The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 449 Makarov: I will not operate secretly, this is fate!

In the center of the entire arena are two completely opposite areas, the lava volcano and the ice boundary.

The lava volcano occupies the northwest of the center. The temperature here is higher than that of the desert. Just standing on it feels like your body is about to be burned. Even the surrounding peaks have turned red due to the high temperature. What's even more terrifying is that every once in a while, these peaks will erupt with lava and fire.

The flames burned the entire sky into dark red, making it look extremely oppressive. As for the magma, it would flow to the southeast along the terrain, and then gradually subside until it encountered the cold air from the icy realm.

The Ice Realm occupies the southeast of the center, where there are many icebergs, constant wind and snow, and it is difficult to see the sky.

The unimaginable low temperature and wind and snow made it difficult for the participating members to move, but they must not stop here, because once they stop to rest, it will not take long before they will be "frozen to death" and eliminated.

Affected by the heat from the lava volcano, the icebergs on the northwest side are slower and slightly warmer, but even so, the nearest iceberg is hundreds of feet high.

Of course, this is not a real iceberg, but an illusion created with ice magic!

Unless you are a magician with superior perception, you will not be able to detect it at all, and it is enough to deceive the contestants and the audience. But having said that, the audience knows that the scene here is fake anyway, so who really cares whether it was created with physical magic or illusion magic?

This scene was designed by Punk Hassad from the animation next to Kira for a long time. One fire, one ice, one red and one white. The visual impact alone is very strong. If you are in it, let alone the experience. Superb!

"Look! This place is so cool!"

"Volcanoes and icebergs are adjacent... How can such an environment exist in reality? Magic is really powerful!"

"I give this scene a hundred points!"

“The ticket money was not wasted, this trip was well worth it!!”

At the intersection of the lava volcano and the ice boundary, there is a huge lake. To the northwest of the lake are black rocks formed when magma encounters cold air, while to the southeast are ice fields where snow has been swept away by hot air.

A rock channel that has been washed by the lake water for an unknown period of time cuts across the lake in a northeast-southwest direction, dividing it into two halves. This rock passage is very smooth and wide, and the center is directly shaped like a circular stone platform.

This design is mainly to enhance the atmosphere of the battle and make it more enjoyable for the audience.

Now, on this stone platform, there happened to be two people fighting, and the battle between these two people also attracted the audience's attention away from the ugly shark.

"Fire Dragon's...Wing Strike!!"

"Ice-made... Lancer Dance!!"

Bang! ! Magic roars, and ice and fire clash again! !

As the white fog gradually dissipated, the two figures fighting came into view of the audience.

"It's Natsu and Gray!!"

"I didn't expect them to meet here. It's such a suitable scene!"

"Hey,'s too coincidental anyway, isn't it? Is there really no background operation?"

Listening to everyone's complaints, Makarov replied with a righteous face: "This competition is absolutely fair and just, and there is no cheating at all. Don't worry!"

Seeing that the old man's serious look didn't look like he was cheating, everyone began to believe him.

"As expected, I said the president would never do such a thing!"

"So this is that, right? The so-called fate and fate..."

"Natsu and Gray are fighting each other in a place like this. It's definitely destiny!!"

Hearing that everyone no longer paid attention to these unexpected coincidences, Makarov's face remained calm, but his hand hidden under the table wiped the sweat on his clothes, and he felt relieved at the same time.

'It's great to be able to muddle through! If everyone discovers that I am operating secretly, it will be over! By then my reputation will be over! Really, if it weren't for the purpose of forming those bets, I wouldn't have to do these things! The one who talked about fate was really helpful! ! Who is he? ’

He secretly glanced at the person who heard the voice just now, only to find that the voice came from the auditorium of Fairy Tail. Then... Makarov saw a familiar red-haired figure,

Among the crowd, Disper waved at Makarov's smile, winked, and finally patted his chest confidently, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Makarov's eyes widened instantly: 'When did this kid come back? ! Wasn't he teaching his disciples how to practice swordsmanship in the mountains? ! Wait... what did he do just now? ? Could it be that he also had a share in this gamble? ! When did this happen? ! Why didn’t I know? ! Kira, that brat...'

Makarov, who understood the key, held back and did not explode on the spot. After all, he still knew what he should and shouldn't do now.

The battle between Natsu and Gray continued, with both of them using their magic to the fullest with the help of their surroundings.


Fire and ice collided again, and two thick and powerful fists passed through the white mist and punched each other. Natsu and Gray jumped back at the same time, with tacit smiles on their faces.

"How long has it been since we fought?"

"Don't you fight every day?"

"I'm talking about a serious fight like this!"

"I take every fight seriously!"

"Huh... I really can't do anything to you..."

"Hehe...I'm on fire!!!"

At the same time, in different places, the same things happened one after another.

Ghost cemetery.

There was an explosion, and a series of tombstones were smashed into pieces. In the smoke, a strong figure shot out like an arrow, and then several more sound pierced through the air, chasing that figure.

"Jaws of the Thunder Dragon!!"

In mid-air, Laxus, whose body was wrapped with thunder and lightning, closed his hands and slammed downwards. The manic power of thunder and lightning immediately knocked down more than a dozen silver-white long swords.


After landing, Laxus did not take it lightly, but showed an interesting smile: "It seems that you have become a lot stronger in this year!"

"Everyone is making progress, and I don't want to lose to others!"

A gentle and cold voice sounded from the smoke, and then a long black leg wearing silver-white iron boots stepped out, bringing out a heroic red-haired girl.

The armor was intertwined with gold and white, engraved with thunder patterns, and had a braid tied with a ribbon. It was Erza wearing the armor of the Thunder Emperor.

Erza had a slight smile on her face, holding the Wind God's Sword, which was said to be able to disperse everything. Her eyes were fixed on Laxus, who had not even lost his cloak in front of her: "This is a rare opportunity... let's fight seriously once!"

Hearing this, Laxus grinned, and the lightning flashing in his hand represented that he had taken over the battle: "Then you must be prepared to suffer defeat!"

In the audience...

"Eh eh eh eh??!! Did Erza face Laxus?"

"Hahaha... so interesting! I'm really looking forward to their battle!!"

"Which one of them is stronger? I've wanted to know for a long time."

"I think it's Laxus?"

"Not necessarily! That's Erza!! Anyway, I bet on...ahem, I mean, I support Erza!!"

The air suddenly became quiet, and then several people around him smiled in unison.

"Look over there, you guys! It looks interesting!"

"Huh?! Who?"

Everyone looked up and saw that it was another battlefield that took place south of the ghost cemetery and was obscured by fog.

Boom! Boom! Boom! …

Huge rocks crashed down, and then two figures ran out of the mist, one after another.

"What the hell is going on? Wake up, Lucy!"

The person running in front turned around and shouted, but the person who said these words was Lucy herself. At this moment, she was running forward in embarrassment, shouting as she ran, trying to wake up her friends behind her.

The audience was stunned and looked at each other: "Lucy, what's going on? Why are you shouting 'Lucy wake up'? Also, who is chasing her?"

Soon, these questions will have answers.

A familiar figure driving a mechanical monster jumped out of the fog. She had long brown hair. She only wore a bra on her upper body and a pair of brown pants on her lower body. This kind of clothing was a little cool in the late autumn, but maybe it was her. Because she drank all day to keep away the cold, I didn't even hear her sneeze.

This person is Kana!

But at this time, Kana looked like she was going crazy after drinking. Her face was red, she threw her head back and laughed, and turned a deaf ear to Lucy's call in front of her.

"Hahaha... Come and have a drink with me, Kana!!"

What's happening here? Lucy calls Kanna ‘Lucy’, Kana calls Lucy ‘Kana’? The audience was confused.

Makarov explained to the unaware audience: "There are many weird ghosts in the ghost cemetery. These ghosts can use curses, and they will be very troublesome once they are entangled."

"Lucy and Kana must have triggered the curse of the twin ghosts, so they changed their bodies!"

The mayor continued to ask: "Then why, it should be Lucy. Why did Lucy who took over Kana's body become like this?"

"This is haunted by a drunken ghost!" Makarov said with certainty, "In terms of setting, it is a ghost who drank to death."

No one asked why it was haunted. Since it was Kana's body, wouldn't it be normal for it to be haunted by a drunk ghost?

I just feel sorry for Lucy.

Kana was very depressed at this time.

If it was normal for Lucy to ask her to drink like this, she would definitely drink with her without hesitation! Even if it wasn't Lucy, if someone else had called her drinking, she would have considered it.

But this is not possible now!

Not to mention that I was using Lucy's body, this place alone is not a good place to drink! The ghost cemetery, or being invited under the curse of a ghost, who can drink it? !

"If you don't want to drink from the bottom of your heart, then drinking is no fun at all!"

Is there ever a time when drinking is boring for Kanna?

Anyway, no one in the guild would believe such words, so when they heard Kana say such words, their expressions were calm, and they even sneered lightly.

"Why didn't Sister Kana fight back, but kept running away?" 7-year-old Romeo asked in confusion.

Macao thought for a while and explained for his son: "Is it because she can't use Lucy's star spirit key? I remember that only those who have signed a contract with the star spirit can use it."

"Sign a contract with the Star Spirit? But isn't it Sister Lucy's body? You see, Sister Lucy can use Sister Kana's summoned beast."


This time Makao was asked.

"Watch the game carefully. Why are kids asking so many questions?"

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