"Three singles, Laxus, Jura, and Agil."

"The four pairs will most likely be Erza and Mira, Sudo and Koray, Yinbel and Sawyer, and Yuka and Tobi."

In the tavern, Kira took a pen and paper and spread it out on the table to write and draw. Based on his own intelligence, he circled or connected 11 names to make a prediction about the characters that would play in the seven duels.

Urrutia and other magicians gathered around him, formed a circle around the table, and quietly watched Kira showing off.

"How do you know the opponent's role in battle?"

“Experience and intuition!”

Kira slapped the draft paper on the table and said firmly, "Tomorrow's game is a best-of-seven game. If you want your team to win, you need to concentrate the powerful magicians in a certain four duels. At the same time, Concentrate the weaker mages in the other three duels.”

"Based on what I know about their characters, Laxus and Jura are the two most powerful people. They will definitely choose to fight alone. Because Bell and Agil's magic attributes are incompatible, and their tacit understanding is not as good as Erza and Mira. Combination, so one person must be selected to participate in the single battle and the other person to participate in the double battle.”

Speaking of this, everyone thought of the scene of the other party using magic - countless suspended weapons, various armors, sky-filled sandstorms, a white world of ice and snow...

"In comparison, Imber's magic is more beneficial in double battles. His magic control is also better than Agil, and he can ensure that his teammates are not hurt, so I think he will play in double battles."

"According to McCalla, the white and shadow dragon-slaying magic of Sudo and Koray can effectively form combined magic. Erza and Mira have excellent tacit understanding and strength. With them here, a double match can basically be guaranteed. The victory of the battle.”

"Remaining, Yuuka and Tobi are the lowest in strength among the ten, so they are most suitable together. Moreover, they are also from the 'Snake Princess' Scales'. They have known each other for many years and have a good understanding of each other."

"Imber and Sawyer...although they haven't found the compatibility between them, they are still better than the combination of Agil and Sawyer!"

After analyzing the opponent's most likely plan, Kira sat down again, took a sip of the juice next to him, "Of course, they may also let Yinbel and Ajir form a two-person battle, and abandon Sawyer. A single battle, but in this way, they are equivalent to pouring all their combat power into two single battles and two double battles.”

When Kira put down the cup, everyone was awakened by the sound of 'dong', and then looked at Kira with a hint of admiration.

"Sounds like it makes sense!!"

"As expected of Kira!!"

"Is this the legendary 'sage'? He is indeed smarter than others..."

Kira was very satisfied with the compliments from several people, but he knew in his heart that it was time to set up the formation, so he waved his hands to stop everyone's compliments: "It's not too late to wait until tomorrow to talk about this kind of thing. Let's get what you want tonight." The positions for the battle are divided well!"

"After all, how do you want to set up the formation?"

At this time, Timaria also looked at Kira curiously.

After the analysis just now, even she had to admit that she had made a mistake before. In addition to having strong magic and being handsome, Kira also had something in his mind. Unlike other men (such as the Sakura-haired man next to him) Imp) is as idiotic.

"I decided to avoid its edge!"

Sky-blue eyes radiate wisdom under the incandescent lamp.

Kira faced the confused faces in front of him and said: "If the other party really uses this method of layout, it will divide everyone into upper and lower groups of magicians with different strengths, and fight against strong ones. , A showdown between weak and weak! What a pity..."

"What's a pity?" everyone asked in unison.

"It's a pity that I'm a person who doesn't care about magic. I never like strong versus strong or weak versus weak!"

When Tian Ji raced, he used his own low-grade horse to consume the opponent's high-grade horse, his own high-grade horse against the opponent's medium-grade horse, and his own medium-grade horse against the opponent's low-grade horse. This is the wisdom left by the ancient sages.

Among the 22 people who were about to fight, the horses from Kana on down were the lower ones, the horses from Natsu on up were the upper ones, and Laxus was undoubtedly the best among them.

As for Kira, he is Tian Ji.

Kira chuckled: "Compared with them, the people on our side are basically not good at two-person battles, but fortunately, the people on our side are very strong, and the magic is buggy, which is enough to fill the gap in tacit understanding! "

"Use the weakest among us to consume the strongest among them, Laxus and Jura, and the rest will win no matter how they fight!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other with a strange expression of 'this guy is so sinister'.

Upon hearing the same words, Narubudinku's reaction was different from that of others. An unknown malice made his short and fat body tremble.

"Everyone come here!"

Kira waved her hand, beckoning everyone to come closer, "I've already thought about it! This is the battle plan for tomorrow..."

It was late at night, and Fairy Tail stayed at the hotel, room 404.

In the bathroom, two girls sat opposite each other in the bathtub.

The delicate faces and perfect bodies of the two girls were exactly the same. Even the movements of hugging their knees were exactly the same. Their long golden hair exuded the fragrance of shampoo and fell vertically into the water along their delicate and smooth shoulders.

The dense steam slightly moistened the exposed, tender skin of the two girls. The heat penetrated from the pores, soothing their tired bodies and minds. Under the catalysis of the heat, the blood circulation was accelerated, causing a faint smile to appear on the girls' faces. flush.

Lucy No. 1, who came from the reverse world of good and evil, and the original Lucy of this world, bathed together in this small space of less than ten square meters, while talking to each other about their different experiences in their respective worlds.

"Everyone who has become a bad guy... it's unimaginable!"

After hearing about Lucy No. 1's experience, Lucy stared blankly at her reflection on the water and murmured softly.

"Really? Like Natsu setting fire to destroy an entire town, Erza cutting down mountains and causing countless casualties, Gray freezing a large area and holding a streaking convention, Wendy threatening the dessert chef to make desserts 24 hours a day, Kira overthrowing The Kingdom of Fiore imposes taxes... You may not have thought of it at all, right?"

Lucy suddenly became ashamed when she heard this, waved her hands and said: "No... Actually, I have seen all of these in my dreams... There are even more outrageous ones... Hahaha..."

Lucy No. 1 was stunned for a moment, then showed a faint smile: "Really? It seems that Natsu and the others in this world are also very restless..."

Obviously he said the words 'restless', but his tone was full of envy.

Perhaps it came from the resonance of her soul. Lucy suddenly felt infinite pity in her heart. When she looked at herself who was like walking out of a mirror, there was also infinite tenderness in her eyes: "Originally, she should have lived the same life as me." That's right...'

"Cheer up! The president has already gone to find those people from the 'Witch's Sin' and the 'Blue Pegasus'. They will definitely have clues about 'Nirvana'!!"

Found a clue? How can it be so easy!

I have experienced a total of 7 worlds. The first world was reversed. There, all the top magic scholars in the world studied for a year but could not find any clues;

She hurriedly left the second world before she had time to explore. From the third world to the seventh world, the four worlds in between, the total time of her journey was a year, and there were no relevant channels. I know how much I know, but I still get nothing.

Lucy No. 1 knows very well that her future may still be long, and she may not even be able to find the reason for the changes in Nirvana until she dies. Even if she finds it, she may not be able to return to World No. 1.

However, even though she knew that it was just to comfort herself, in order not to cause trouble to the other party, Lucy No. 1 still pretended to be encouraged and pretended to cheer up.

"Yeah!! I believe everyone!!"

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