The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 729 I seem to have come at the wrong time?

"You said...X786 is the second year?"

Yes, that’s right!

It is said in the comics that the 'Solar Eclipse' took the Fiore royal family 7 years to collect magic power, so it must have been held since X785, but why did World No. 5 not hold it until this year?

Previously, Kira had always thought that the butterfly effect was caused by his own appearance, or that the 'collection of magic power in 7 years' mentioned in the comics was an imaginary reference. In fact, it did not refer to 7 years, but now it seems that the situation is worse than he thought. A little more complicated.

Before I even realized it, the world had changed dramatically.

Assume that there is a world No. 0 as a comparison for other parallel worlds. Each parallel world has one difference from it, and this difference will directly or indirectly lead that world to chaos or destruction.

If this guess is true, then based on the known information, we can roughly deduce: the place where World No. 1 and World No. 0 bifurcated was 1-X784 - the Nirvana event; while World No. 5 was the year 5-X791 - the Giant dragon incident.

So what about the changes in world No. 7 where you are?

Kira doesn't have a clue yet, but since World No. 5 is a 'dragon', and their historical direction is different from World No. 7, it is almost certain that this 'mutation' is already in progress, but now There is no obvious performance yet!

"It's simply outrageous..."

"Which lunatic imagined this plot?!"

"I thought that after returning from the Demon Dou performance, I could succeed as the guild president and live a life without shame or impatience. But at this time, I was told that there is an undercurrent surging in this world, and there may be something wrong. A major mutation that leads to the destruction of the world?!"

Kira slumped on the chair without any image.

Wendy left and left the restaurant with the glass of juice Kira asked for, leaving Kira silently eating the second steak that was almost cold.

He guessed that Wendy No. 5 came to him just to inform him of the big event that was about to happen in two days.

The restart of the Dragon King Festival after more than 400 years sounds extraordinary!

After learning about this, Kira's first thought was to reduce the damage that might be caused by this battle. The biggest problem was the number of spectators who came to watch the game that day.

From the number of people who exceeded 50,000 today, we can know that there must be a lot of people watching the decisive battle in two days!

So...let the competition ban spectators from entering that day? Even if you think about it, it’s impossible!

Not to mention that the competition has issued an announcement in the past few days that "free admission for three days after the big magic fight" is announced throughout Kurokas. Whether they will believe what Kira says is a very serious question. .

Even well-known figures in the magic world, or magicians with high magical attainments, such as Makarov and Jura, it is difficult for them to accept settings such as parallel worlds, mutations, and the Dragon King Festival, let alone What about ordinary people who have never been exposed to magic, and soldiers of the kingdom who cannot use magic?

You might just think it’s alarmist!

After all, in the original comics, those in the royal family were idiots who would blindly believe in Future Rogge’s Eclipse Plan 2.0!

Kira didn't have much confidence in them anyway. In comparison, he felt that the probability that Frosius could do elementary school math problems was higher.

"Just in case, let's go to Zeref and the others to discuss it..." Kira paid the bill and walked towards the hotel where the 'Emperor's Shield' stayed.

It was raining all the time and the atmosphere was not very harmonious.

When Kira found Zeref, Mavis was there too.

The first time he opened the window of the room, Kira closed his eyes reflexively. At that moment, he began to regret his trip, because it seemed inconvenient for them at this time.

"I'm so sorry! I seem to have come at the wrong time? I'm disturbing you, I'll take my leave now!"

Kira slammed the window shut and turned around to leave.

Oh my gosh! Who knows what I saw? !

"Hey! I said... don't pick on me! What do you want to do to me? I have no interest in joining you! If you have something to say, don't do anything. Being seen in public will have a bad impact..."

Of course Kira didn't make it in the end. He was pulled into the room by Zeref who reacted.

"So...were you planning to give Natsu a nephew of the right age?"

Mavis's cheeks were red, and she lowered her head and kept playing with her snow-white feet. They were held by Zeref just now, but now they are hot and red probably because of proper blood circulation; Zeref He lowered his head and squinted guiltily, not daring to look at anyone. The pretty face was still in Mavis's hand ten seconds ago.

In fact, they didn't do much. They were just a young couple cuddling by the window enjoying the rain, talking to each other in secret. But they didn't expect that Kira, who used the window instead of the door, would suddenly fly over from the sky and destroy everything. The atmosphere.

"Ahem... Kira, what are you doing here at this time?"

Zeref really couldn't figure out what was going on with him when Kira was not flirting with his girlfriend in the hotel room in this weather. Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

No way? No way? ?

"Haha, I'm not an idle person like you. I can hold my wife and talk about love every day, and play house with my children when I have nothing to do! I'm busy saving the world every day!!"


Am I this kind of person in your heart? ? You don’t seem to be the kind of person you say you are!

Although he was complaining in his heart, Zeref still noticed the deeper meaning of Kira's words and couldn't help but curiously asked: "What happened?"

"That's it, that's it...that's it..."

"Hmm...Dragon King's such a long-lost name..."

After listening to everything Kira said, both Zeref and Mavis looked solemn, obviously surprised and deeply afraid of Acunololia's appearance.

He finally retired safely, his wife and children were with him, he had money and a house, he was immortal, and he even got rid of the misfortune caused by the curse of Anxelam that had plagued him for more than four hundred years...

Such a happy and fulfilling life cannot be ruined by that lunatic Acunololia at this time!

must! must! We must prevent disaster from happening! !

"According to what Wendy No. 5 said, the big event two days later will involve dragons, dragons, and demons. I'm not surprised by the first two, but the only powerful demon I know now is your Racade. I have no idea about the rest."

"I don't know much about this as you do. Do you know anything?"

Kira doesn't know what happened to the original demons in this world in the past, but the ones left to the present should not be very powerful. Even if there are a few with considerable strength, they are rare, such as Satan and Xiu in Mira. Turley, Halfas, etc.

In addition, the most famous demon in the past four hundred years is Atrias created by Zeref.

However, the initiator who created Atrias through studying demons now knows nothing about the demon clan: "I don't know... hasn't the 'Gate of Hades' been defeated by you?"

"Yes, the 'Gate to Hades' has long been gone. All the demon corpses were sliced ​​and studied by me in one way or another, and then given to Mira to increase her strength."

Huh? etc! There seems to be a fish that slipped through the net in the 'Nine Ghost Gate'?

Kira suddenly remembered that Fran Mars, who was defeated by Lucy in the battle of Tianrou Island, escaped under Lucy's nose by relying on the 'absorbed' spell, and was not caught by herself in the end. , but his whereabouts are unknown.

Although Kira feels that even with the development of the past two years, a demon with that kind of strength should not be able to achieve anything, but to be strict in everything, if that guy has a chance encounter and changes his destiny, it is not impossible. .

Just like Brian × Wu who reappeared in Da Mo Dou Yanwu this time, isn't he also a case of the return of a strong man?

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