didn't even notice such a big project!

   Igloos are naturally faster and better than igloos.

  However, Yan Yu decided to experiment with the igloo in consideration of its durability and her idea of ​​an ice cover.

   In other words, the children here belong to the research and development group.

  Yan’s second child has closed the microphone.

  Go back to the igloo to do the questions.

  The children came back with a wooden box in a short time.

   Quite a lot.

   It is much easier to freeze the ice in a wooden box, just cut a hole in the river surface, and just pour water into it.

  While scooping water, you can also catch fish by the way, killing two birds with one stone. The children had a great time doing it.

  At noon, Master Lu came over.

   "Xiao Er, I saw the snow bag you piled up. It's not good to pile it too big. It's cold and the snow can stand. If the sun comes out, the roof will collapse easily. It's best to find something to support it..."

  Master Lu put forward several suggestions based on his years of experience in repairing houses.

  Yan Yu couldn't help nodding, the children formed a circle, and what you said was childish or feasible.

  Master Lu was too busy, so he left after a few words.

  When the meal was approaching, everyone was hungry, and they began to rummage for the stove and pot they brought, and boiled water from the ice hole, and then cleaned up the fish they caught, cut them into pieces of different sizes and threw them into the pot.

  The water is boiled and the fish is cooked.

  Put a little salt on it, and the salty smell wafts out, and the children's stomachs gurgled one after another. You look at me and I look at you, laughing hard.

   Don’t be too busy to eat fish, everyone warms their stomachs with fish soup first.

  Add water and throw in the dried vegetables that are dried at home.

  Wait until the dried vegetables are slowly stretched out, the fish meat is already stewed and melted into the soup.

  The children took out the pancakes and skillfully rolled the dish with a small amount of fish.

  Yan Yu neatly rolled one for her father.

   And then your own.

  The hot dishes and hot soup soften the pancakes that were still dry and hard just now. Take a bite, and then take a bite of fresh fish soup, not to mention how delicious it is!

   "Xiaoer! Yan Xiaoer! Is that you!" someone shouted from across the river.

  Yan Yu heard it familiar, and looked in that direction.

  I saw a carriage parked on the other side of the river, and the little chubby standing on the carriage...

  Which little fat man is not the prefect Pang's family!

   "Xiao Pang...Master?"

   "It's you! Yan Xiaoer! Hahahaha! I found it!" The little fat man happily jumped off the frame and trotted all the way.

  Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a round ball rolling towards Yan Yu.

  Where is his identity, Yan Yu was too embarrassed to stand still and wait, and took the initiative to meet him.

   "Young Master Pang, are you... looking for me on purpose?" Yan Yu asked.

   She has the friendship of playmates in the Royal Palace. Before the Chinese New Year, she gave New Year gifts to the little sisters who tug-of-war together and the little fat man who has been standing and cheering for her.

  Every family has a return gift, it is not easy for the little girls to go out, but the little fat man is not in the way, and he went out to play with Yan Yu years ago.

  The two chubby guys wandered the streets together, went to shops to pick out gifts for their families, went to restaurants for dinner, and went outside the city to set off firecrackers brought by Young Master Pang...

   I had a great time.

   "Didn't you say that, you call me Xiao Pang, and I call you Xiao Er, no matter how big or small we are brothers, we are good brothers!" Pang Xiaopang corrected seriously.

   "It's my fault, I'll make it up to you, then, Xiao Pang, do you have something to do with me?" Yan Yu asked.

Pang Xiaopang stopped to catch his breath, and said: "I went to your house to find you, and told you that you had returned to the village. I remember you said that your village is next to the Dashi Bridge, so you came out to try your luck. Haha, it really made me I found it!"

   "I'm looking for you. It's not a matter, it's a big matter, a very important matter, otherwise I don't want to come out in such a cold day." The little fat man said seriously.

  Although he could hear his serious tone, it was really hard to look serious on this round face.

  Yan Yu's face was tense, and she took good care of her brother's emotions: "Xiao Pang, please tell me!"

   "Xiao Er, are your father and elder brother going to take the county test?" the little fat man asked very reservedly.

  As soon as he started, Yan Yu guessed what he was going to say.

   Whether you should say it or not, this little fat man can do it, he will really come to inform you if something happens!

   "Yes, in February."

  The little fat man said mysteriously: "I heard that the exam time will be advanced, and the list will be published in the next few days. The information is accurate. You believe me, let your father and elder brother prepare."

  Yan Yu: …

  Exercising her usual acting skills, she made an expression of three points of surprise, three points of touch, three points of excitement and one point of hesitation.

   "This... is true!! We are good brothers, you ran out in the cold and told me, Xiao Pang, I believe you! This news is so useful! I don't even know how to thank you..."

  The little fat man smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "We are good brothers, of course I will take care of you!"

  Yan Yu: "Have you eaten yet? Do you want to drink the soup made from fresh fish just fished out of the river?"

  It's okay if she doesn't introduce, as soon as she introduces, the little fat man has a picture in his mind.

  The lively fish jumped into the pot with its tail flicking, and boiled a pot of milky white soup for itself... Suck it up!

   "It's been a while since I came out, and my stomach is a little empty." The little fat man answered honestly.

   "Then let's eat together?"

   "Oh!" Pang Xiaopang nodded heavily.


"Mom, you don't even know, Xiao Er's village is so much fun!" Pang Xiaopang gestured excitedly with his two chubby hands: "There is a river next to their village, if you dig a hole in the ice, the fish will come up foolishly." Blow bubbles, then fish them with a net, kill them and eat them now, it's fresh!

  By the way, mother, the fish I brought back must be raised for me. Don’t freeze to death. When Dad comes back from the yamen, cook it for him now. Really, it can freshen Dad’s tongue! "

   "Good! Good!" Mrs. Pang agreed with a smile: "My son is filial, and I will let your father taste the rare seafood in winter."

  She covered her mouth and smiled: "Let's wait and see if your father's tongue can still be kept..."

   "Is it safe to keep what?" Pang Daren listened, but couldn't hear it clearly, and asked aloud after stepping in.

   "Master is back!" Mrs. Pang stood up and personally helped him change his clothes and freshen up.

  The girl next to her gave Mrs. Pang a hand.

   Was taken away by the little fat man winking, and brought the water basin by himself.


  Pang Daren glanced at him, and the child's face flushed.

  He couldn't help touching his forehead.


  Madam Pang guessed what he was thinking, and chuckled.

"He's not hot, he's happy. He's been torturing me for a long time today. He insisted on going out to play with the little boy from the Yan family. I couldn't be beaten by him, so he agreed. No, I went to the little boy where the Yan family lives. Ancun, it looks fresh everywhere. They dig ice in winter to catch fish, and he caught up with him. He didn’t forget to bring back a few tails for the master. They are all alive when they are tired of water. I have already ordered the cook, The master will kill the fish as soon as he enters the door, wait for a while, let us also taste the fish soup that can freshen the tongue in Ah Fu's mouth."

  A Fu is Pang Xiaopang's nickname.

   "More than that! I haven't finished yet, Xiaoer and his village have built big igloos and snow houses! Each of them looks like a big snowdrift, but the inside is actually empty, and people can live in it."

He was afraid that his father and mother would not believe him, so he hurriedly gave an example: "Father, mother, don't believe it, it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. The little girl's father was reciting books in that igloo. There was light that could come in. It wasn't dark, so light it on fire." It's not cold, Xiao Er even put a table and bench in it for her father, as well as pens, inks, papers and inkstones..."

   "Igloo? Is it all made of ice?" Mrs. Pang was surprised.

   "Studying hard in an igloo? Is it a cantilever-like method?" Pang Daren also became interested.

   Pang Xiaopang was very happy to see that his parents were waiting for him to write.

   continued: "Xiao Er and the others are still trying to build a bigger igloo, saying that they want to cover the crushed house."

  He racked his brains to recall the words of the children from Xiao'an Village.

  "The children in that village said that if it is done, no matter how heavy the snow is, the snowflakes will fall on the igloo, and the igloo is round, and they can pull it with a broom, and the snow will slide down the igloo..."

   Typos are corrected first and then corrected~

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