The two sides started fighting, Natsu and Gray were at the forefront, but Lisa was extremely fast. Without the two of them reacting, she flashed directly behind them and kicked them away with a roundhouse kick.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, even Erza, Jura and others didn't react.

Lucy exclaimed, "Natsu! Gray!"

But she didn't expect a voice exactly like hers to come from her ears. When she turned around, she saw that the person who made the voice was someone exactly like hers.


In doubt, the fake Lucy directly pulled out the long leather whip fastened to her waist, whipped the real Lucy to the ground, and mocked: "Idiot!"

Hubby looked at the two Lucys on the left and right in turn, his little head full of doubts: "Nani? What's going on? There are two Lucys?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, several other people immediately activated their magic.

"Made of ice, ice bird!"

Leon released the cold air in his hands and froze into ice in the air. From the same source as Gray, the dynamic ice modeling magic was activated, and dozens of ice birds fluttered and flapped their wings, attacking Kebra who was also attacking.

He did not choose to back up, but directly attacked the other person because he believed that Gray would not be easily defeated.

Facing the multiple attacks, Kebra stepped sideways casually, dodging the galloping ice birds one by one: "I heard your movements!"

Leon frowned, sensing something was wrong: "What did you say?"

Before he could figure it out, he was punched away by his opponent.

On the other side, Heaite was holding an unknown book in his right hand, with two fingers of his left hand placed under his eyes, talking about his beliefs as usual: "Even if there is no long as there is money!"

The soft soil lifted up from both sides of the battlefield in response, like a surging wave or like swamp mud, heading towards the coalition forces.

"Earth magic?" Jiula's heart moved and he commanded, "Rock and iron wall!"

Several stone pillars rose up from the ground in response. The rocks made with magic were as hard as steel, and in an instant they isolated the overwhelming soft soil.

"As expected of Jula, the defense is airtight! But... too tight a defense can become the most fatal flaw!"

Perhaps to confirm his words, a burst of fragrance appeared in the rock wall, and a light yellow essence like scale powder filled the air, which made Jula suddenly lose all fighting spirit.

"What's this?"

Standing in the rock wall, Lian and Ivan, who were born as cyan pegasus, were shocked and exclaimed: "Is this the 'scent of losing fighting spirit' from Teacher Ichiya?!"

"The strongest defenses often have to be destroyed from within!" Fake Yiye smiled evilly: "How about it? You can't fight now! MEN!"

"Teacher Ichiya?! Why?!"

Shinichi immediately panicked, waved his hands and said incoherently: "No, no,'s not me!"

"Damn it! That person is fake - ah!"

Whoosh whoosh! !

Lisa seemed to have really turned into a laser, quickly shuttling among the people. No matter it was a fist or a sharp blade, every attack was unstoppable. Everyone could only hear the sound after he hit the target, but could not catch his figure.


It was another fleeting attack, and everyone was knocked away by the force. At the same time, several blood marks appeared on their faces and bodies. By the time they realized they were being attacked, their opponents had already completed a round of attacks and returned to the starting point.

"You guys are too slow!"

Sensing that something was wrong with her teammates, Erza immediately changed clothes and returned to defense: "Change clothes, Heavenly Wheel Armor!"

Silver-white armor and dozens of long swords surrounded Erza. As she waved her hands, they flew out accurately, aiming directly at Lisa, the fastest among the enemies.

Compared with sword speed, Erza has never been afraid of anyone!

Swish, swish, swish! !

Sensing the attack coming, Lissa calmly stepped lightly and moved her body several times in the air to avoid the attack. The flying sword fell into the air and was inserted into the ground, making a comfortable rustling sound.

Erza frowned and immediately turned into a covering attack: "Heavenly Wheel, Sword of Cycle!"

Da da da……

The long sword flashed in the air, turned into ten, ten into a hundred under the power of magic, and then fell like raindrops.

Even Lisa found this move quite difficult, and was shocked: "Such an attack... so fast!"

His magic can reduce the opponent's physical sensation, but has no effect on weapons. Although these swords are controlled by Erza, once Erza just makes them perform range attacks at the fastest speed, even he cannot easily deal with them.

Brian watched this scene from a distance, lost in thought: "Is this Erza Shukaretto? She really deserves her reputation!"

The flying sword is galloping, and the sword light hangs high in the air. If you don't pay attention, you will face the end of thousands of swords piercing the heart.

Lissa couldn't hold on anymore, so she could only hide next to Dark Night, and took a rest with the help of his twisting magic. She took a few breaths with lingering fear, and shouted back: "Jeral! What are you doing? Why don't you take action?! She originally He should be your opponent, right?"

However, Jellal just stood there and did nothing, and even gave him a mocking look: "Our deal only includes 'finding and opening Nirvana', but it does not include helping you deal with the guild coalition forces!"

"You guy?!"

Lisa gritted her teeth and thought about going up and punching him, but was stopped by Kebra who rushed back: "Don't be impulsive! You know, you are not his opponent! Moreover, he is not our enemy now!"

"I know! But I'm just unhappy!"

Kebra looked back at the other two companions. Angel was having a great time controlling Jiminy and ignored the movement here. Heaite noticed it, but...

"Don't look at me! I won't do anything that doesn't make money!"

So Kebra gave Lisa a self-satisfied look and said, "It seems you can only endure it for the time being..."

This sentence sounds like he is persuading him not to touch Jellal, but there is another layer of metaphor: Let’s fuck him together if we have a chance!

Lisa understood, nodded and said nothing, quietly writing down the account in her mind.

Except for Erza, Jura and Ichiya who were still safe and sound, everyone else was knocked to the ground. The first round of the battle only lasted a minute, but the 'Six Demon Generals' had already gained the upper hand.


"They are so strong..."

"Just four people..."

The strength of the 'Six Demon Generals' is unexpectedly strong, and they are well matched, and their strength is far beyond everyone's expectations. They were all the best in their respective guilds, but to be beaten like this within a minute was a bit hard to accept.

Erza became serious and shouted coldly: "Cheer up! You are not just someone to be defeated!"

"Cooperate with me!! I'll leave the support to you!"

I'll take you to fight!

Although her morale-boosting words were short, the confidence revealed in them shocked everyone who fell to the ground, and they unconsciously acted as she said.

Natsu and Gray were the first to get up.

"Of course! This is much worse than the daily group fights in the guild!"

"Compared to Kira's fist, this is not painful at all!"

Leon glanced at Gray, with a long-lost smile of enjoying the battle on his face. He helped Xue Li beside him and said, "We can't be compared!"


On the other side, the short body in a white suit also stood up again. Regardless of the mess on his body and the fist marks on his face, he put on a posture that he thought was handsome: "You actually used my magic to deal with my companions, please do your best. Wake up! MEN!”

“As expected of a one-night boss!!”×3

Yiye's words reminded Lucy, and she immediately warned everyone: "Everyone, be careful, the other person can turn into one of us! He can also use our magic."

'As expected of Miss Erza, she was able to regain her morale so quickly! ’

Jura silently praised Erza in his heart, but his face was still serious and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please rest assured! I will be responsible for the safety behind you!"

His voice is very powerful, making people unconsciously feel a sense of trust.


Everyone shouted angrily and rushed forward to start the second round of fighting.

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