The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 739 The desire spreading in the venue

"Ahem... This is a 1V1V1 three-person melee. If you don't take the initiative to attack, then I will have no choice but to attack you..."

Lakaide is indeed evil and wants to bring Urrutia closer to the battlefield.

With the three of them fighting on their own, everyone wanted to take advantage of the situation, but the problem was that no one wanted to fight twice in a row. Natsu, who originally seemed to have the lowest IQ, was the best candidate, but once he didn't fall into the trap, the situation would change. It became anxious.

"I think Natsu was gambling, but he was right. There is nothing we can do. Now that things have developed to this point, I'll just take a loss."

Lakaide made up his mind, clasped his palms together suddenly, and a white magic ripple spread out towards the entire venue with him as the center.

Desire Magic, please join us!

Lacade's movements were very gentle, and the magic power moistened things silently like spring rain. As the magic power enveloped the entire venue, subtle emotions suddenly arose in the hearts of the tens of thousands of spectators present.

"Huh? Did that person just release some magic? Why...wait, what is going on with me?!"

"I'm going?! Isn't this feeling... impossible?! In a place like this..."

"Hey...what's going on?! I can't control myself!! Stop it!!"

"God, do you want me to trust the second child's judgment?"

"With so many people watching, it really makes people's blood boil! Who will fight me to the death?!!"

"More...I want more..."

"Damn! Why do these people enjoy themselves so much?! I really want to give it a try..."

There were more than 50,000 spectators present, and more than a quarter of them fell into an abnormal state. The specific manifestations were: flushed face, hairy hair, limp body, weakness of hands and feet, blurred eyes, misaligned pupils, and Xingtian's angry glare.

The whole venue was suddenly filled with a charming atmosphere.

"What's wrong with everyone? Why do you all have weird expressions? It's so disgusting..."

"Ah, it's so strange! The adults are all acting strangely. What's going on?"

"This... this kind of thing... I can't explain it to you..."

The teenagers who were inexperienced in the world immediately noticed the abnormality around them. The experienced adults pretended that nothing happened, warned the children around them not to look, and even covered their eyes and ears while secretly enjoying the body's reaction.

Mavis's cheeks turned red, and she hugged her petite self tightly with both hands. Her pale toes without shoes curled up together, and she suppressed her inner impulse: "Is it like a magic spell, cast on people who meet certain conditions?" Is it magic? All the adults were affected, could it be because of their age... No! Not all adults are trapped in abnormalities!"

An adult who had not been tricked was completely confused and confused, and felt a little irritated in his heart: "What's wrong with you all?! I'm the only one who's been excluded, and I'm so embarrassed now!!"

The adults around him didn't respond to him, but just gave him a look of pity and distress. Then his spirit returned to his own small universe and continued to be immersed in the supreme pleasure.


"What's wrong, Dad?!"

Hearing Gildas' groan, Kana, who didn't know what was going on, was instantly confused. Unexpectedly, when she took a closer look, she found that Gildas had a piggy look on his face, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the corner of his mouth was smiling. He was a bit handsome at first. His face now became wretched and unsightly, and he suddenly became very angry.

"Where did you show such an expression, you lecherous uncle!" Kana roared angrily, and then hit Gildas' rough face with a pink fist hard.

"It hurts!" Gildas shouted in pain, but his voice soon changed: " comfortable!!!"

"Don't make such a disgusting sound!!!" Kana was ashamed and angry, and hit her with her wheat-colored fist again.

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang... puff puff...

"President...the first generation...even Gildarts...everyone has been tricked!"

"Kira, what on earth is going on?"

Lucy, Gray, Erza, Habi and others looked at the people falling around them with anxious expressions. This unknown magic with unknown effects covered the entire venue, affecting so many people, even their own family members. Such a powerful magician couldn't resist, so why didn't they feel anything unusual?

"Well... I know, I know, but it would be embarrassing to say such things~"

Kira responded perfunctorily. At this moment, he no longer missed the fried chicken in his hands. Instead, he took out his camera and began to record the unspeakable state of everyone in a playful way.

The first was Lebby who was closest to them. The girl was lying on the ground at this time, her body shaking like a quail. She buried her head on the ground and did not dare to look at anyone. Her delicate white neck had already turned red.

Salusuke and Troy were anxiously surrounding Lebby, like two miserable...two ants on a hot pot.

"Lebby?! What's wrong with you Lebby?! Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere??"

"No...I'm fine..." Lebby's voice was breathless, and there was a trace of extremely rare coquettishness that she had never seen before.

"No matter how you sound, you don't sound like you're fine! Wendy! Wendy, come here and take a look..."

"No!! Don't call Wendy over!"

Hearing that the two were about to call the 14-year-old Wendy over to check, Rebby panicked instantly, and her answering voice suddenly became strange, with a hint of crying and a trembling moan: "Absolutely...absolutely" No! Please!!”

Click click click...

Kira recorded this scene with great interest: "Tsk, tsk, tsk... you are so mature, Lebby-chan~"

Hearing Kira's teasing voice, Lei Bi's body froze for an instant, and with another shake, her already petite body shrank even smaller.

Where there is Lebi, there is naturally Gajeel, but he is much more magnanimous than Lebi. Although his face is also abnormal, his head held high and shameless, Kira can't help but admire and marvel at him.

"You bastard are not ashamed at all!"

"Tch! Stop talking! We are all adults, what's the point? I think you are just envious!"

"Ha?! Are you kidding me?! Am I jealous?!" Kira sneered contemptuously, then turned around and left.

If you don't leave, you will expose the fact that you are really envious! !

"No, no, no... love or something, where is the fun in magic? Where is the fun in making money? Kira, Kira, you can't forget your original intention!!"

Kira shook his head, put aside the messy thoughts, and walked towards the next person.

When something like this happens, it must be more fun to find young people first. Those older people are not interesting at all, and the same goes for married couples such as Alzac and Bisika.

The next victim...

"Oh ho ho ho... Laxus?? I really can't tell! A person who seems so cold and cold on the surface can actually have times like this~"

At this time, Laxus was half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes wide open and gnashing his teeth as he looked at Kira who was taking a picture of him. If his current situation wasn't so special, he really wanted to stand up and beat Kira up.

However, the memory of what happened to his body had such strong aftereffects that he could not exert any force at all: "You guy... you are obviously 22 years old, right?"

After saying this, Laxus suddenly gave Kira a mocking look: "So what are you so proud of?"

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