Yan Yu pulled her aunt aside.

“Auntie, do you have so many mountain products at home?”

She helped her do the math, and her mother wrote down one stroke after another, which added up to a lot.

"My aunt's family is not enough. There are other families. Don't worry. These are the numbers your aunt and aunt in our village reported to me. I have made an agreement with them. I would rather say less than more. If this is not enough for others, If we still have the reputation of Xiao'an Village, your sister will be so ashamed that she can't be a human being." Mrs. Cui knew it in her heart. It was a good thing to help the sisters make money together, but she couldn't let herself get involved.

Yan Yu felt relieved after hearing what she said.

“Boy, I’ve become the boss of the business this time, so you can’t just let it go. They give me money, food, etc., and you have to keep an eye on it for me. We’re honest heads, don’t let them fool them.”

Even though Mrs. Cui was shouting loudly and her words were nice and open, she didn't feel at ease in her heart.

She didn't dare to calculate it carefully, and her heart was frightened just thinking about it.

 What a good guy, what a good guy, you can get such a big sum of money in this life!

"Don't worry, they can't bully us. If they dare to play tricks on us, they won't be able to leave the village." Yan Yu said domineeringly. These merchants from the south had better inquire more. They are not vegetarians in Xiao'an Village. of.


Yan Laoer went to the military camps of Longxing and Fengming early the next morning to keep in touch with friendly troops.

 The conversation is lively and the conversation goes smoothly.

The border troops from Longxing and Fengming came forward to collect medicinal materials and mountain products locally. Yan Laoer did it openly and did not ask others to pay in advance. He directly paid part of the deposit and sent a batch of grain.

Of course he did not leave empty-handed. The troops on both sides took away a lot of supplies captured from Beirong.

 Kang Da recalled Dong Weng’s words and was filled with admiration.

This is what Yan Laoer said. Instead of letting them get greedy after seeing Huju selling cattle and sheep, and follow suit, it is better to help them and ensure that only he sells the goods, so that these people do not understand anything and confuse the market. .

Long Xing and Fengming both of the border troops thought of him well. No, they were about to send troops to Leshan Prefecture to suppress the bandits. The three border troops were at odds with each other and all wanted to go.

As soon as Yan Laoer made this move, Xue Baihu woke up in the morning and suddenly found that Long Xing and Feng Ming were very harmonious and their words were very conciliatory. He easily negotiated the boundaries of the land that Hu Ju was responsible for clearing. It was done, and I was shocked.

Xue Baihu felt very complicated when he found out the reason.

Yan Er is not good at fighting, but in other aspects, he is really superior to others.

 They know how to make money and food, and can get to know people quickly when they talk to each other. They have known each other for many years and have a sense of brotherhood. They are nothing when it comes to getting rich together.

These guys who were originally unconvinced because Yan Er was suddenly appointed as the general flag by the prince, look at it, they have changed in an instant.

 In the army, who doesn’t know the benefits of strong soldiers and horses? No matter how capable the soldier is, how can you let him starve? Why do the quartermasters yell and drink? It's not because they control the big guys' food and drink.

The imperial court's supply to Guanzhou has always been insufficient. The prince paid for it out of his own pocket, but he could barely maintain it. How many years has it been since the Guanzhou frontier army expanded its troops? It's because they don't want to, it's wrong, it's because they can't afford it.

Had it not been for the death of these old people, the tiger-dominated border army would not have any spare power to recruit new soldiers.

By other words, he also received news that the new soldiers sent by the imperial court to Hu Ju were about to arrive.

Xue Baihu couldn't help but murmur, maybe he was being plotted, right?

 Why did you vaguely hand over the task of training new recruits to Yan Laoer?

 This soldier trained by someone will listen to whose words...

  His! Yan Er originally had no foundation, but if he really mastered it, he would really be able to hold the title of general.

Xue Baihu thought about it and didn't panic. Yan Er was inexperienced, so he had to ask him if nothing happened.

 Thinking about it this way, I felt much more relaxed.

"Dad, how are you going to sell these old leathers that you have brought back? You told people last night that they were gone, but they are available again today. Those businessmen are worried." Yan Yu is not worried about cattle and sheep, but he is really worried about these dead things.

 It is not a good thing to have so many leather goods rushing into the market at once.

The more something is, the less valuable it is.

"These leathers are not for sale." Yan Laoer had a plan. "Look at this hide. It will take a lot of time to clean it out. It will definitely not be able to keep up with this group. I made it clear to them. If it is handed over to me, it will definitely not be the same as the price at the exhibition." Same thing, here we have to give water to the shopkeepers of each shop. They all know that, after giving me the price, it is basically the price of cattle and sheep. These leathers are considered to be matching, so they are free. I plan to squeeze them and see if I can get them. Make something and sell the finished product.”

Yan Yu became interested and asked: "Spinning wool and knitting sweaters?"

Yan Laoer nodded: "Leather can also be used as shoes. It is waterproof and warm. Not only those from the north, but also people from the south can wear them."

“Dad, who owns the profits from these leathers?” Yan Yu suddenly had an idea.

Yan Laoer was stunned when he was asked. He really hadn't thought about it.

I subconsciously felt that since the prices of cattle and sheep were close, these leathers were earned for nothing, and I was not afraid of getting them in my hands, so I thought about getting something to earn more.

 I forgot about this.

Yan Yu said slowly: "Dad, you were able to recruit soldiers because the uncles in the village gave you face. They didn't give you anything, and they took them away empty-handed."

Yan Laoer blushed.

 He didn’t understand it at first, but later he understood it and was really embarrassed.

Conscripts will be given a sum of money to settle down, and one to three months' salary will be paid in advance.

 Based on Guanzhou's conditions, don't even think about three months, usually one to two months.

 But he has nothing.

The same goes for Lao Xue, who didn't even tell him that if he saw someone, he wouldn't spit in his face.

 You’re trying to fool him into not understanding, right? !

Yan Yu is the roundworm in her father’s belly.

He looked at him with eyes that could see everything clearly and said: "The imperial court doesn't care about Guanzhou in the first place. The prince is poor. People everywhere are asking him for money. He can't make up for it by paying for it. How can he expect others? Dad?" , I’m afraid we can’t count on it.”

"The example is right in front of us. Our Huju militia has been so successful in its operations. We can just copy it. No one has stipulated that we can't provide money to support Huju's soldiers, right?"

Yan Yu just didn’t say clearly that we can raise our own troops.

 She knew it was taboo to say this.

Even if there are only two of them, father and daughter, they can't talk, for fear that if they get used to talking, they will be gibberish in the future.

"And Dad, I see that Uncle Xue had a flag when he was the chief flag. I have asked you about it. He made it himself. Let's make one too. Hang it up wherever you go. Yan Ziqi, oh my, so majestic!"

 The daughter looked at him with admiring eyes, and Yan Laoer fell down sweetly.

 “In the middle, let’s do it too.”

“Hehe! I’ll ask Jiuxiao to take a few more pictures, and then I’ll let Aunt Rong do it when she comes back. I’ll make sure it’s no worse than others.”

 Yan Yu's little calculations were making loud noises in her heart.

Yan Jiajun, under the Yan family, why not? That’s great!

 History tells us that as long as there is no rebellion, the soldiers who raise them belong to the same family.

She doesn’t want to do anything, she just wants to give herself a sense of security!

 Haven’t updated for many days~ I’m blushing~

Every time I get sick, I always rush to update without taking good care of myself. This time I really can't hold on anymore. My head hurts every time I cough. I can't sit still at all. My mind is empty, so I'll just update again when I'm really well.

 Looking back, I’ll make up some if I have the spare capacity~ (Only for this month, I can’t afford to make up too much, cough ()~~)

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