The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 206 Azuma: This is not the kind of strong man I want to fight (please vote)

boom! boom! boom!

Somewhere in the college was detonated again, and Azuma's strong figure slowly emerged from a thick old tree.

The lost magic called the Arc of the Big Tree can absorb the energy from the earth and concentrate it into fruits, causing explosions. It allows the user to blend into the big tree, and can also control the plants to attack and control.

The reason why we were able to break through the defense barrier of Demisol Magic Academy this time was because of his magic.

Azuma is a militant person who pursues powerful opponents. In this attack, although he did not kill as randomly as the previous two people, he did the most serious damage to the building.

Three explosions were a signal to declare war.

Azuma did not look back at the explosion, but crossed his arms and looked into the distance, whispering to himself: "Is it finally here? A powerful opponent who can let me fight seriously!"

A figure stepped out of the violent wind caused by the explosion. His knee-length cloak was white on the outside and blue on the inside. The originally crystal clear emerald gem in the necklace on his chest was now emitting a strange green light.

tread! tread!

The sound of heavy footsteps came from far away, and with each step, the white boots left a five centimeter deep footprint on the ground. At the same time, huge and solid dark magic power continued to overflow from the body, gradually covering the whole body.

"The rats in the gutter dare to run wild on my property. Are you tired of living?!"

Hearing the cold voice coming from the front, Azuma looked up and was suddenly shocked. He felt as if he had seen a demon crawling out of the dark hell.

Kenas should have had long pale golden hair, wearing a pure white slim-fitting dress, the same cloak and boots, but now, except for one exposed eye with a murderous cold light, her whole body There is only one color left above and below.

It's pitch black!

That's the color of her magic.


A pair of black gloves was thrown carelessly on the ground. Azuma's eyesight was very good, so with just a cursory glance, he noticed that there was a dark film on the inside of the gloves.

This film is much darker than the color of the glove itself. It is obviously not something that is originally there, but is due to the magic applied to it, which blocks and suppresses the magic power that the wearer usually escapes unconsciously, and in the long-term A product formed by precipitation.

Kenasi's eyes were so cold that she could freeze the surrounding area with frost. After taking off her gloves, her exposed hands were completely wrapped in this dark, gloomy and evil magic power. An extremely dangerous and violent magic power surged three feet away from her body.

Azuma's heart was beating wildly, his pupils were constricted, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: This woman's magic... is not simple!

"So strong! This kind of terrifying magic power is probably no weaker than the president..."

He made a prompt decision, stretched out his right hand and spread out his five fingers, and attacked first, calling on the power of the surrounding earth to condense around the woman, preparing to detonate it directly, but...


The surging magic power is like a sound wave, sweeping outwards without any blind spots. Wherever it passes, the originally condensed energy suddenly stagnates, weakens, and disappears.

"This is?!"

Without enough time to be surprised by his opponent's ability, Azuma tried again, using two range-attack magics at the same time.

"Sword of Branches!"

"Leaf Sword!"

Calling on the power of trees, countless branches and leaves condensed and formed in the air. The branch-leaf wooden swords were dense like rain and attacked in the direction of Kenas. However, before they could get close, they were swallowed up by the black magic power around her. The branch-leaf wooden swords were like rain. The sword instantly lost all kinetic energy, and even the magic power in it dissipated. The bearer of magic power, the overwhelming wooden sword with branches and leaves, quickly decayed and aged, was broken down into dust in the air, and scattered with the wind.

The solid black magic power was not satisfied with simple defense and continued to advance towards Azuma.

Strong! This is a real strong man!

But this is not the kind of strong man that he wants to have a serious battle with!

What I want is an opponent who can punch hard and at least use magic or weapons to fight to his heart's content. Even if he dies because of it, it doesn't matter!

But if you fight against the woman in front of you, you will not experience a hearty battle at all. Instead, it will be like a cat and mouse chasing each other. Your attacks cannot get close to you, and once you are touched by her magic power, you will either die or be injured!

Azuma felt that what was coming in front of him was not ordinary magic power, but a cold, dark, and irresistible energy. He was very familiar with the feeling of this kind of magic power. His companion Urrutia used similar power. The power of time!

The difference is that Urrutia's arc of time is ineffective against living creatures, but the magic of the person in front of him does not have this flaw.

Years of experience fighting strong men gave him a premonition that once he was tainted by this magic power, he would never be able to escape. Unless he abandoned his car to protect his commander and immediately discarded the infected parts, he would have to watch his body being destroyed by the magic power. A little bit of corrosion and aging.


A strong body flew out of the tree trunk. With lightning speed, Azuma left the attacked tree before the dark magic got close.

"Ageing...I see, that's why I have to wear gloves?" After landing, he suddenly realized something and looked back at the black leather gloves on the ground, "If I'm not mistaken, they are also lost magic, right? "

"You are truly worthy of being one of the Ten Holy Wizards who have been famous for many years... No, I should say, you are truly worthy of being the dean of Demisol Academy?"

Kenasi's figure paused, and then her murderous intent surged: "What you just meant...were you talking about me being old?"

Azuma:? ?

At this time, Kira was on her way to Demisor Magic Academy.

High in the sky, the speed of the flying carpet had reached its maximum. Hayberian put away the milk, frowned and asked seriously: "Mr. Kira, are you sure the devil's heart will not attack the candidates?"

Kira finally thought of Hayberian, set up the flying carpet and went back to carry people, then left the candidates and flew directly in the direction of the academy.

"I can only believe it! Compared with the unknown attack that will happen, the academy that is currently in trouble is more important, right?"

According to Urrutia, they originally planned to launch an attack early this morning, and it would take several hours for Konasi and Gulan to take the airship to the academy. Calculating the time, they should have already taken over.

There are four people opposite! There is also a group of small soldiers. Can it be defeated by just Kenasi, Gulan, and a teacher from an academy?

Thinking of this, Kira couldn't help but ask: "Senior, how strong is Speaker Gulan?"

He only knew that Old Man Gulan was very powerful in magic research, but as for his strength... The entire council was swept away by the Jackal Demon of the Nine Ghost Sect. How strong could his strength be?

Although Jackal had the aura of the first appearance of the Nine Ghost Sect at that time, it also explains the problem!

Hayberian recalled it and said: "Speaker Gulan has been studying magic for many years and can use many kinds of magic, but his strongest one is the cage magic, which can lock up enemies and even magic particles and other energy. .”


It means strong control, low output, but also has labels such as weak defense, low magic power, and old physical strength.

But he still hates evil as much as he hates it, and he does it when things happen! Just ask him where he got the confidence to go up and fight?

"Really, you should have told me this kind of thing earlier!"

Hayberion said half-ashamedly and half-seriously: "I'm really sorry! But it is the 'Devil's Heart' after all, and its strength is a mystery. As the leading dark guild for decades, we cannot overestimate them. I don’t know how many people they will send out and whether they will attack the candidates, so I can only arrange it this way!”

If it weren't for the worry that the Devil's Heart troops would split into two groups and attack or rob this group of candidates when attacking the academy, Hayberian would have gone to the academy first with Kenas and Gulan no matter what!

On the other side, Brunotte sneaked into the library of the Magic Academy alone.

Although he was cruel and belligerent in his heart, his face was indifferent and calm as usual. It seemed that nothing could attract his attention. He unconsciously emitted invisible gravity, crushing all the stone statues and potted plants he passed to the ground and grinding them into powder. .

There were also one or two people who had the courage to attack, but they couldn't even get close to him, because as long as they got a little closer, they would be pressed to the ground by the strong gravity and unable to move, but Brunotte didn't even look at him. , ignore them like ants on the roadside.

"No... no allowed to pass by..."

Hearing the sound, Brunotte looked back and said, "Say! Where is the lost magic book?"

" this is your purpose?"

"Aren't you going to tell me? Still don't know? In that case, there's no need to keep it!"

Brunotte said coldly and turned to leave.


In the large pit pressed by magic, gravity suddenly strengthened, crushing the figure kneeling and lingering in it into a bloody corpse.

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