Masao Ogawa immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

“Are you kidding?” Masao Ogawa asked.

“I guarantee with my head that this is absolutely genuine. I obtained this information from the chairman’s office!” Li Mingshan said with assurance.

“Yoxi, Yoxi, Li Mingshan, you have made a great contribution!” Ogawa Masao was overjoyed, “Well done!”

“My name is not Li Mingshan, my name is Shan Guangxiu. You calling me by Xia Guo’s name is an insult to me.” Li Mingshan said aggrievedly.

He was born in Dazuo Kingdom.

Death is the death of Da Zuoguo.

His loyalty to Osaka Country is greater than Akita Inu, the national dog of Osaka Country.

Masao Ogawa actually called him by Xia Guo’s name, which was really unusual.

He is really not an outsider!

“Sorry, Mitsuhide Yama, it was a moment of negligence, an oversight!” Masao Ogawa said, “Please send the relevant information to my email!”

“Can I report to Mr. Masayoshi Suzuki in person? After all, it’s a big deal!” Li Mingshan said.

He really wanted to establish his presence in front of Masayoshi Suzuki.

Suzuki Masayoshi, the richest man in Osaka Country, is the god in his mind.

If he could meet Suzuki Masayoshi, he would be happy to die.

“Baga!” Ogawa Masao cursed loudly, “Are you crazy? Mr. Suzuki has a lot of things to do every day, and you can see him whenever you want? Are you worthy? Know your identity!”

Masao Ogawa’s curse was so frightening that Li Mingshan almost peed his pants.

Although he was separated by his cell phone, Li Mingshan still nodded and bowed and said: “I was reckless, please forgive me, forgive me!”

Masao Ogawa said coldly: “It’s just that you are not in front of me, otherwise the moment you make such an unreasonable request, I will slap you until your skin is bruised!”

Li Mingshan quickly slapped himself in the face, making his face crack.

Then Li Mingshan said: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, my subordinate slapped himself in the mouth!”

“That’s pretty much it!” Masao Ogawa said, “Hurry up and send the information to my email. Make sure there are no mistakes, or I will skin you!”


Li Mingshan did not dare to delay and quickly sent the relevant information to Masao Ogawa’s mailbox.

On the other side, Da Zuo Country.

Masao Ogawa hung up the phone and said disdainfully: “He is just a dog of our Suzuki Consortium. He still wants to meet Mr. Suzuki. He is really wishful thinking! To be a dog, you must have the consciousness to be a dog, otherwise it will only become a dog meat hot pot!”

Anywhere, those who betray their ancestors are not respected.

Li Mingshan has deep feelings for Da Zuoguo.

But people from the real Dasa Kingdom, such as Masao Ogawa, look down on people like Li Mingshan at all.

Not to mention that he changed his name, even if he changed his gender, in the eyes of Ogawa Masao, a real Osaka country, he is just a wild dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy. If he is obedient, he will be given a bone. If he is not obedient, he will be severely punished. Kick.

“These are very important information. This dog can really get things done!” Ogawa Masao is Li Mingshan’s contact person, so he naturally recognizes Chinese characters. Besides, the characters of Osaka Kingdom were originally derived from Chinese characters, and there are still many characters that are interoperable. Yes, the people of Dazuo Country can even guess some Chinese characters.

Masao Ogawa naturally understood the content of the information and realized that this super lithium battery was too terrifying and would definitely affect the Suzuki Consortium’s big plan.

“We must report to Mr. Suzuki immediately!”

Li Mingshan wants to meet Suzuki Masayoshi, but it is basically a fantasy.

He regards Masayoshi Suzuki as a god, but Masayoshi Suzuki has no idea that a person like him exists.

But Ogawa Masao easily met Suzuki Masayoshi.

Because Masao Ogawa is the head of the intelligence agency of the Suzuki Consortium and is responsible for managing many commercial spies, he often reports the situation to Masayoshi Suzuki.

At this moment, Masao Ogawa handed over the information that had been translated and said: “Mr. Suzuki, these are the parameters and technical ideas of Yabis super lithium battery. I have verified it with professionals, and it should be true.”

Masayoshi Suzuki looked through the information, and his face became uglier as he looked at it.

“Jiang Hao, this Baga, humiliated me when he auctioned the dragon head before. I always wanted to kill him, but unfortunately I didn’t find the chance.” Masayoshi Suzuki said bitterly, “This time Jiang Hao suddenly bought Yabis Company, I thought Jiang Hao made a bad move, but I didn’t expect him to have such a new technology! No, no!”

Masayoshi Suzuki immediately felt tremendous pressure.

The automobile companies in Dazuo Country have invested in hydrogen energy vehicles for many years, but they missed out on electric vehicles and could only go down the wrong path.

They thought there was no hope for hydrogen energy, but the Toitian Automobile Company founded by Kang Jianfei brought them hope.

As a result, as soon as the dawn of hope appeared, Jiang Hao came up with a super

grade lithium battery.

TMD, their hydrogen energy vehicles have not been put into production yet!

“You did a good job!” After praising Masao Ogawa, Masayoshi Suzuki stood up and said, “This news is very important. I must make a decision with my colleagues. You go down!”


After a while, the top executives of Osaka’s automobile company were summoned by Masayoshi Suzuki.

Masayoshi Suzuki threw the information to everyone and said:

“You have also seen that we have finally ushered in the dawn of hydrogen energy vehicles, and now we have encountered a formidable competitor like Jiang Hao.”

“The super lithium battery technology developed by Jiang Hao is actually a little better than Kang Jianfei’s hydrogen energy battery technology.”

“What should we do now? Give me your opinion!”

The information Jiang Hao gave was naturally false.

The fraud lies in the weakening of super lithium battery technology.

The parameters of super lithium battery technology are set to be only slightly stronger than hydrogen energy batteries.

Real data cannot be exposed.

The real data was so terrifying that Jiang Hao was afraid of scaring Masayoshi Suzuki into shrinking his eggs.

In order for a gambler to increase his stakes, he must be given the hope of winning.

The gap cannot be too big.

A little stronger, just right.

“How about we give up Kang Jianfei? Give up hydrogen energy vehicles?”

“No, hydrogen energy vehicles are our lifeblood. Now that we finally see hope, how can we give up so easily?”

“What should we do?”

“We can use other advantages to make up for it. Yabis is not as good as us in other automotive technologies. It just has a certain advantage in kinetic energy, which is not enough to defeat us!”

“But we must be fast and gain first-mover advantage!”

After some discussion, the senior executives of Dazuoguo Automobile Company decided to take a preemptive strike.

The technology of super lithium batteries is only a little bit ahead of hydrogen energy batteries. Hydrogen energy batteries also have a lot of opportunities. As long as they occupy the market first, there is still great potential.

Masayoshi Suzuki nodded and said: “Kang Jianfei is talented. If we fully support him, he may not be able to improve his technology. Moreover, we have other technical blessings, coupled with the first-mover advantage and the power of public opinion, we are not afraid of a battle with Yabis!”

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