The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 718 Changes in World No. 5

Wendy's face turned pale with fright, and a black shadow covering the sky appeared in her mind, and the scene of the battle with Akunololia on Tianrou Island reappeared.

She is currently unable to verify whether what Wendy No. 5 said is true or false, but she would rather believe that this kind of thing happened than not believe that it did not happen. If it cannot be stopped in time, her world may be the same as World No. 1, and even suffer A crisis more serious than the reversal of light and darkness!

"Everyone in the guild..."

"Irene-san suffered an irrecoverable trauma in a battle. When her body was about to die, I asked her to attach her personality to me, so now she is in a state similar to a second personality."

"As for those words about 'taking my body' just now, they were just a joke between her and you. You don't have to regard her as an enemy."

"On the contrary, I am very grateful that she is willing to stay. If she hadn't always been by my side to teach me, I wouldn't have been able to grow up so fast..."

In just a few words, Wendy's wariness was lowered by more than half. With Wendy No. 5's endorsement, Irene No. 5's behavior changed from 'maliciously seizing her body' to 'staying at her request'. The nature suddenly changed.

From a bad aunt who coveted the body of a young normal girl, she transformed into an elder who is willing to linger in the world in a secondary personality state to protect the younger generations.

ten minutes later……

Two Wendys, one big and one small, sat side by side on the artificial stone chairs on the mountain peak. One talked and the other listened, gradually losing track of time.

Wendy No. 5 briefly told about the horrific war situation in World No. 5 over the past six months. The names that were either familiar or unfamiliar from her mouth made Wendy exclaim again and again.

"The battle between humans and dragons lasted for more than seven months. The human side suffered numerous casualties, but the dragon side only suffered 30% battle losses."

Thirty percent? ?

Hearing this sentence, Wendy's first reaction was: Is this data a bit high? Are humans that strong? ?

She had fought with Akunololia, and had also met dragon masters such as Kurnuki and Selene, and knew that the power of the dragon was far beyond what ordinary magicians could deal with.

Seemingly sensing Wendy's doubts, Wendy No. 5 smiled brightly and explained: "There are two main reasons for this!"

"One of them is Kira's proposal and the technology of 'Dragon's Heart', which gave us dozens of second- and fifth-generation dragon slayers."

The second and fifth generation dragon slayers? ?

Wendy was stunned for a moment, but soon thought of terms such as 'magic crystal' and 'swallowing dragon flesh'.

"The second reason is more exciting. Not all the dragons that invaded Ishgar are hostile to humans!"

"Among the tens of thousands of dragons, there are many dragons like Grandigne and Igunilu who like humans. They have chosen to side with humans and fight alongside us."

Wendy No. 5 smiled softly, her tone a little more grateful, "Especially, thanks to the help of Irene-san, the human side has also added some new first-generation dragon-slayer wizards!"

The first-generation Dragon-Slayer Mage was created by using additional magic to add the power of dragons to humans. The founder of this method was Irene. She was naturally proficient in this aspect and wanted to recreate the first-generation Dragon-Slayer Mage. It's not difficult.

Wendy secretly clicked her tongue when she heard this, and sighed: "The battles between humans and dragons, and the battles between dragons, sound similar to the scenes recorded in history four hundred years ago..."

The exclamation caused Wendy No. 5 to be silent for a while.

"What's wrong?" Wendy asked curiously.

"No, you're right!"

Looking at the innocent girl in front of her, a trace of nostalgia flashed through Wendy No. 5's eyes, and she secretly sighed in her heart: The situation in X791 was indeed similar to that of four hundred years ago, but the similarities were not limited to humans and dragons, or dragons and dragons. battle?

She continued the story: "With the participation of the group of dragon-slayer magicians, the damage on the human side has decreased, and the frequency of battles with the dragons has also begun to slow down."

"Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. In May of X792, a change broke the battle - that day, Akunololia appeared in the sky above Ishgar again!"

"Nani?! Akunololia?!" Wendy was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Wasn't it exiled to Elentina by Kirasan?"

"It seems so! But in fact, that guy has returned to Ishgar at some point, but he has just been hiding."

"It's like a replay of that period four hundred years ago. After Akunololia appears, she will once again massacre dragons, and her mind will become more and more crazy. Until July, she will be completely reduced to a person with no mind and no ability to communicate. A vicious beast.”

"And at that time, the number of dragons on Ishgar was more than three thousand!"

From tens of thousands to three thousand kills, this kind of record is unimaginable no matter who it is. Among all the people Wendy knows, even Makarov, Precito, Kira, and Ou People like Just and Irene can't do it either.

But if it was Akunololia, then suddenly it wouldn’t be surprising.

Let’s talk about the complete loss of Akunololia’s mind. The blood shed by seven thousand giant dragons is more than enough to create another Akunololia, let alone make Akunololia lose his mind. !

" is your world going? Why do you appear here??"

Even if Akunololia is cleared, there are still 3,000 dragons left in World No. 5. This is not a small number. You must know that humans have been fighting for more than half a year, and they have only cleared away less than 100 dragons. Not even a fraction of a cent!

What's more, Acunololia No. 5 is just crazy, not dead!

It is like an unparalleled sword hanging over the heads of humans and dragons at the same time, dividing the world into three forces on its own.

"The main purpose of my coming here is to modify history. As long as I can change the direction of history, maybe I can erase the 'World of Destruction of Ten Thousand Dragons'."

"Modify... could it be to use solar eclipse??"

Regarding the effect of the solar eclipse, it has been spread throughout the guild in the past two days, so Wendy also knows the function of this thing, "But doesn't it only open a parallel world? Changes to the parallel world will not affect the original world. It’s developed!”

"By the way, speaking of parallel worlds...why do you say this is World No. 7?"

World No. People in the front world should have no way of knowing what the world behind is like!

So how did Wendy, who claimed to be from World No. 5, determine that this was World No. 7?

Wendy No. 5 seems to have already understood the logic, but she still traveled through time, as if she already had a clue.

"The first is the question of why I know this is World No. 7. This is because after Lucy No. 1 left you, she went to World No. 5 again to share information about each world with us. That was X787 in our world. years, that is, the 'past' of our world."

With the knowledge in mind, she drew two parallel lines on the ground with the magic wand in her hand, and wrote the numbers '5' and '7' on each one. She also wrote 'X768' and 'X792' on the first and last ends, and on '5' After 'X786', write 'X787', and then draw an arrow. The 'X768' of '7' points to the 'X787' of '5'.

"After several years of research, people in World No. 5 have actually improved and innovated the theory and structure of solar eclipse on the original basis. By using time and space magic, on the basis of 'traveling to and from parallel worlds', additional The function of 'adjustable time nodes within a certain range' is like this..."

She drew an arrow again, this time from 'X792' of '5' to 'X768' of '7': "For you, I come from the 'future' of world No. 5 instead of the 'present'. The journey not only spans space, but also spans time.”

"Then there's the reason why I'm here. According to my current information, different situations and changes have occurred in each parallel world. World No. 1 is 'Nirvana', the reversal of light and darkness; World No. 5 where I am is ' Giant dragons', first the dragons invaded, and then the black dragons destroyed the dragons."

"These changes will lead to the collapse of a world to varying degrees!"

"Every mutation has its source. The source of most mutations is still unknown, but we know the source of the mutation in World No. 5. It is in the year X786 of World No. 7!"

Wendy No. 5 briefly explained her logic to Wendy. To put it simply, something happened in World No. 7 in X786, which triggered the dragon mutation in World No. 5 in X791, so as long as this thing changes , the changes in World No. 5 may be eliminated.

The more Wendy listened, the more confused she became: "The source of the in our world now?"

When she thought that someone or something in her own world might cause another world to be destroyed by a dragon and countless people die, the kind and simple Wendy couldn't sit still.

“In the end it’s a matter of ‘can it succeed’!”

"Exactly as you said, under normal circumstances, using 'solar eclipse' to change the past will not affect the original world. Because the two are parallel worlds and are not directly related, changing the past of another world will certainly not Impact the world now.”

"But the situation in World No. 5 is different!"

"The source of the mutation in World No. 5 is World No. 7, and the two are directly related! So this change is effective!"

What Wendy No. 5 did not say is that this is only logically self-consistent and does not guarantee other accidents. For example, her actions here may cause a new branch of the world to emerge in the future, and the changes in World No. 5 constant.

She is actually gambling herself!

Wendy didn't think too much about it, she just thought what the other party said made sense.

So...why did you bring yourself here alone? Could it be that the source of the mutation has something to do with him? ?

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