Toutian Automobile and Suzuki Consortium officially reached a strategic partnership.

Naturally, Jiang Hao did not hide this news. Instead, he mobilized all the media resources at his disposal to vigorously publicize it.

For a time, there was a huge uproar and everyone knew about it.

Even Yanjing TV, the most authoritative media in Xia State, reported on it.

And it was reported at seven o’clock in the evening, the prime time news program, which shows how seriously this matter is taken.

After all, this is the biggest change in the automotive industry in recent years.

Everyone knows what the Suzuki Consortium represents.

It is equivalent to representing the entire automobile industry of Dazuo Country.

Da Zuoguo has already invested in hydrogen energy vehicles for decades, with rich relevant experience and a complete industrial chain.

Toitian Automobile Company has made another technological breakthrough in hydrogen energy batteries.

The two sides are a perfect match and have complementary advantages.

What’s more, US$500 billion is not a small amount. It is enough money to change the industry structure.

This means that the Osaka Automobile Industry represented by the Suzuki Consortium is preparing to make a big move in the field of hydrogen energy vehicles.

So the moment the news spread, the two major electric vehicle companies were hit hard.

Tesla stock hits bottom.

Masco was on the verge of tears.

The world’s richest man’s net worth has shrunk by half, from the world’s richest man to the world’s tenth richest man.

An anxious Masco directly tweeted dozens of question marks.

Yabis’ stock price also fell directly to the bottom.

Although Xu Mingze was still calm, the top brass of Yabis were all panicked.

Beautiful country, Manhattan.

Quantum Building.

Lafitte had a gloomy face.

Lafitte felt that he was having a bad time.

Extremely unlucky.

It took a lot of effort for him to resolve the matter at Boyne Company. He almost used up all his working capital and owed a lot of money.

In this way, the problems of Boyne Company have only been alleviated, and there has been no real turnaround.

If Boyne wants to turn around, it must wait until the 748 series aircraft are released and re-establish its reputation with super high cost performance.

That’s at least five years away.

The bad news was enough to upset Lafitte.

However, Toutian Auto’s live broadcast and the new technology brought by Tootian Auto directly caused the stock price of Yabis Company to begin to fall.

Here’s another piece of bad news.

Lafitte had a bad feeling at that time.

Now this bad premonition has been verified.

At this moment, the secretary was reporting steadily: “The Suzuki consortium has made a heavy bet on Toutian Auto. Suzuki Masayoshi even intends to marry his youngest daughter to Kang Jianfei. The investment of 500 billion US dollars will be quickly put in place. He was stimulated by this news. , Tesla’s stock has fallen to the extreme, and Musk has fallen from his position as the world’s richest man.”

“What’s worse is that the stock price of Yabis Company has also been greatly impacted. The value of 20% of Yabis Company’s shares in your hand has depreciated by at least 60%.”

“Because of the incident with Boyne Company, your asset status was not very good to begin with. Now that something like this has happened, your asset status is already quite dangerous. If outsiders find out, there may be unexpected disasters.”

The secretary is Lafitte’s confidant, so naturally he can say anything.

This secretary has been with Lafitte for many years, and this is the first time he has seen Lafitte so unlucky and embarrassed.

“Damn it, I have been the leader for so many years, how could I end up in this situation? I really can’t figure it out.” Lafitte said with an aggrieved look, “Did I come across something dirty? I should find a psychic or something. Drive me away from evil spirits! What bad luck is happening one after another…”

Lafitte was not a superstitious person, but he was so unlucky during this period that he even wondered if he had been contaminated with something dirty. His luck was not so bad before!

“Maybe you should take some time off and relax,” the secretary suggested.

“Let’s talk about it…” Lafitte said bitterly, “My core investment is Boyne Company. Now it is in a state of decline. It will take at least five years to return to the past situation. Yabis Company is my investment in Asia. One of my most useful investments has had a big problem now, and it has shrunk by 50%. What should I do?”

The secretary was speechless. He didn’t know how to solve this kind of problem.

They didn’t suspect that someone was behind this. After all, this kind of thing looked like an accident. It didn’t seem like someone had done it intentionally, and there were no traces of artificiality.

Especially since Boyne Company and Toutian Automobile are incompatible with each other.

No matter how rich Lafitte’s imagination was, he couldn’t connect the two things and think that someone was planning some conspiracy behind them.

This is where Jiang Hao’s methods are superb. He tricked Lafitte to death, and Lafitte didn’t even know that he was being tricked.

The great stock god was almost ruined by Jiang Hao.

“There’s an email from Mr. Ferlock on Wall Street saying there’s a guy who wants to see you.”

Lafitte was feeling depressed when suddenly, another of his secretaries came in to report.

Ferauke is a Wall Street titan and a man with a wide circle of friends. He is known as the Octopus Spider because he can relate to everyone.

Feilauke has long played the role of a middleman, helping different people get to know each other. As a middleman, he can also help some people provide guarantees.

From the commander-in-chief to the state pastor, whether it is a chaebol, an emerging technology company, or a traditional financial force, Feilauke has contacts and connections.

All in all, he is a well-connected person.

This email sent by Ferauke was obviously someone who wanted to meet Lafitte through Ferauke.

It was Ferauke who wanted to save face.

Lafitte naturally doesn’t need to give ordinary people’s face.

But Lafitte had to give Ferauke the face.

First, Lafitte had asked Ferauk to help him in the past, so he owed Ferauk some small favors.

The second is Ferauke, who is known as the Eight-clawed Spider. He can contact anyone. He may be useful in the future. If you don’t give him face now, you will offend him, which will hinder your future work.

“I owe Feilauke some favors. Since he introduced me, I will go and meet him.” Lafitte said, “But if you want my help, forget it. I just want to give him face and go and meet him.” Come on, I have too much time to take care of myself right now.”

Lafitte is really short of money recently and is a little nervous.

They even plan to restart Lafitte’s lunch project, where people will treat themselves to meals, pay themselves, earn a little money first, and relieve financial pressure.

If you ask him for help, chances are he will be asked to pay, and he will definitely refuse.

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