The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 762: Scientific research and construction (in)

Seeing the transparent Rubik's Cube gradually turning into a blue color, Song Qingge stepped forward and touched the Rubik's Cube with his hand.

For a while, colored light and smoke flooded the entire construction device. For this one, Song Qingge can also guess that it is the second decisive battle plan in the fourth phase of scientific research skills, Bailong.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Song Qingge also saw the true face of Bailong. He has long white hair with three irregular and different horns on his head, a big knife slung around his waist, and a white cloak.

Song Qingge, a character who often holds a knife in his hand, has also seen him, but he is like Bailong. When I was called out, it was the first time I saw the person who hung the sword around his waist.

"I am the Shige Sakura aircraft carrier Bailong. If anyone has doubts about my strength, they are welcome to challenge me at any time, and I will tell them what crushing is."

Oh? Still a thorny head? Song Qingge smiled, but if it were placed in the ordinary port area before, they might still have scruples because of Bailong's decisive battle plan, but in the port area today, I am afraid she would cry.

"I’m your commander Song Qingge. I would like to advise you if you live in the port area in the future. But here I’ll give you a small suggestion. It’s best to keep your sentence first, because after all, your level of training is very low now. If you have a high level of training later, let's find someone else." Song Qingge said with a smile.

"Does the commander look down on me?" Bai Long said.

Song Qingge shook his head, "No, I have high expectations of you, that's why I said this to you. In addition, the military master Amagi from the Sakura camp has also come, and Akagi Kaga in the first battle, maybe you You can communicate with them first, and when the call is over, I will take you around the port together."

"Hmph, I will let you see how good I am." Bai Long said, stepped off the construction device, and walked in the direction where the sky city was.

Seeing the domineering white dragon, Song Qingge couldn't help laughing, "According to her character, Akagi and Kaga may be taught to be a human being. I hope she can stand it. After all, your predecessors, Wuhangzhan and Dafeng are all Come here like this."

Seeing that Bailong had come to Tianchen's side, Song Qingge turned around. At this time, Akashi had already used this opportunity to place the transparent Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube materials and the experience pack.

As the machine was started, the transparent Rubik's Cube began to slowly rotate, constantly absorbing the energy contained in the Rubik's Cube. After a while, while waiting for the transparent cube to turn bright blue, Song Qingge reached out and stroked it.

For a while, golden light and smoke filled the top of the construction device, and a figure slowly emerged in the smoke.

And through the obscured smoke, Song Qingge saw a ship girl with a huge aperture on her head. His long light brown hair was draped behind his back, and he was wearing hot and **** clothes. However, the cloak on the belt was not properly draped. Instead, he hung it on his arm casually, which looked a little strange.

When the smoke cleared, the ship's lady on the construction device used eyes that didn't fit her figure, and after a suspicious look, she locked her eyes on Song Qingge's body.

"Command... Officer? Teacher...? Well, teacher! Anchorage, I like the teacher...!"

Song Qingge was stunned for a while at this sound, then looked at Anchorage's figure, and then at her innocent eyes, and suddenly realized that this child may not be a joke, but a true royal. Sister's figure loli heart?

"Hello, Anchorage, my name is Song Qingge, and I will also be your commander in the future. First of all, ask a question, why do you call me a teacher?" Song Qingge said to Anchorage with some confusion.

"Teacher, it's shorter than the commander, and it sounds nice...Anchorage, I like...!" Anchorage said to Song Qingge, and through the way of speaking this time, Song Qing has already determined. , This child’s mind is indeed like this.

"Well, as long as you like it, then you can call me teacher in the future." Song Qingge couldn't help smiling.

"Teacher, I like...!" Anchorage nodded.

Song Qingge smiled, pointed to the direction of the company, and said to Anchorage, "Your company in the White Eagle camp is there. You go and be with her first. After I finish the construction, I will take You go to our port area together, okay?"

Anchorage looked in the direction Song Qing was pointing, and saw a crowd of people there. Although there were companies that Song Qing had said, the other people made Anchorage a little scared.

"There are so many people who don't know... Teacher, Anchorage, I'm a little scared..." Anchorage said to Song Qingge aggrieved.

"Uh, okay, I'll take you over, anyway, I have to wait for the Rubik's Cube to absorb energy if I stand here." Song Qingge nodded.

"Well, teacher...hand!" Anchorage said happily, and stretched out his hand to Song Qing.

Song Qingge smiled, took Anchorage's hand, and led her to the company.

Seeing Song Qing coming over, all the navy girls felt more curious, because the few of them just didn't accompany him, but instead came with this navy girl. Why?

As Song Qingge approached, the company asked Song Qingge, "Commander, what's the matter?"

Song Qingge pointed to the Anchorage next to him and said to the company, "This kid is called Anchorage, and he is a re-tour of your White Eagles. Because you are relatively young in your mind, you can see that you people are here. Fear, I sent her over."

"Huh?" Veneto looked at Anchorage suspiciously. "Is his mental age younger? Is it younger than Tori Zelli, Commander?"

Song Qingge nodded, pointed at the company and said to Anchorage, "She is the company, and you Baiying are your leader. Will you stay with her now?"

Anchorage glanced at the company, then turned back and nodded to Song Qing, "Teacher...well, for the teacher!"

Hearing Anchorage's words, the alien warship mother immediately realized what Song Qingge just said. Especially the enterprise, took Antreich from Song Qing's hand and pulled it to his side.

"Anchorage is a reduced version of Baltimore. In theory, it should be considered a Baltimore modification, so he should get along well with Baltimore and Bremerton." Song Qingge said to the company.

"I see, Commander." The company nodded, and immediately looked at Anchorage with a more affectionate look.

"Is the commander finished?" Bismarck asked at this time.

"There is the last one, Marco Polo from the Sardinian Empire, wait a moment, I will come over after I build it." Song Qingge said to everyone.

"Well, Commander, don't worry."

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