The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 212 started from one thousand and one night

"Don't make trouble, you are of course to go to the men's home to stay, our woman will go to the woman's home to congratulate, two are not coherent."

Alibaba is awkward - this wedding is too time consuming too much.

"During painting, the friends and friends of the men will gather together to chat, watch the show --- people who have a little rich, they will ask the band, the people and the dancer, this is also a way to contact the feelings. Rich This time will continue to grow, the poor is meaningful. "Ti Du said, there is some yearning:" The wedding of the royal family, lasting three or five days. "

Alibaba thinks you married yourself, in addition to putting a process, plus your own people are lively, almost no extra processes, can't help it - I don't think I am not poor.

"Subsequently, the road to welcome the relative - the royal family is intended to be far away, along the road, accept the blessings of the people. After the parade, she will go to the men's home to see the king Mahdi, the wedding will then Will officially start.

However, even if you start the wedding, both sides must first entertain guests, accept the gifts and blessings of relatives and friends; the ceremony should be accepted asked questions and teachings before the ceremony, and then they can hold specific rituals; when they arrive in the early morning, the bride is allowed to enter the cave. Next, I have to have a dog, accepting relatives and friends blessings the next day, preparing honeymoon ... a set of flows, even if it can save the flat head people in the province, it will take three days. "

"You are quite clear." Alibaba missed this.

Ti Duo snorted again, and his eyes were like a drill. It took advantage of Alibaba.

"Hey, how long I am looking forward to ... However, when you marry new people, you will definitely have a chance to taste it!"

Alibaba thinks, there is also this thing in Rusce is waiting for yourself.

"After waiting for your hometown, we are reissued?" Alibaba tried.

"Hey! This kind of thing is a vow in front of the Holy Spirit. If you come again, what is like ?!" Ti Duo is a bite of Alibaba, but the completion is a lot.

Alibaba suddenly thought of what I thought: "This is good! It's better to change your name first, then get married again, so you can do a wedding again."

His reasonable, because he suddenly remembered a story from the Arab life - a husband dredge, holding a biscuit, returning home, shouting on the woman at home: " (Harmonious) swear, if I don't give me coffee before I eat the cake, I will divorce you! "

Women are of course frightened to make coffee. Of course, there is no instant coffee, so women must re-polish, boiled, filter, brew, and the husband can eat the cake, so the result can be I know - the night, the woman has to I went back to my mother.

After the next day, after waking, the husband regretful, because he loved his wife, but the swears of God were not recovered, went to the wife's house and was hit by the father-in-law, so I had to ask for teach. And ask if you can get married again.

After listening to the wise, there is no need to say completely --- You have not divorced yet!

So the wise man instructs this man, let his wife re-cook coffee, the man will return to the chair who eat cake last night, put all the flour from dried cakes, and re-sweep from the carpet, slow A grain of a grain slowly - of course this time I have to eat slow.

So everyone is happy.

It can be seen that although the vows in front of the gods can't be violated, the Arabs will still want to go to the empty space on the way, and do a flexible policy.

Listening to Alibaba's bold ideas, Tiro couldn't help but speechless - this is too much!

However, although this is impossible, the Alibaba expression is very positive, it is clear that this is really considering.

I don't know why, Ti Du's breath is mostly.

"Don't say ..." Ti Du waved: "If you can't make this set for a vibrate, you have this kind of thing!"


A few days later, the prince's wedding finally started as scheduled, Alibaba as a male guest, naturally came to the palace of Harlan Rashid, celebrated with many powers.

Although it is impossible to enter the cave today, the king of Harlan still replaced a black rober to show a vibrant, and the religious people who came to come in front of the bride family, answering some questions related to the sky.

If you answer, then he has to accept the elder teachings, then reconnect, if you are not right, then continue to accept the teachings - any religion that can have a long-standing, relying on This usual constantly subtle effect.

Have to say that the two major religious names of Harlend princes and "Jiaqi" are really not all in all, and he is in relation to the problem of religious elders. Even for some difficult perspectives, he can also find several ways to interpret from the Casic and Holy Training, so that religious elders are amazing.

"You are really worthy of the prince!" He said.

Usually, even if it is a sincere person, I always have to receive a period of time before the wedding ... I said, but Harlend prince did not receive an education from the head to the end, and it was visible to the teachings, verses, holy. The understanding of the training.

Among the novels of some people in China, the woman who wrote a woman who was pretending to believe in religion to deceive the content of marriage, but in fact, this is unlikely - because people who pretend faith, it is impossible to cross the long-term religious elder inquiry turn off.

Alibaba is thinking if it is yourself, it is estimated that it takes more than a whole day, but Harlan Rashid is not enough to solve the two engraves, so that he can't help but feel this complicated creature. Never not black, white.

After the inquiries, the king of Harlan finally started to meet the blessings.

In the eyes of everyone envied, Alibaba and Fandler, Jaffar, the woman there and a few big aristocrats have been convinced of the prince to the seat to sit down. Others are sitting in the hall far away.

Chapter 257

After meeting, a few people appease to a cold.

According to the wedding practice, everyone should talk to the ancient basis, as long as it is a festive topic - after all, the wedding will last for several days.

The guests in the hall are also in units of mature people, sitting in the hall in the hall in the hall in three or two.

Harlan Rashid is satisfied with surrounding: the surroundings are in his opinion, they are all kinds of influential and capable peers. Of course, what is most satisfied - these are "own people."

He sometimes feels that if he is set up, if it is only used to win, there is a small material, even if it is used to govern the country, it is more than enough.

"Alibaba, I heard that you have recently introduced a Jew to Mashlun?" The Prince Harlan suddenly asked.

Alibaba didn't think of the prince will suddenly mention this: "Yes, how is it?"

The king of Harlan looked up: "He has made a big sale in a recent!"

What ghosts did Joseph did?

Alibaba is not hoped by Mashlun, standing next to everyone with a doubtful expression, and Maishlun is showing a look.

Seeing the two, the king of Harlan is more happy: "Do you know, the Jews took out all the families of bribery Ma Shlun, asking him to play a play, Mashun's dog slaves, accepted."

The eunuch habits in the palace have received bribes, and this Prince Harlephans certainly knows, but he is like a lot of kings, even if you know it, it is too lazy. And the prince of Mashlun, the king of Harlend is completely a joke listening:

"Later, then the Jews took a gorgeous carriage to my palace, Mashlun opened the door, and brought the Jew in the door. He came in, but he didn't come to see me. Instead, I ran to the sundries to hide a few times, and I was respectfully sent to the door by the dog slave. "

While Harlan Rashid said, Harlan Rashid said, it was completely unborn:

"My Gong gate, there is a lot of nobles I have to dry, I want to ask me outside the door? Sore, when they look at Mishlun, I thought that he was my VIP, and then tail The guy came to the hotel and sent a lot of precious gifts to him. Ask him to help to dredger, see me ... The dog has sent a fortune. "

Lying in the trough! This is already naked and deceived? This is the only thing in the mind in Alibaba.

He quickly stood up and sinked to the prince: "With this liar to find Maishlun, I also have a responsibility ... I was in Ankarani, because the military's business met him, did not expect this person to be so bold! "

However, he turned to think: Joseph is a foreign country, Dafa is doing this kind of danger, but it is really nothing wrong with it.

However, Harlan Rashid smiled and sailed and let him sit down: "It doesn't matter! I don't like it! In fact, I have seen the walls of those walls, I want to find a chance to teach them a meal, the Jews have helped me! "

Alibaba peeked his face, it is really not like it, so I still re-sit down.

Next to the prince who is listening to the joke, it is also very funny to start haha ​​laughing, not to laugh at the opponents of the opponents, and they will be deceived by a Jew.

"No matter what to say, this is illegal!" Fandler frowned, said his own ideas: "I have to bring people to grab the guy, but he is using the Weiyi in the Hall!"

The prince of Harlan shook his head: "Forget it ... that Jew is a little smart, he left the money and ordinary jewelry sent by the aristocratic, the most precious gift is sent to me in the night, I am here. I know that there is still this happening. "

Alibaba heard here, and the heart is still a little bit of Joseph's guy.

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