“Don’t decent people need pensions?” Chen Long completely broke his guard, “Jiang Hao is so unconscionable that he cheated me of my pension. I will fight with you!”

Chenlong said, and hit the security captain with a “dog bite Lu Dongbin” move.

Chenlong is sixty, but his sword is still young.

His skills are still sharp.

“What a drunken fist!”

“It has the same style as before!”

“I insist on it!”

Creditors cheered.

Chenlong is standing up for everyone.

Even if we don’t play well, everyone should support us.

What’s more, Chen Long beats the tiger to the wind.

At first glance, it is clear that he is well versed in “loose, bouncy and connected hair”.

Lianjiazi, this is it!

Chenlong’s move is very powerful.

If he were an ordinary security guard, he would have been beaten black and blue by Chen Long.

However, the security captain is no ordinary person. He retired from the army and learned the “Eighteen Black Dragon Moves”.

Seeing Chen Long’s move, the security captain immediately used “Black Tiger to Eviscerate the Heart” to respond.


Their arms collided.

Each took a step back.

“Brother Chenlong, people think that the actor’s kung fu is fake, but I didn’t expect that your kung fu is real!” The security captain said, “You still have such skills at the age of sixty. It seems that when you were young, you could beat more than a dozen people. This is not bragging!”

“Of course I’m not bragging!” Chen Long said, “You’re not bad either, but you can’t stop me today!”

Chenlong said, preparing to continue his attack.

The security captain shook his head and said:

“You all come together and subdue Brother Chenlong!”

“Take it first, and wait until Mr. Jiang comes back to deal with it!”

The security captain is not a martial artist.

Naturally, there is no one-on-one problem.

Many times, I don’t even get ahead, so I let my subordinates swarm over me and bully the few.

If you want to do everything yourself, why do you want to be the security captain?


It was Chen Long who said that one person could challenge a group of people alone.

It’s okay to fulfill other people’s wishes.

All the security guards swarmed up and captured Chen Long.

“Despicable and shameless, bullying the few with more!” Ma Liuyun spat.

“Don’t talk about martial arts!” Ma Benteng commented.

“Shame!” Wan Guangrong said to his bodyguards, “Brother Chenlong can’t be allowed to suffer, you go and help him!”

“No need!” Chen Long said, “Who am I? I am Chen Long! I am not a fierce dragon but can’t cross the river!”

Chenlong said, waving his two arms and performing a smooth drunken fist.

I saw that his eyes were looking in six directions and his ears were listening in all directions.

Defending front, rear, left and right, attacking from all sides.

His fists are like shooting stars, his legs are like whips.

Chase the wind and the moon without mercy.

“I tossed and turned like a wave…”

Chen Long fought against more than a dozen security guards by himself and never lost, galloping through the crowd.

When he gets excited, he even sings.

Ma Liuyun gave a thumbs up and said, “Brother Chenlong, you are awesome!”

“Brother Chenlong, you are awesome!”


All the creditors were amazed.

Wan Guangrong said: “Brother Chenlong restrained more than a dozen security guards for us. We took the opportunity to rush in and find Jiang Hao!”

“Come on!” Ma Liuyun shouted, “Hold the security guards back!”

Ma Liuyun, Wan Guangrong and others all brought bodyguards.

Although the number of people is small, the total number of bodyguards is quite large.

At this moment, they commanded the bodyguards and pitted them against the security guards.

Chenlong held back more than a dozen security guards by himself.

Ma Liuyun and others completely broke through the security line and rushed into Yanhuang Technology Company.

The security guards couldn’t stop him at all.

The entire gate of Yanhuang Technology Company was full of chaos and chaos.

The situation was completely out of control.

“Jiang Hao, come out!”

“Jiang Hao, come out quickly and give us an answer and an explanation!”

“Jiang Hao, come out!”

Ma Liuyun and others rushed inside while shouting. The employees of Yanhuang Technology were all horrified and did not dare to act rashly.

“If you continue like this, I will call the police!” The security captain came with a few security guards to stop him.

Most of the security guards were there with Chen Long.

Chen Long is now as fierce as a tiger, dragging more than a dozen people on his own and unable to get away from him.

The security captain could only reluctantly lead three or four security guards into the company to protect the company’s assets and personnel.

“Call the police, call the police, we are not afraid, we are reasonable!” Ma Benteng said.

“We are here to reason. Where is Jiang Hao, come out quickly!”

“Look for it in the office!”

Everyone rushed directly into the chairman’s office.

In the office, there were only a few secretaries working on paperwork, and there was no sign of Jiang Hao.

The intrusion of the crowd caused the secretaries to turn pale and scream.

“Jiang Hao is still hiding from us, throwing paint, throwing paint!” Wan Guangrong thought Jiang Hao was still hiding.

Hidden, still escaping, he became furious and ordered his men to throw paint.

The men opened the paint bucket.

Bright red paint was splashed on the white walls.

Very eye-catching, very dazzling.

Wan Guangrong picked up a brush and wrote on the wall with paint:

[If a creditor comes to your door and avoids it, you have a guilty conscience and there must be something wrong! 】


“Well done!”


Colleagues in the banking industry applauded Wan Guangrong.

The security captain felt a headache.

This time, he completely failed in his duty.

“Xiao Ma, do you still remember how our contract was signed?” Ma Liuyun was watching the excitement, and suddenly he had an idea and remembered something.

“There’s no problem with the contract…” Ma Benteng said in surprise.

It was impossible for him to neglect such a large investment.

I read the contract several times to make sure there were no loopholes in the terms before signing it.

“Our contract only stated that it was an investment in Jiang Hao’s new project, and it did not state that it was an investment in the Metaverse.” Ma Liuyun reminded, “At that time, we all thought that Jiang Hao’s new project was the Metaverse, so we didn’t care too much about it. , now it seems that Jiang Hao has dug a hole to wait for us!”

Gu Wentai said anxiously: “What should we do? Doesn’t Jiang Hao take the initiative?”

“That’s Jiang Hao’s official seal there. Let’s take away Jiang Hao’s official seal!” Ma Liuyun said frantically, “Take his official seal and use his official seal to seal a few more agreements. We can also take the initiative and at least start a lawsuit with him. When the time comes, you can take some of the initiative!”

Ma Benteng and others were shocked.

Stealing the official seal?

This is something only gangsters can do, and it is not in line with their status as business tycoons.

But they took a look at Wan Guangrong.

After Wan Guangrong poured the paint, he saw that Jiang Hao hadn’t come out yet, so he opened the gasoline can and threatened: “Jiang Hao shows up within half an hour, or I will burn down your office!”

Seeing Wan Guangrong’s performance, they sighed. Wan Guangrong is also the president of the top bank in the country, and now he is no better than a gangster.

It doesn’t seem too much for Ma Liuyun to grab the official seal.

And Ma Liuyun took action immediately.

The security captain quickly accepted the official seal.

The official seal is very important.

If the key is lost, he is derelict in his duty.

The two sides argued again.

The chaotic scene can only be described in four words.

The chicken is flying and the dog is jumping!

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