“I wonder what Mr. Lafitte thinks his most successful investment in Xia Country is?” Jiang Hao asked.

“Of course it’s Yabis Company.” Lafitte said proudly, “At the beginning, no one was optimistic about Yabis Company, but I was the only one who was optimistic about Yabis Company. Facts have proved that my opinion was right, Yabis Company let me Make a lot of money. The 20% of Yabis shares I hold are now worth a fortune, even as valuable as the Coca-Cola shares I hold.”

Lafitte is obviously very proud of his investment in Yabis Company.

This is indeed a good investment.

Lafitte should be proud of.

“Actually, I am also optimistic about Yabis Company. I intend to buy 20% of Yabis Company’s shares in your hands. I wonder if you are willing to sell?” Jiang Hao asked.

“You finally stated your intention.” Lafitte said, “Yabis Company has a bright future. Their company’s stocks still have a lot of room for appreciation. I will not sell them.”

“What if I’m willing to pay a premium?” Jiang Hao asked.

“How much premium can you charge?” Lafitte asked.

“50%.” Jiang Hao thought for a while and gave his highest price.

This price is very attractive.

Even Lafitte is caught in the trade-off.

Lafitte silently weighed the pros and cons.

Finally, Lafitte shook his head.

Jiang Hao was surprised and said: “Aren’t you willing to take action at such a high price?”

Lafitte said calmly: “If you had a hen that lays eggs, would you choose to sell the hen?”

Jiang Haodao: “As long as the price offered by others is high enough, I will sell it.”

Lafitte said: “Me too, the reason why I rejected you is because your price is not high enough.”

Jiang Haodao: “Is there no room for negotiation?”

Lafitte said: “Let’s not talk about this topic. I’m not satisfied with your price, and you can’t pay more. Let’s end this topic.”

“Okay.” Jiang Hao smiled bitterly, “Since you have no intention of selling, Mr. Lafitte, I will take my leave now.”

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he walked away without any hesitation.

“It doesn’t matter if young people are not polite. If you don’t have patience, you won’t be able to go far.” Lafitte looked at Jiang Hao’s back and said with a smile.

Jiang Hao was not too disappointed.

He came here today just to test Lafitte and see if Lafitte was willing to sell.

Lafitte was unwilling to sell, as he expected.

He didn’t have high expectations.

So it can’t be said that there is much disappointment.

“Mr. Lafitte, I gave you a chance. Since you are unwilling to sell, don’t blame me for using any means to deal with you.”

“Shopping malls are so ruthless.”

Jiang Hao made up his mind.

He decided that he would try every means to cause Lafitte to have financial problems.

This also led to badmouthing electric vehicles.

A two-pronged approach.

In the end, Lafitte can be forced to sell 20% of the Yabis shares in his hands.

The reason why Lafitte is unwilling to sell now is that Lafitte is not short of money now.

Since he is not short of money, then create conditions to make him short of money.

When he is short of money, he is willing to sell anything, let alone the 20% of Yabis Company shares!

Jiang Hao returned to Hawaii Island overnight and returned to his villa.

He was not in a hurry to deal with the acquisition of Yabis Company.

He was going to do another thing.

That is to steal the dragon head.

The dragon head was originally the national treasure of their Xia Kingdom, and was robbed by bandits from the West.

Now the robbers are taking out their national treasures for sale, which is really unreasonable!

The reason why Jiang Hao offered 2 billion US dollars was to prevent Masayoshi Suzuki from buying the dragon’s head.

Jiang Hao would not pay honestly and enrich the pockets of those Westerners.

And if he really paid, as Xu Min said, it would be an inspiration to the descendants of those bandits in the West.

The descendants of these robbers were encouraged to wait for the price and sell Xia’s treasures at a higher price.

Jiang Hao would not do such a stupid thing.

As for what Jiang Hao said to Xu Min before, Jiang Hao planned to put it into practice himself.

Of course there is no Arunaki in this world, but Jiang Hao can make it happen.

There is no alien thief Gulu, but Jiang Hao can impersonate himself.

Jiang Hao came to his secret warehouse.

These days, Jiang Hao has never traded in the technology of electric vehicles, but he has also traded in some very interesting things in the future.

Such as the flying saucer toy from the future world.

This kind of flying saucer toy is a toy that children will play in the future, almost equivalent to today’s bumper cars.

But this flying saucer toy

, for today’s humans, there is no difference from a real flying saucer.

It looks exactly like a flying saucer.

And the space inside is large and can accommodate several people, which is almost equivalent to an ordinary rental house.

And it can really fly instantly, using gravity to fly in any corner of the earth. The speed is also very fast, which is completely unable to be captured by current human aircraft.

It means that it cannot fly outside the earth, it can only fly above the earth and use the earth’s gravity to fly.

This is a UFO designed by future humans based on original science fiction works.

It is a toy that children in the future will play with on their home planet.

But the toys of the future are the black technology of today.

After having this flying saucer toy, Jiang Hao pretended to be an alien, and there was no flaw at all.

“This flying saucer is a fool-like operation. After all, it is a children’s toy. There is nothing complicated about it. I can control it completely.”

“I also traded a deformation ooze from the future. By attaching the deformation ooze to my body, I can transform myself into any weird thing.”

Jiang Hao thought, and dug out a pool of yellow mud from the corner.

This is a kind of deformed ooze that Jiang Hao traded from the future and got it from a child.

It is also a toy.

By attaching this slime to your body, you can give yourself the ability to transform and transform into various legendary characters.

That future child showed Jiang Hao how to become the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Bull Demon King, and the Hulk.

It is ever-changing and very magical, with no flaws at all.

Using this transformation ooze, it’s as if you have the ability of Sun Wukong’s seventy-two transformations.

Jiang Hao put the yellow slime on his body, imagining the image he wanted to become.

In an instant, Jiang Hao turned into a tall, green-skinned weirdo who looked like Demon King Piccolo in Dragon Ball, but his appearance was even more lurid.

After looking in the mirror and seeing his own appearance, Jiang Hao said to himself: “If I become like this bird, even my biological mother won’t recognize me. Now I’m pretending to be an alien, pretending to be the alien thief Gulu , should be able to deceive everyone.”

Jiang Hao was very satisfied with the effect of this transformation.

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