The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 919 Crushing Magic VS Laser

Zhan Momomaru's proficiency in showing off his weapons was higher than that of many pirates with a bounty of over 100 million. Ace was unable to react in time and was hit by a palm strike from the air. The ground cracked and his mouth was red with vomiting.


"Are you OK?!"

Bucky was visibly panicked when he saw that Ace, who was so strong, was instantly defeated by someone.

He just heard that the other party wanted to capture not only him, but also Ace. But Ace was not only Whitebeard's adopted son, but also Captain Roger's son. If he died or fell into the hands of the navy, he would never I can’t forgive myself either!

If you take the initiative to stand up and ask for his life...


Bucky slapped himself hard and cursed secretly: "How could I have such a bastard idea??!"

Sacrifice yourself to help others? Since when did I, Captain Bucky, become such a loyal person?

The reason why I thought that way just now is definitely because Ace has the shadow of Captain Roger in him, so it affects his will. This is not good! !

Ace climbed up from the pit in embarrassment, patted the gravel on his body, gasped and replied: "I'm fine..."

He looked at Zhan Taomaru with solemn eyes.

On the other side, Gildas and Kana stopped the paddling general Kizaru. The three of them looked at each other, and no one made any rash move.

"This guy is so tall..." Gildas looked at Kizaru, who was more than three meters tall, with surprise in his eyes.

Kana said calmly: "People in this world are like this. Their heights are very strange. I have seen many people over two or three meters tall during this time."


After coming to the pirate world, Gildarts has always stayed with the people of the Bucky Pirates, and those people are ordinary people and do not have the height that is standard for the strong men in this world.

When the two of them were observing Kizaru, Kizaru was also looking at the father and daughter.

"You are magicians, not pirates, right? In this situation, are you trying to hinder the navy from arresting pirates? This would not be good for you and your friends..."

According to the news from the New World, Kizaru's current understanding of these magicians is that they are a group of people who do not obey the rules and laws, but do not do evil. They do not have the ambition to dominate the sea like pirates. Some people like to fight against injustice and consider their partners above all else.

"Didn't I just say that? Ace is my friend!!"

Gildas grinned, clenched his right arm and struck out with a fist. The shattering magic cut the air in front into pieces, and then caused a huge explosion under the concussion and squeezing, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust.

boom! !

"Can you kill it?"

"Definitely not! He is a natural ability user and can transform into light. It is probably similar to Juvia's magic. Normal attacks are ineffective against him!"

Kana told Gildas the information she heard from Xia Qi, "It seems that only Haki can deal with the natural element. Dad, you don't know how to do it, right?"

"...No! Could it be that you can?"

Kana puffed up her chest proudly: "Of course! I learned it from Uncle Reilly!!"

"Oh oh oh!! You are indeed my Kana-chan~"

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the three-meter-tall figure walked out of the explosion area unscathed. An expression of surprise and teasing appeared on the wrinkled old face: "What an amazing attack! You magicians are really a comparison." A scary one~"

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this guy's expression deserves a beating..." Kana complained in a low voice.

Kizaru's smile froze on his face.

He turned his head and glanced at the other side, and found that Zhan Momowan was fighting Ace and Bucky. The fighting was going well and it was not strenuous. He thought he would be able to defeat them soon, so he didn't care and concentrated on dealing with it. The two people in front of me.

Although his face was full of seriousness, Kizaru was not relaxed at all.

He had also seen the strange scene just now, otherwise he would not have found this place so quickly. In addition, the corpses of the three pacifists were still lying around quietly, and there was no trace of them. Tired, it can be seen that the strength of these people is not comparable to that of ordinary young pirates.

Even if he is not domineering, he is certainly much stronger than most supernovas.

So Kizaru raised two fingers and condensed a golden beam of light on his fingertips, aiming directly at Gildarts and Kana: "Since you refuse to leave no matter what, then don't blame me for taking action!"

If possible, he really doesn't want to deal with these guys with unknown origins and such weird methods! What if you encounter a magician one day, and then the other party suddenly summons a resurrected Roger or Rocks...

That is a situation that is unimaginable!

After that, the laser shot out of the sky.


Kana shouted loudly, but Gildas was a step faster, waving his sleeves, and the crushing magic spread out a field in front of him, just across the path of the laser, shattering the light beam that was finally condensed into countless pieces invisible to the naked eye. of light particles.

The attack principle of laser lies in its thermal effect, so when the light is shattered, the accumulated energy will naturally dissipate.

"Huh? Did you smash the laser? Did you use the power to smash matter??"

Under the observation of Jian Wen Se Haki, all the changes around him were invisible.

At this moment, Gildas' crushing magic was like shelled peanuts, naked in front of Kizaru.

Could it be the ability to 'crush fruit'? ?

The Navy has an illustration of Devil Fruits. As a high-ranking member of the Navy, Kizaru has naturally seen it before. However, there are many types of Devil Fruits, and he did not deliberately remember the abilities and names of each fruit.

At the moment, Kizaru didn't think much about it. Since a single-point attack wouldn't work, he could only choose a covering attack!

He became a little more serious, raised his palms together, and fired out a torrential rain of laser bullets with a concentration speed ten times faster than before and an attack ten times stronger.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!!"

Dozens of light sources lit up in the field of vision at the same time, which shocked both Gildas and Kana and clucked their tongues: "Is it the move that attacked Bucky just now?! No, it's more powerful than before!"

"It seems like this guy hasn't used his full strength since just now!"

It's not like they have never seen magic such as laser. For example, Stinger, who just joined the guild this year, uses the White Dragon Slayer Magic to have similar attack methods, but due to lack of magic power, lack of experience, etc. The reason is that Stinger's laser is not as powerful as Kizaru's.

"Kana, be careful!" Gildas' eyes narrowed, and he blocked Kana behind with a flick of his cloak. The surging magic power poured out like a roaring sea and mountain.


With a loud shout, the power of crushing once again showed its power, colliding with the laser in mid-air. The two energies were indistinguishable, and finally canceled each other out in a series of explosions. The burst of energy whipped up a strong wind, blowing Gildas and Behind Kizaru and the other two, the two cloaks, one black and one white, were swinging wildly.

"Can you block such an attack? It's really scary~"

Kizaru hissed, but his eyes became more serious.

His principle in life has always been to get a point of pay for a point of work. Since he has received a salary from the Navy, he must work hard. No matter how difficult the enemy is, he must... at least do enough to save his face.

"Tian Cong Yun Sword!!"

Kizaru shouted softly, stretched out his hands, and focused the light into a solid laser sword. Then he transformed into golden light and attacked Gildas at the speed of light.

The Shining Fruit gives Kizaru extremely high long-range attack capabilities, so he often chooses to stand and output in battles, but when encountering enemies with domineering or special powers, he does not hesitate to use his melee skills.

Now that his laser tactics are ineffective, it is natural to abandon long-range attacks and switch to close combat.

So in an instant, Kizaru had flashed to Gildarts' side, raised the Amancongyun Sword high, and slashed it down with one blow!


Gildarts' expression changed greatly. He could indeed block the laser blast with the crushing field, but that magic couldn't block a human body that could be reassembled after being crushed!


The laser sword was so sharp that it cut off half of Gildarts' cloak from behind! !

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