The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 761 How could such a genius do such a stupid thing!

Everyone present saw through it but did not say anything. They looked at each other's eyes, nose, mouth, and heart. They pretended not to hear anything and quietly watched Zeref's poor performance by himself.

"Imber, when you go back, add 'as long as you are alive' to the hunt for Fairy Tail..."

Hearing that Zeref was still chattering and not knowing what the embarrassment was, Yinbel could only resort to a tactical cough and reminded: "Ahem...Emperor, what matters now is the impact of the solar eclipse on the world!!"

Zeref suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, yes... I would have forgotten it even if you didn't tell me. What's important now is this!!"

"First of all, we need to know the situation in the Star Spirit World before we can make the next plan. I leave the investigation in this area to you, Olgaste. According to my guess, there should be something wrong with the Star Spirit World. After being exposed to the power of the solar eclipse, you are likely to be swallowed by darkness. If you face the Celestial Spirit King, you must be careful."

The protoss needs a key to be summoned to appear in Aslant, and the protoss king requires a certain talent of the protoss mage, who can be summoned by destroying a key, and the summoned protoss king has time and strength. It is also limited by the summoner. In that case, the combat power alone is only at the level of Maldo.

Therefore, Zeref specially sent Ogast out of consideration of not damaging the Protoss Key and fighting the Protoss King in a complete or even stronger state while the battle location was in the Protoss Realm.

Ogast also understood Zeref's order, immediately tightened the magic wand in his hand, and said respectfully: "I understand."

Then, Zeref ordered Imber to implement corresponding disaster prevention measures for other possible natural disasters, send magic troops to various places for support, and increase efforts to search for the whereabouts of 'Fairy Tail' throughout the empire. There are some personal emotions, but in the end he has almost fulfilled the duties that an 'emperor' of a country should have.

"The principle of solar eclipse is to use the difference in time flow rate between the two worlds to achieve the purpose of traveling through time, so its successful operation is essentially based on the 90:1 time difference between Aslant and the Astral World. "

"After Lucy enters the eclipse gate, everything she does will cause time to be abnormal, and the resulting time and space will affect the operation of the star spirit world and plunge the star spirits into darkness."

Three days later, Ogast placed the things he investigated in front of Zeref. Of course, what he wants to say is not these things that everyone knows, but the mission report of the past few days.

"But now the solar eclipse has obviously failed to operate successfully, and the impact on the Star Spirit World may only be solved by going to the Star Spirit World in person, so I collected several silver keys, and by studying space magic, I found a way to travel to the Star Spirit World. The method of the world.”

It is almost impossible for non-protoss creatures to go to the protoss world unless they can wear the clothes of the protoss world. Ogath has also made many attempts for this, and has found Selene, Irene, and Timaria. , Urrutia and others helped, and then there was a clue.

"What happened after that was as expected by Your Majesty. The star spirits of the Zodiac and the Star Spirit King have all fallen. The former is easy to deal with, but the power of the Star Spirit King after he went berserk is very powerful. Even I spent a lot of effort to We defeated it, but in the end we had a near-miss and successfully awakened it."

Ogast unhurriedly recounted his experiences over the past few days. At the same time, his old eyes carefully looked at Zeref who was sitting in his seat handling government affairs while distractedly listening to his report.

The blackened Celestial Spirit King is strong, but he is not so strong that it requires Ogast to spend a lot of effort to defeat him. The main purpose of what he said is——

"You did a great job, Olgaste! Thank you for your hard work. With you by my side, everything I do feels much easier!"

Hearing Zeref's gentle call to his name and the praise that came from his mouth, Olgaste was faintly excited, but he quickly suppressed the feeling of anger that he shouldn't be angry at, and then skillfully He bowed slightly to Zeref respectfully and said, "It's what I should do to share your worries, Your Majesty!"

It's what I should do to share your worries, Father...

In this world, without the intervention of Mavis and Kira, Olgaste and Zeref have not yet recognized each other. Precito does not seem to recognize Olgaste - maybe he does, but No talking.

One thing is done, but there is another.

Thinking of Lucy, whose whereabouts are still unknown, Zeref frowned again: "The impact of the solar eclipse on the star spirits has been solved, but there is still no clue about Lucy's whereabouts..."

Just when Zeref was lowering his head and thinking hard, Ogast suddenly said something shocking: "I have heard the Celestial Spirit King talk about this matter since then!"

Nani? ! The Star Spirit King mentioned it? !

Zeref suddenly raised his head and looked at Olgaste with surprise, surprise and a bit of surprise, this subordinate who had never let him down: "Did the Celestial Spirit King mention it?! Does he know anything? ?”

yes! Solar Eclipse is a device he developed based on the difference in time flow between the two worlds. Apart from himself, the person most likely to understand it is undoubtedly the leader of the Star Spirit World, the King of Star Spirits! Why didn't I think of asking him?

After thinking about it for a while, Zeref discovered the reason: because he was not a Celestial Mage at all, and there were no other Celestial Mage around him, so it had been a whole year since he opened the Eclipse Gate. Here, he has never used the twelve star spirit keys from beginning to end, nor has he communicated with the star spirits of the twelve zodiac signs. He has never thought that it is normal to go to the star spirit world to seek help from the star spirit king - although The relationship between them is not good.

There is a price to pay for traveling through time, and this is true whether you travel to the past or the future.

The last time he used Solar Eclipse, he allowed Natsu and others to travel through four hundred years. This move not only caused the five of them to lose their memories due to the power of time and space, but also caused them to absorb everything they touched. Entering the time rift, he has not mentioned this dangerous thing to anyone until now.

In addition to Aslant, the star spirit world has also paid a corresponding price, including the death of the previous Zodiac, and some star spirit keys being dyed black, etc., and these are only the results of Zeref and Star Spirit. A few people know about the Spirit King and the Celestial Spirit Mage Anna who opened the door in the first place.

"He only said one word, parallel world!"

Ogast's gentle words made Zeref's head seem to be blown open.

What? parallel world? What it is? ? Is it the parallel world I understand? Is there really a parallel world in this world? ?

The unstoppable association made Zeref stunned. He sat blankly in his position. His eyes seemed to penetrate through Ogast standing in front of him and the wall behind him, and landed on the countless calculation formulas written on them. and the void of conjecture.

"Parallel world...parallel world..."

Zeref kept mumbling this word that was conveyed from the Celestial Spirit King through Ogast, thinking about the message that the other party wanted to tell him.

"That's it! So, Lucy went to a parallel world, so no matter what she did, it would have no impact on the current world..."

Ogast listened quietly to Zeref's mumblings. After he came out of the Star Spirit World, he immediately searched for information related to the parallel world.

There was very little information, but it was enough, but what surprised him was that all the information came from one person.

To be more precise, it appears in many fantasy novels written by this person, and after his verification, this person is the current president of 'Fairy Tail', Kira Hopelet!

In other words, this kid named Kira has already had the concept of parallel worlds in his mind!

After living in Ishgar for the past year, Olgast had already learned about Kira's general information and knew that this was a young man with great talent for magic. Even at his age, he might not have achieved such an achievement. .

In fact, if you think about it for a moment, you will know that a person who can replace Makarov, the "Holy Ten" who has been famous in Ishgar for many years, can become the president of "Fairy Tail" with thunderous means in his early 20s, and lead his men. The group of young magicians who occupied most of the Kingdom of Fiore in just a few months must be a rare genius in magic theory and magic application in a century.

It is not surprising that such a person knows the concept of parallel worlds; but for the same reason, such a person is also the most likely to take action on a solar eclipse!

However, Kira himself is also among the people who have been reversed by 'Nirvana'. If it was really him who manipulated the solar eclipse, how could he himself be affected?

impossible! Absolutely impossible! No one could be that stupid, let alone such a genius!

After brainstorming for a while, Ogast naturally excluded Kira as a suspicious candidate.

"Ogaste, please go out first. I want to think carefully about the parallel world. If this conjecture can be confirmed, maybe the world will undergo earth-shaking changes again!"

"As you command, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

After Ogast left, Zeref quickly stopped all the things he was doing, quickly organized and cleared the pile of documents on the desktop, took out paper and pen, and started writing and drawing. , and soon all kinds of weird letters and formulas appeared on the paper.

At the same time, World No. 1, the Star Spirit World.

As we all know, the time flow rate ratio between Aslant and the Celestial Spirit Realm is three months to one day, which is 90:1. This means that during the three days when Olgast returned to Ishgar, the Celestial Spirit Realm Only 48 minutes have passed.

After Olgast left, the Celestial Spirit King and many other Celestial Spirits, who had broken away from the poison of the solar eclipse magic and regained their original consciousness, also started a meeting.

At the center of the meeting was also the human being who had the deepest connection with them, Lucy Heartfilia.

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