The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family

Chapter 567: The second most capable person in Xiao'an Village

  Yan Lao Er's mind changed quickly.

   To put it bluntly, going to Xizhou to buy coal is essentially a business.

   Coal is in short supply.

  Party B's needs are urgent, and Party A is more difficult to deal with.

  Thinking about it this way, it’s much easier to understand.

  The crown prince came forward to connect with the upper echelon, so he couldn't do everything by himself, and some people were needed at the bottom to do things.

  He is fighting for this spot.

   Then at this time, what he has to do is to show his advantages to the big boss.

  Yan's second child's chatterbox opened.

"...We came from Qishan's hometown based on a mileage map. Most people in the village have never traveled far. Now that I think about it, we are lucky. Although there were many twists and turns on the road, we finally arrived in Guanzhou safely. gone."

   "It's cold here, but it's hot in our hometown. I don't know what God is thinking. It's good to be even. I didn't expect the method of burning charcoal in the old book I bought earlier to come in handy.

My lord, you can clearly see that our family didn't make that black-hearted money. We burn charcoal and sell charcoal according to our duties...That's right, these businessmen are cunning, if we really sell it cheaply, if we don't benefit from ordinary people, those big households will pay for it. If you pour one hand in the middle, you don't know what price it will be when you sell it.

   In the final analysis, there is still not enough charcoal... I heard that the prince is going to Xizhou to buy coal. If the coal can be shipped in at this juncture, we can lower the price of charcoal. Oh, that would be great! "Yan Laoer said expectantly.

   King Ying quite liked listening to Yan Huai'an's nagging.

   Mainly because of preconceived ideas, knowing that he is a talkative person, I don't think it is too abrupt.

  In the first grade of junior high school, I felt a bit earthy, and the local accent was really heavy.

   It was totally different from the scholars he had seen.

  Listen, listen, Yan Huai'an didn't say a single word of falsehood, he just told the truth, and what he said was what they had seen and heard about fleeing the famine and the business they started after they arrived in Guanzhou.

  The King of England gradually listened.

  While listening to it, I was still feeling emotional, this Yan Huai'an has really experienced a lot.

  The name of his brother Yan Huaiwen, which appeared several times in the middle, left a deep impression on him.

  In Yan Huai'an's narration, it was his elder brother Yan Huaiwen who made the big idea, and he and a group of villagers cooperated.

  Yan Huaiwen can be described as the magic needle of Dinghai in Xiao'an Village.

It is rare for the king of Ying to meet a person who has a lot of knowledge and loves to talk. He is sitting on the warm kang and eating casual dishes. pour on...

  He took a sip, it was not mellow enough and a bit sour, no matter how tight the palace was, this was the first time the King of England drank such a bad wine.

  But... Coupled with the nagging voice in my ear, I think it's okay.


   "Is your father going to drink for the prince?" Wang Deshan asked softly, looking through the window of the opposite room.

  Yan Yu chuckled: "The prince is an honored guest, and the honored guest came, so why don't we entertain him with food and drink?"

   "What the **** idea?" Wang Deshan asked with a light smile.

  At the beginning, only Xiaoer’s father was talking, but later on, the prince’s voice was gradually heard, and the voices of the two became higher and higher, occasionally mixed with a little laughter, so it was clear that the two were having a good chat.

   Therefore, none of them bothered in the past.

  It is rare for the prince to enjoy himself so much.

"Grandfather, our family is currently supplying the charcoal of Yongning City, and the pressure is too great!" Yan Yu said miserably: "If the coal can't be bought back, or if the coal is not enough, our business will have to be destroyed. collapse!

I learned my arithmetic and business classics from my father. He, a famous scholar, settled my account as soon as he finished his exams. He made me angry. Lord, you can feel my father's enthusiasm. I hope the prince will also I can feel that my father... wants to go to Xizhou with the son, and he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't see the coal back with his own eyes. Yan Yu lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice, "If it wasn't for my little inconvenience to follow, I would also like to go. Whether the reputation that our charcoal plant has built up with great difficulty can be preserved depends on this time." "

  Wang Deshan narrowed his eyes and asked uncertainly, "Is it so serious?"

  Yan Yu nodded like pounding garlic.

"It's quite serious. If you want to do business for a long time, you rely on a reputation. We and the nearby charcoal field have robbed the business, so it's not easy to increase. If this increase, other companies will follow up and sell it. We What's the difference with them? Besides, the price of carbon this year is already very scary, and it really can't go up.

  Our family is a new charcoal market. If we fluctuate up and down, and keep our promises, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the market in the future.

The current charcoal storage can last for a while, mainly relying on firewood subsidies, and the relief points in the city also help to share some. In fact, not only our family, but also the charcoal farms do not have much charcoal storage. …

  Master, we are worried that the price of charcoal will rise again, and we are even more worried that there will be no charcoal to sell in the market..."

  Wang Deshan narrowed his eyes, his face remained calm, and he only nodded slightly.

   "Uncle Wang, would you like some more?" Qi Wu asked in a low voice.

  Wang Deshan turned around, and saw Qi Wu holding a large bowl of rotten noodles.

   "I'm full, you can eat." Wang Deshan said kindly.

   "Xiao Er, then you eat." Qi Wu didn't need to ask her if she was hungry, everyone was the same person, the only difference was in size.

   "Hey!" Yan Yu happily took the bowl, walked over quickly, and scooped brine for herself from the basin.

   While balding the noodles, he pointed to Qi Da who was still cutting the noodles with a knife.

"Uncle Qi, make your knife narrower. That's right, it's just right, otherwise it's too wide to cut your mouth...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Let's look at the next pot together, it will take less time to cook, it will definitely be stronger than this one!"

  Qi Da and Qi Wu attached great importance to Xiao Er's suggestions for improvement and nodded repeatedly.

  Yan Laoer accompanied the prince to eat, but it was hard for them, so he could only cook the noodles by himself.

   Fortunately, there is a stew made by Yan Lao Er in advance.

  Xiaoer knows how to knead noodles, Qi Daxue learns how to roll and cut, Qi Wu learns to cook...

   After stumbling, I finally made it out.


"This Yan Huai'an keeps talking about his elder brother, but I'm not sure how talented Yan Huaiwen is, but Huai'an knows the direction, can read pictures, understands the economy, and is good at communicating with people..." King Ying was full of alcohol, his eyes were loose, Said: "Wang Deshan, tell me, how about letting this Yan Huai'an go to Xizhou with the son?"

  Wang Deshan pretended to be hesitant: "My lord, my son has packed his luggage and assembled his troops and horses. The trip is about to start tomorrow. Would it be too hasty..."

The King of Ying thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Rush is just a rush for Yan Huai'an alone, I want to see if he is really capable of doing things, or is he bragging to me, you don't know, what he said is that he is from Xiao'an Village Except for his elder brother who is the second most capable, haha, this time when buying coal in Xizhou, this king happens to know a thing or two..."

  Wang Deshan hurriedly said: "The old slave immediately sent someone to Yan's house to deliver a letter, asking Xiaoer's father to set off with the eldest son tomorrow morning."

  When I came back in the afternoon, I wanted to squint for a while, but I didn’t expect to open my eyes after 21 o’clock...It’s bitter~o(*////▽////*)q~

  Recently time has been chaotic again, don’t worry about it, what’s the matter with you, there will be another update later, but don’t wait, don’t wait, watch it tomorrow morning~

  PS: Before voting monthly tickets for Zhai Zhai, go to the event post in the comment area to leave a message to participate. Leave a message first and then vote. You will get some coins. Don’t forget~(*^▽^*)~

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