In the base of the Dagger Alliance.

Gao Yang and Gao Fang, a pair of male and female killers, are preparing assassination equipment that will be used tomorrow.

All equipment, including guns, ammunition, and body armor, must be prepared.

“Jiang Hao’s whereabouts are very fixed. This is a good opportunity for us to assassinate Jiang Hao.” Gao Yang said, “Early tomorrow morning, when Jiang Hao is on his way to Yanhuang Technology Company, we will take action and send Jiang Hao to hell!”

Gao Fang said: “How is the security force around Jiang Hao?”

“Not very good.” Gao Yang said with a smile, “This person has no sense of crisis at all, and he doesn’t even have serious bodyguards around him to protect him. It’s hard to imagine that a person like him can do such a big business.”

“Perhaps the security in Xia Country is so good that it paralyzed him and made him become a flower in the greenhouse.” Gao Fang said with a smile.

At this time, a sudden voice broke in and said, “Have you ever seen a tiger bring bodyguards? The reason why tigers don’t bring bodyguards is because tigers are already the most ferocious animals in the world.”



The male and female killers were startled, and immediately reacted and looked at the person.

The two men quickly drew their guns and pointed them at the person, and then they froze.

Because Jiang Hao did not have a facade this time, he directly showed his true appearance.

He figured out that there was no need to hide his identity from the dead, since the dead would not tell the truth anyway.

“Jiang Hao?” Gao Fang lost his voice, “You know we want to assassinate you? How did you find us?”

“Kill him!” Gao Yang didn’t care so much and just shot.

Gao Fang also reacted.

There is really no need to ask why the other party knew about his assassination, and why the other party found his stronghold.

This kind of thing can be investigated later, but right now, it is a large project worth 10 billion US dollars, and it must be completed immediately.

The bullets were like roaring poisonous snakes, carrying fire and shooting towards Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao smiled coldly, stretched out his hand, and instantly caught the incoming bullet like a fish.

The bullet was caught in Jiang Hao’s hand without even breaking Jiang Hao’s skin.

Not to mention Jiang Hao’s Tianshen watch and future night clothes, even the body-protecting Qi formed by Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is enough to withstand the impact of bullets.

This level of firepower poses no threat to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao grabbed the bullet with his bare hands, just like catching a fish from a fish tank.

Then he spread his hands and poured the bullets on the ground one by one. These bullets were still hot.

Gao Yang and Gao Fang could hardly believe their eyes, let alone believe that such a thing would happen.

Catching bullets with bare hands?

Not to mention that they have seen it, they have not even heard of it. This is really too harmful.

“How is it possible? How did you do it? Are you Superman?”

“Catching bullets with your bare hands… No wonder you don’t want bodyguards. With your ability, we have offended a great being this time!”

Gao Yang and Gao Fang took a breath and realized instantly that Jiang Hao was so weird that they couldn’t deal with it.

The reason why this pair of male and female thieves survive today in the cruel world of killers is because those who know the current situation are heroes. When they encounter an impossible task or an opponent they cannot fight against, they will not hesitate and run away immediately. Run faster than a rabbit.

After discovering that Jiang Hao could catch bullets with his bare hands, they no longer dared to confront Jiang Hao, because since Jiang Hao could catch bullets with his bare hands, he might have more powerful abilities.

Although money is a good thing, you have to have a life to spend it!


The two exchanged glances, and both knew what the other meant, so they ran away separately.

Their speed is very fast, and there is a secret passage nearby. As long as they escape into the secret passage and rely on the mechanisms that have been set up, they can escape Jiang Hao’s pursuit and completely leave this weird guy.

“After we go back, we must report this news to the organization. This Jiang Hao can actually catch bullets with his bare hands and find our lair in an instant. We all underestimated him!”

Gao Yang and Gao Fang both had this idea in their hearts.

They even speculated that a killer had died because he underestimated Jiang Hao.

Then he didn’t chase or even move his steps.

“It’s so ridiculous that you want to run away in front of me!” Jiang Hao smiled coldly, stretched out his hands, and pointed at the two of them shakingly, “Come back here!”

Jiang Hao has already mastered the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. After mastering the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he will have the ability to capture dragons and control cranes.

To put it simply, by releasing the true energy, the true energy can attract nearby objects, thereby realizing the function of manipulating objects from a distance.

This is between novels and movies

, are all very incredible methods.

However, martial arts from the future, such as Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu and Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, only have the same name as Jin Yong’s martial arts setting, but are actually two different things.

In fact, this is the result of future scientists’ research on the human body. It will unlock the human body’s treasures and stimulate human beings’ supreme potential.

Therefore, whether it is Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu or the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, they are more than ten times more powerful than those in martial arts novels.

For example, in martial arts novels, with Qiao Feng’s ability and his Dragon Capturing Skill, it is impossible to suck a person in front of him from a distance.

But Jiang Hao can do it easily.

Ever since, Gao Yang and Gao Fang felt a strong force sucking them in. Their bodies were completely out of control, and they were instantly sucked in front of Jiang Hao.

“Is this a superpower?”

“It’s over, it’s over!”

Their faces were filled with expressions of despair.

The other party’s ability was so shocking that they couldn’t cope with it at all, so that they couldn’t even escape. Now that they were sucked in front of them, it was naturally impossible for the other party to show mercy to them.

Jiang Hao naturally had no intention of showing mercy. These were just two killers. Since these two killers wanted to kill Jiang Hao, it was only natural that they be killed by Jiang Hao. The cycle of retribution.

Those who kill will always be killed.

The world is very fair.

“You two don’t need to leave any last words, because you will die in an ugly way.” As Jiang Hao spoke, he hit the two of them with another Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

After subduing the dragon with eighteen palms, he saw the dragon in the field.

Amid the roars of tigers and dragons, a golden dragon enveloped their bodies.

The two of them were turned into pulp by Jiang Hao’s slap.

Moreover, it was a palm shot from the air, and there was no way Jiang Hao’s fingerprints were on it. When the police found their bodies, they would probably wonder how they died.

“Another pair of killers have been eliminated, but there are more than just a few killers tonight. I have to continue to kill… Tsk, tsk, it’s true that people are killing people like grass and not being heard…”

Jiang Hao smiled softly, and like a black bat, he came outside the house, jumped into the air, and headed for the next killer’s stronghold.

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