The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 789: Goodbye Bruce

Inside the secret base of Wayne Manor, Bruce is sitting on a chair with his legs folded and looking at the three-dimensional image of the whole Gotham City on the counter of the central hall, with a glass of red wine beside him, looking very comfortable.

Since having a holographic stereoscopic projection and investigating eyes, Bruce's daily work has become extremely simple.

He doesn't need to go through investigations as before to determine which person is evil in Gotham City, because the Detective Eye can see everything clearly. And lock the person he wants to track down, and then he just has to bypass all the defenses and go straight to the core.

"Sixteen years have passed, I don't know how long it will take you to wake up?" Bruce couldn't help but said with some emotion.

At this time, a smiling voice sounded, "Hehe, I heard you talking about me right here when I came back, Bruce, it seems that there has been a lot less entertainment recently."

Bruce quickly looked towards the place where the sound appeared, and saw a black whirlpool slowly appeared, two figures came out of the whirlpool, and Song Qingge was the leader.

"Song!" Bruce said in shock, "have you fully recovered?"

Song Qingge smiled and nodded, "Yes, after sleeping for 16 years, I finally recovered completely."

"It's great." Bruce nodded and said, turning his eyes to Belfast, who was behind Song Qing. "This is?"

Song Qingge smiled and introduced, "My maid, and also my wife, Belfast."

Bruce then nodded to Belfast and greeted him. Although he was a little puzzled, why Song Qingge would rank maid in front of his wife, but since he said so, there must be his truth.

"How are these years?" Song Qingge asked with a smile.

Bruce smiled, pointed to the holographic stereoscopic projection device placed in the center, and said to Song Qingge, "Thanks to you for giving me this thing, now I am doing pretty well."

Song Qingge smiled, "That's what you deserve."

"What about you? Now that you have recovered your strength, are you going to go back to your world?" Bruce asked.

Song Qingge shook his head, "I won't go back for the time being, because this world is about to face a disaster, and maybe I can help."

"Disaster?" Bruce said suspiciously.

"Yes, it is a disaster related to the survival of the entire earth." Song Qingge said to Bruce.

"What disaster will affect the survival of the earth?" Bruce said in shock.

"Invasion of alien forces." Song Qingge said to Bruce, "you will soon see that according to the human technology level, among these alien races, they are almost like ants.

The Kryptonians and the Apocalypse will come to the earth one after another, the Amazons, and the Atlantis will also appear one after another, and the whole earth will enter a chaotic situation. "

"What?" Bruce couldn't turn around for a moment. The moment before he was still comfortably looking at the increasingly tranquil Gotham City, and the next moment, Song Qingge told him that there was an imminent invasion of foreign enemies, and that it was difficult for humans to face. kind.

"Don't be surprised, today is not the day they arrive, it will take a few more days." Song Qingge smiled.

"Then what can we do?" Bruce asked.

Song Qingge smiled, "Waiting for the assembly of heroes."

"Hero?" Bruce immediately thought of what Song Qingge had said before about superpowers, so he said, "Are those superpowers showing up?"

Song Qingge nodded, "That's right, so I will stay for the time being to witness all this happen, and I will help you when you need help."

"Although I don't know the specific situation, we still have to make a perfect plan." Bruce said to Song Qingge.

"Plan?" Song Qingge shook his head with a smile, "We don't need a plan, because any plan is based on the information that is currently known, but whether the situation may change in the future, I don't know yet.

So instead of thinking about future plans, it's better to wait quietly for that moment to come. When the time comes, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth. "

"This..." Song Qing's words made Bruce think for a while. He never fights unprepared battles, but at this time he is not facing the wicked villains of Gotham City, but unknown enemies. So at this moment, Bruce hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'm still here." Song Qingge smiled, "but I'll give you a suggestion to withdraw the Metropolitan company to another place."

"Is this battle going to be fought in Metropolis?" Bruce thought of it all at once.

"Yes, although I can resurrect those people in Metropolis later, the resurrection is a resurrection, and it will carry the shadows brought by the previous wars." Song Qingge said to Bruce.

"Then why don't you stop it in the first place, you are a god!" Bruce said.

"Don't think that the gods are high above, and the gods must abide by the rules, otherwise why are the gods in the legend no longer there?" Song Qingge said to Bruce.

"And, even if you tell those people now, will those people believe it? They just think you are a lunatic. Since you are my friend, I told you this news. These are all based on trust. of.

If I were someone you didn't know, and suddenly told you that there would be a tragic war in the metropolis after a while, would you believe it? "

"No." Bruce said without hesitation.

"So, since we can't affect them now, and we can remedy them afterwards, why bother to cause those troubles?" Song Qingge laughed, "Only when disasters come, humans will believe in the existence of disasters. This is not the first time. ."

"Although you can't refute what you said, if you try to kill those difficulties at the root, isn't it all right?" Bruce asked.

"I remember I told you earlier that I am a **** who controls life. All lives have their original trajectories. To rashly destroy these trajectories is disrespect for life, which is contrary to the rules I abide by. "Song Qingge said to Bruce.

"Well, since you have said that, I will do it." Bruce nodded. Although he doesn't know why, he trusts Song Qingge even more.

Because a strong person who abides by the rules is much easier to get along with than an ordinary person who does not abide by the rules.

"By the way, there are still some people in my family who need to come over. During this time, borrow the empty space of your house to use it." Song Qingge said to Bruce.

"Open space? Why use the open space? If necessary, can I get you a hotel?" Bruce said.

Song Qingge smiled, "It's not necessary, then you will know what I did with the empty space."

"Uh, all right."

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