The textile industry is the first step in industry, because the products are very important and labor-intensive, and the increase in wealth is visible to the naked eye.

Historically, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution was a major change in the textile industry.

Before the outbreak of the textile industry, most people could not afford to wear socks, and many people could not even afford shoes, so there was a saying that “the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes”.

Bare feet represent poverty.

Wearing shoes represents a wealthy person.

Being able to wear socks is a symbol of rich people.

If it were a peaceful time, ordinary people would still have clothes to wear, but once there was war and chaos, it would be difficult to even have clothes.

The clothes do not cover the body, and the food does not satisfy the hunger.

Du Fu wrote about the people after the An-Shi Rebellion and described the people as “going in and out without complete skirts.” That is, the people were too poor and the women at home could not go out to meet people because they did not have complete skirts to cover their bodies.

This isn’t too bad.

What’s even worse is that the whole family can only wear one pair of pants, and who wears it when they need to go out.

This is because the textile industry is underdeveloped. Cloth and silk are themselves highly valuable wealth. In the Tang Dynasty, cloth, silk and silk could be used as currency.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Besides eating is the most important thing for a person, clothing is the second most important thing.

Therefore, in the early days of industrial development, the textile industry was very promising, and even within a hundred years, the demand was very strong.

I’m just afraid that you won’t produce enough, or that what you produce won’t be sold.

So Jiang Hao first established a textile factory.

Textile factories were built one after another, and large quantities of cotton and silk were produced and thrown onto the market, which were quickly sold out.

It is also a real hot-seller when exported overseas, and is exchanged for a large amount of silver.

Moreover, although these textile factories use machines, they also require manpower to cooperate with the machines, so they need to recruit a large number of employees and are labor-intensive enterprises.

Moreover, all the women who were originally not productive were recruited, so that various families in the Ming Dynasty could get an extra income, and the status of women could be slightly improved.

Following this, a large number of factories first sprouted from the capital and then radiated to the surrounding areas.

Textile mills, sugar mills, steel mills, shoe factories…

Various factories were opened one after another, and Ming Dynasty’s annual fiscal revenue reached an astonishing figure of 50 million taels.

The officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs were all shocked.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it has never been so wealthy.

As these factories flourished in the north, merchants in the south naturally followed suit.

The southeastern region was originally developed for commerce. Historically, in order to export silk, the entire region even planted mulberry trees and opened textile bureaus. The entire region relied on exporting silk to survive.

This is called “the germ of capitalism” by history textbooks.

Unfortunately, it was only a sprout after all. The imperial power of the Ming Dynasty was too powerful, and the scholar-bureaucrats could only rely on the imperial power, but could not fight against it.

In addition, farmers in the Ming Dynasty are not soft persimmons. If there is a scene of sheep eating people in the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong will definitely come out one after another to smash the heads of those businessmen.

But with Jiang Hao’s leadership and cheating, everything was different.

The entire Ming Dynasty was entering the industrial age.

The most important sign is that the Ming Dynasty built a direct railway to Mobei.

The Ming Dynasty’s new army armed with new equipment had the effect of reducing the dimensionality of Mongolia. Jiang Hao completely defeated the Mongolian forces and incorporated Mongolia into the Ming Dynasty’s territory.

And economically, vigorously develop the wool textile industry so that Mongolian herdsmen can profit. In the long run, the interests of Mongolia and the Central Plains will be deeply tied.

The close economic ties, coupled with the high mobility brought by trains, are conducive to counterinsurgency, and the threat of nomads has been completely resolved.

After all, the Royal Military Factory founded by Jiang Hao himself can already produce machine guns. When the machine guns are fired, bullets fly like flying bullets.

The small population of nomadic people simply cannot withstand the consumption of war after industrialization. In the two world wars in later generations, tens of millions of people died. On the fierce battlefield, hundreds of thousands of people were killed by machine guns in a day. The total number of nomadic people was Millions of people simply cannot afford such consumption.

The current descendants of the Golden Family, after witnessing the Ming Army’s “queuing to be shot” and the earth-shattering train, also extinguished all rebellious intentions and became extremely submissive.

He obediently gave up the title of Great Khan of Mongolia, so Jiang Hao was now both the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Khan of Mongolia.

And he can guarantee that Mongolia will never be a problem.

The reason why the nomads invaded southward was not because the nomads were cruel and aggressive by nature, but because they had to do so due to livelihood problems.

Nomadism is not a romantic thing. To feed a person requires

There are a large number of livestock, and once a natural disaster sweeps across the grassland, a large number of livestock will die, and the herdsmen will have no food to eat.

Without food, they had no choice but to go south and rob the farming people.

This is the reason why barbarians have invaded continuously since ancient times.

Every time the barbarians invaded in large numbers, the weather was abnormal. The north was severely cold, and the nomads had no way to make a living. They had no choice but to go south. Therefore, they had stronger combat effectiveness. After all, the pressure of survival was the biggest motivation.

The war between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu finally defeated the Xiongnu. Rather than a military victory, it was more a natural disaster that caused the Xiongnu to collapse.

Natural disasters made it impossible for the Huns to survive, and as long as the Han Dynasty prevented the Huns from plundering south, the Huns had no choice but to surrender to the Han Dynasty.

But Jiang Hao did better than the Han Dynasty.

First, post-industrialized force, even a “queue to shoot” level army, is not something the Mongols can contend with.

Under the deterrence of this powerful force, the ferocious barbarians in the past have now become ordinary herdsmen who are good at singing, dancing and hospitable.

This is coercion.

The second is that the wool trade has greatly increased the income of herdsmen, and their lives have become better. Wouldn’t it make yourself uncomfortable to fight against the powerful Ming Dynasty?

This is a benefit!

The third is that Jiang Hao’s reforms have enabled agriculture to develop by leaps and bounds. Food is no longer a problem. Herdsmen can buy food, tea, iron pots and various strange industrial products from the Central Plains. The level of food, clothing, housing and transportation has been significantly improved. .

Under these measures, Jiang Hao, the current “Khan of Heaven”, is no less than Genghis Khan in the minds of the nomads.

In addition to incorporating Mongolia into the territory, Jiang Hao also struck hard and took back the Western Regions that had been separated from the Celestial Empire for thousands of years.

The Western Regions were developed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Because early foreign trade relied on the Silk Road, all dynasties attached great importance to the Western Regions and always tried to control the Western Regions.

However, after the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, it was unable to maintain its rule in the Western Regions, and the Western Regions gradually separated from the Celestial Dynasty.

After that, there would be no unified dynasty in the Central Plains. The Song Dynasty could not even take back the sixteen states of Youyun, so why talk about the Western Regions?

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