The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Aged Chapter 204 started from one thousand and one night

"It's very simple, I don't want this huge interest, but I hope that you will help me."

"Remote!" Alibaba refused: "This little money is not enough to let me sell the above people to me! God knows that you will say anything in Harlem."

"Hey ... this is your right, what is your prejudice to me?" Joseph became hands: "I haven't finished it yet, I want you to introduce, the eunuch in the temple - call What Maslow's one. "

"Is Mashlun!" Alibaba corrected.

But immediately, his curiosity was hooked again by Joseph: "You have to see the prince's temple." What do you find Mashlun? "

"You said what I can do, of course, I have made money!" Joseph smiled very strange.

Chapter 245

When the king of the Harlan walked out of the palace, his mood was as bright as the sun in the spring.

Although nothing is guaranteed, he can be determined, and his future will stand above all beings.

Mashlun's sense of this master is good, and it is also a festive and Geely, let the prince of Harlens are more comfortable.

Going back to your own pavilion, the king of Harlan unexpectedly saw that there were all kinds of gorgeous carriages outside the door.

"What is these people do?" Harlan was confused.

I saw the return of the prince's temple and stopped outside the door.

Many clothing gorgeous butters have flocked to Maishlun, followed him to him a single list, expressing waiting for the next side.

The king of Harlan took the list and found that all kinds of precious gifts were dense.

He understands - these people are people who come to the team.

Sure enough, he slightly screened the list and found that he did not have a nobility that did not expressly express.

It seems that the winning of this war makes these walls and grass well - finally wins!

Harlan smiled at a glance and handed a gift order to Mashlun.

On the day of my own, he would refuse these nobles, but now I don't call them, these people are finally panicked - if the future emperor has comments on them, Then their family will not be destroyed, so soon, so soon, will be reduced to the third flow.

Therefore, even if you are waiting for the prince to meet this shackles in the door, they must see Harlan Rashid. Otherwise, even if the prince does not do it, the other people waiting to bite a piece of meat from their own family, will "understand", take their family to open the knife.

With the victory, Harlan Rashid chose a few gifts to look at the aristocrats who are still pleasing to, and put them into their own palace.

In his home court, Harlan is tall. He enjoys the only Irno of these people until they put them out.

Although these people come with a blind eye pain, but it is still very easy to face. These walls of these walls are unspeakable for their own safety.

However, people who are still blocked outside the Palace, at this time, even if they want to break money, there is no chance.

They quickly surrounded Mashlun, who came out, rushed to hand on bribery, and asked why the prince's Hall is not willing to meet himself.

Mashllen, of course, I feel very funny - I don't say high on weekdays, and I have a faceless person, but this time is nothing different from the prisoners waiting for the prison.

The reason why it will be naturally coming from the prince of the Prince of Harlan. All retaliation will be returned, so that these people also enjoy the biliary torture.

Sorry, now in the Harlene Temple, the mind is super small.

Listening to the report of Mashlun's painting, the Prince of Harlan felt very satisfied - the right is really good, and after enjoying it once, I can't quit.

"... one of them is in Hadi, the slaves said directly, and you are very dissatisfied with them, let them take more sincerity!" Mashng is still unreasonable ended its description. .

The eunuch has been despised for a long time, and there is of course the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of the thrill of others, which is also very comfortable.

He said that he reminded Harlan.

Although I can say it is a victory, I still have a big brother who is eldest son. It is a little unpleasant.

The experience of worship is told him - even when you look absolute advantage, it is still possible to be turned over to the opponent. Only one does not do it, and the opponent is completely entered. It is only possible to say that I have won yourself.

I was turned over on the battlefield, and I was loyal to myself to help myself, but if the battle is being turned over, then I can get it.

"Mashlun ... Help me to do one thing" Harlan Rashid is blunt face, suddenly transferring the topic.

Mashlun discovered that the prince suddenly turned overcast, the good consciousness as a slave made him instantly reply to: "His Royal Highness, please say!"

I don't know why, after I almost picked up with Mi Haier and the barbarian army, I have become more and more popular under the prince of the servant ... I have to be careful.

"The General Bami in the city told me that there is a hidden organization that can hire killer, only the new customer business introduced by the old customers and acquaintances, and so far, the task has been successful or 100%." ​​Harlan prince teeth I bite my lower lips: "I will ask them on my behalf, they are willing to pick a big business ..."

Mashren couldn't help but swallow a saliva. He knew who had to start with the prince.

After the Hall of Help did this, he Maishlun really became the "own person" under the prince, but it is the kind of dry dirty.

But he can't reject - as long as he refuses, then he is afraid that will die on the spot?

"That organization, it seems to be called 'Assin' ... My requirements are very simple, kill the person, then disguise into an accident! Be sure to disguise the accident!" The Prince Harlend stretched a finger pointing to the horse Shire: "And, no matter what something is not allowed to talk to me! Yes, you'd better change one identity, or simply find a reliable person, come and come to find 'Associn'."

".... Yes! I will make my distant relatives to do this." Mashlun agreed, and he took out to sweat on his head: "He used a partner to do business together and broke Later, I found that his partner lied him, and the partner was the 'Money Bag' under Hadi, so he could not revenge, let him do a reasonable! "

The prince of Harlan felt that this is quite good, so I have licensed Mashlun's idea: "Let's do it! No matter what price to open, you have promised that you can tell them that there will be rewards after the event."


"When they arrived, they must send people to let us know. We will take people to hunt, so that we can say that we don't know what this is." The Prince Harlan thought.



P.s. Wrong order ... ORZ, tune tomorrow.

Chapter 247, etiquette master

For Joseph's request, Alibaba Subesi first agreed, but he said it would wait for a few days.

For the reward of the war, it will probably take a few days later, Alibaba wants to know where you will be sealed.

However, before that, Fandler came to the door to remind him. To accept the reward, he has become more "arbitrary" from his clothing and food before accepting the reward. This is convenient for him to integrate into the circle of the power.

Alibaba is inexplicably staring at yourself, entertaining the guest's diet, completely do not understand where not "noble" is: added black pepper sauce, go to bone chicken, meat eggplant, grilled fish, roast sheep Sweets wrapped in the grape leaves, add honey's yogurt, and chopped melon, watermelon, apples, drinks with lemon juice and jujube, and even the meal, there is a legendary food - buy the purchase Cut cake! Are you afraid?

These didn't feel that there is no problem with the king, and Fandler actually said that he is not an aristocracy?

It is probably seen that Alibaba's expression is a bit wrong, Faderre haha ​​laughed.

"I don't say that you are ready!" He successfully explained: "In fact, your cook is not bad. But in some details, it is not only food, but even you still look too much. noble!"

Alibaba didn't afford: "What happened? I think I have to look at it than you have to look!"

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