The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 708 Neinhardt: Back then, I was also a magic genius.

Chapter 708 Neinhardt: Back then, I was also a magic genius...

July 4, X786, is a day worth remembering.

After that, there was a legend of the "red-haired devil" in the Kingdom of Fiore!

Speaking of Fiore, there are actually quite a few colorful legends or famous figures, such as the Black and White Lady, the World-Destroying Black Dragon, the Emerald Princess, the Cyan Pegasus, and the Yellow-haired Halo. There are so many more. One or two red-haired demons are nothing.

The big magic fight has been going on so far. This is the first four-person battle in which both sides are very powerful.

Needless to say, Kira and Erza, a 'Sage' and a 'Fairy Queen', have long been famous in Fiore, and the 'Emperor's Shield' guild has attracted much attention since the first day of the competition. , every magician who goes into battle, even if the audience has not known them before, can see how strong they are from their performance.

Therefore, the audience knows that this confrontation between the two guilds of 'Fairy Tail' and 'Emperor's Shield' will be more shocking than the previous seven two-person battles.

In the previous two-person battles, either one side won in a crushing manner, or the two sides were novices pecking each other. Even yesterday's 'Fairy Tail' VS 'Snake Princess' duel in which Jura appeared, because the other side In their opinion, the influence of a magician Toby is closer to two-on-one rather than two-on-two.

This is the only one that is truly a two-player battle between four magicians with the strength of the 'Holy Ten'!

Hearing Kira's invitation to fight, Erza couldn't help but smile. Her long-lost competitive spirit surged at the same time, and her whole body became excited.

"Is it on fire?"


The familiar words made Erza's eyes full of fighting intent for a moment. Neinhardt, who was hiding behind Bradman and Kuanghua, was shocked when he saw this scene.

This look... this look...

He is so familiar! !

Thinking back to ten years ago... (The following is Neinhardt's memory killing)

When I was a child, I was always a wild and unrestrained magic talent. I was sought after by younger brothers and admired by beauties. I was called "other people's children" by uncles and aunts in villages ten miles away. I had good food and drink every day, and my life was extremely nourishing.

Having just turned eighteen, I am young, energetic and high-spirited. Under the influence of traveling merchants, I have always yearned for poetry and distance in my heart. I dream of one day leaving the small town and my hometown, going to the romantic Kingdom of Fiore, and then having a romantic relationship with Fiore. A gentle woman falls in love, gets married and has children...

Unexpectedly, one day, a woman came to the door and said that the empire was interested in my magic and wanted to recruit me to serve the empire.

The woman was very beautiful, elegant, with a curved front and back, and she had a strong background at first glance, but these were not enough to impress a man with a dream in his chest.

For me at that time, only romance in this world was worth pursuing at all costs, and everything else was bullshit!

Of course, romance here mainly refers to beautiful poetry, distant places with infinite possibilities, unattainable or even absurd dreams, and vigorous love that lasts until death.

How can a grown man give up real treasures for such vulgar things as money and power? So I declined the woman's invitation without hesitation.

Thinking about it now, maybe that was the boldest and craziest decision I have ever made in my life!

It wasn't until the other party's terrifying magic power pushed me to the ground, and that cold gaze made it impossible for me to move a finger, that I finally understood what the woman meant by 'empire recruitment', and finally understood that I and myself The difference in strength between her makes it clear that there is a difference between a magician and a magician.

How can it be! !

How could there be such a powerful magician! !

Is the world really that big? ! Is the distance that I look forward to so far away? !

The moment the magic wand was inserted into the floor in front of me, only three centimeters away from my eyes, I was completely...completely enlightened!

Yes, money and power are indeed not enough to shake the status of poetry, distance, dreams and love in a man's heart, but life can!

At that moment, my future life suddenly became clear, and my goal became to serve the empire till death!

If you think about it carefully, even if there is no poetry and distance, no dreams and love, no romance, as long as you can contribute your strength to the empire, it is still a very good life...

Ten years have passed, and I have almost completely forgotten what I yearned for back then. The only thing I remember is the face and the look in my eyes that changed my life.

And now, I finally realized half of my dream back then - I came to the Kingdom of Fiore in Ishgar.

On the second day of the martial arts performance in the Demon Fight, I saw a girl who was 70% similar to the woman from before, both in face and eyes.

I know that the girl is the daughter of that woman, her name is Erza, and she is a very popular mage among the younger generation in the Kingdom of Fiore.

But what I didn't expect was that on the fourth day, I would meet this girl.

(End of memory killing)

‘That’s the look! What a resemblance! How terrible! Should I say that they really deserve to be mother and daughter...'

Seeing the change in Erza's eyes, Neinhard was about to cry, his legs shook involuntarily, and he felt a little timid in his heart.

He just felt like he was back ten years ago, back to the day when Irene beat him up, forced him to work hard, and thus subverted his original world view and common sense about magic.

‘Am I defeated by a red-haired woman again? ! ’

Neinhardt's eyes widened and he murmured: " won't..."

"What's wrong with that guy? Why does he look scared??"

The changes in her opponent naturally did not escape Erza's attention, but whether she knew the inside story or not, she suddenly became suspicious. She looked at Kira and Jacob and asked, "Am I that scary?"

As he spoke, he blinked his big bright eyes in confusion.

"Aren't you scary? Don't you know your own mind?"

Kira complained, pointing to some of the people watching on the guild's front, "Natsu and Gray must have unique insights into this issue."

Erza puffed up her chest, faced the sunshine above her head, and said confidently: "Natsu and Gray... I think the answer must be 'no'!"

"Well...I think it's not..."

Erza was surprised: "Huh?? Why?? We obviously have a very good relationship!!"

"Are you serious when you say this...?!"

Kira chuckled, knowing that he could not correct Erza's self-perception at all.

"What do you think?"

The two of them looked at Jacob on the other side at the same time.

Jacob: "..."

You guys ask me these things, how can I, a foreigner, know that?

"Not scary!! You are not scary at all!!"

After a moment of silence, Jacob said slowly, "A young, beautiful, and powerful magician like you should be admired, respected, and a reliable companion and family member in the hearts of his companions!"

The old guy is quite good at flattering...

Kira looked at Jacob, who had a strong desire to survive, his eyes flickered, and he thought to himself: He is truly a professional! I must have done a lot of homework beforehand. This answer... almost every word was searched from the password dictionary!

"you flatter me."

Erza was indeed very satisfied with Jacob's answer, and she pretended to smile modestly, "By the way, Kira! If you wait to start the fight, remember to be merciful!"

He was full of confidence in Kira's strength.

Jacob stiffened for a moment and said hesitantly: "No... well... if possible, can you just not fight?"

His voice became quieter and quieter until it was inaudible.

Do you want to be so cowardly?

"Of course this is impossible!"

Kira was about to complain, but Erza answered first: "You also said that I am a reliable companion, right? There is nothing more reliable than winning this game!"

Jacob: "..."

Okay, now I'm shooting myself in the foot...

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