The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 794: The meeting of Batman and Superman

As Zod’s spacecraft continued to approach the earth, the satellites on the earth also discovered the existence of that spacecraft.

And then just like the original plot, Zod used Krypton's cutting-edge technology to control all signals on the earth, and transmitted his voice and images to all corners of the earth in various words and languages.

"Do you think he will show up?" Bruce put down the phone in his hand and said to Song Qingge.

Song Qingge smiled, "Then do you want him to appear, or do you want him not to appear?"

Bruce froze for a moment, "I personally think it would be better for him to show up."

"Believe then, he thinks so too." Song Qingge smiled at Bruce.

"Do you believe in him that way?" Bruce asked, and suddenly he reacted, "I have forgotten that you are from a different world, and I know what will happen afterwards."

Song Qingge nodded, "He will appear, like a **** descending on the human world. However, after his appearance this time, he can no longer hide. The most important thing is the mentality of human beings to accept him."

Bruce thought for a while, "It's difficult."

Song Qingge laughed, "This is the inferior nature of human beings, how about it, do you want to meet that son of Krypton?"

Bruce was surprised, "Can you?"

"Of course you can, maybe you can become his mentor." Song Qingge said with a smile.

Batman became Superman's mentor, and it was exciting to think about it.

As for the ship maidens who had understood the original plot, looking at Song Qingge's smile on his face, they knew that their commanders had nasty thoughts again.

Sure enough, Song Qingge turned around and said to a group of ship ladies, "You are at home first, I will take Bruce to see the son of Krypton, and come back later."

The company smiled, "Okay, Commander."

Song Qingge nodded, stretched out his hand in front of him and drew a black whirlpool, which appeared in an instant. He turned his head to the side of Bruce and nodded, and walked into the whirlpool, and Bruce had the experience of the previous crossing, so he immediately followed.

The scenery in front of him changed, and the two appeared beside a farm.

"Farm?" Bruce was surprised. "You mean this son of Krypton is a farmer on earth?"

Song Qingge smiled, "Is it weird?"

"No, it's just a little surprised." Bruce said to Song Qingge, "No wonder he can hide for so long without being discovered. It turns out that he is in such a place."

"Let's go, now it is estimated that he is feeling a little confused about the arrival of Zod." Song Qingge said to Bruce.

"Yeah." Bruce nodded and followed Song Qing's footsteps.

The two walked to the farm house, Song Qingge shouted into the house, "Clark, there are guests here, do you not come out to greet you?"

A handsome man and an elderly man walked out of the room upon hearing the sound, and they saw Song Qing and Bruce standing outside the door.

"It's you, Mr. Song!" Clark said with some surprise.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a few days, it seems that you are not doing well." Song Qingge smiled, pointing to Bruce's direction, "This is Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham City."

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, my name is Clark Kent." Clark said to Bruce.

"Hello, Clark." Bruce nodded.

So in this DC world, Batman and Superman met for the first time, abruptly by Song Qingge 18 months ahead of schedule.

Song Qingge looked at the two and smiled, then turned to the old woman who was aside, "This must be your mother, Miss Martha, right?"

When Song Qingge said the name, Bruce was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on Martha, there was another meaning in it.

"Hello." Martha quickly said to Song Qingge. After all, when she heard Song Qingge just introduced Bruce Wayne, her understatement, even the richest man was not in the eyes of the person, the status must be very high.

"Don't be so polite." Song Qingge smiled.

"Please come and sit inside, otherwise it would appear that we are too rude to stand outside and talk." Martha said to Song Qing and Bruce.

"Thank you." Song Qingge nodded with a smile, and finally walked into the room with Bruce.

Because there were guests in the house, Martha went to pack her things, and Song Qingge, Clark, and Bruce were left in the house.

Song Qingge said straightforwardly, "Clark, have you seen the news report just now? What are your thoughts now?"

Clark looked at Bruce on the side, and saw Song Qingge nodded, so he said, "Didn’t you tell Mr. Song before, I will stand up and face it, but I now have one worry, that is that Zod is now It’s not credible to me, but I don’t know whether humans on earth are credible..."

Song Qingge smiled slightly, glanced at Bruce, and said to Clark, "Sometimes you have to learn to trust others first, so that others will believe you.

However, there are still many corners. Bruce is also deeply moved by this point. "

Bruce couldn't help touching his nose, and shrugged at Clark who looked over.

"Do you know Gotham City?" Song Qingge asked Clark.

"Yes, that city with a high crime rate." Clark nodded.

Song Qingge said, "Bruce is not only the richest man there, but he is also the guardian there. He has a name, you know, Batman."

"Is he Batman?" Clark looked at Bruce in surprise. After all, it is absurd for him to be the richest man to fight criminals every day.

Bruce touched his nose. "After all, these evils in the world have to be confronted by someone, right?"

Clark nodded, "Yes."

Song Qingge smiled, "I remember your father Kent once said to you that you have to decide what kind of person you want to grow into. No matter what kind of person you become, righteous or evil, you will change the world."

Clark nodded, "Yes, my father is the person who influenced me the most."

"So, when a god-like existence with power surpasses human imagination, humans may panic and may worship, but as the person involved, you must see your own heart.

What is a true god? That is to abide by order, to abide by rules, to stick to one's own heart, not to be deceived by the expansion of power, and to be the true self. Only such a person who is detached from human nature is called a god. "Song Qingge said to Clark.

"So Mr. Song meant, I don't have to care what others think?" Clark said to Song Qingge.

Song Qingge nodded, "The opinions of others are always the opinions of others. The hardest thing in this world is to change the opinions of others. So just be yourself, Clark, it’s a **** or a devil, it’s up to you, because You will have to walk on your own in the future."

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