The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Aged Chapter 225 started from one thousand and one night

By observing, Alibaba has made a preliminary conclusion of this person in K Liaoi:

Regardless of the person, it is unquestionable to the extent of the professionalism.

I remembered that he gave the golden trees gave to the prince of Harlan, as well as the bronze texture on the trunk, Alibaba believes that if it is handed over to him, the accuracy of the parts should be guaranteed.

He is not proficient in machinery, so some power machinery can be recalled in the impression, which is a relatively simple structure, and these machinery is as high as the requirements of the modern industry for parts.

Although the requirements are not high, it is also relative to modern people. It has no such part for the ancients to create such parts. Alibaba has no bottom.

But seeing Kraisi seems to be very confident, Alibaba puts a snack.

"How long have you been in the course of the construction period? My craftsman may be familiar with a period of time, so I may not be delivered immediately." Krandi made a request.

Alibaba pointed at several of your parts: "These parts can be done first, may soon use. These fews will only start with a year. As for these large numbers. .. I may use it a few years later. "

Ke Liani looked at the urgent parts and found that it was just a few ordinary tin bronze parts, so he suddenly put his heart: "If you, I can make a thousand sets in half a year ... but I see You do this, it seems to be what small things will be crushed? "

"Yes." Alibaba affirmed his judgment.

After approving the price and delivery time, the two temporarily reached an intent agreement. Of course, some details need Ke Liao Ni to go back to ask the craftsmen that can be written by them to get a protocol written on paper.

Give a lot of discounts in the price of Koni, but the premise is that after getting the copper alloy formula for Alibaba, Alibaba can keep secrets, no longer tell others.

Obviously, this person noticed the secret of the copper alloy - different metal ratios will result in the processability of the copper alloy, the yield strength, and the surface hardness, which has always been a very headache that metallurgy.

Alibaba has agreed, but he can control the purity of raw materials in the middle of the Middle Ages. It is good for these parts to give redundancy in materials, and it is not worried.

After receiving the supply of parts, Alibaba can finally start layout in the city.

He came to his library and wanted to find a Mada conversation.

In the time they are not there, Shan Ruard has been helping them to take care of the staff of the library. For this point, Maffelly is very undressed, but also to translate the classic books of his hand into Arabic, gave Shan Rudder.

After the task of sending food, Maffelly did not finish the consciousness of a shocking big thing, but continued to return to his library, organize the book, and hug a little girl who was admitted to the original.

A lot of disaster students sent a victims in the family because of various reasons. In fact, it is not to know that the loss or lack of affection, just because of the big land, the biggest eats, so in some cases have to make a painful place.

But now, the family has finally come over. Some people ran over, first "giving children to children", see Maffelis, they also expressed their willingness to donate some property to the library. Can't lead the child.

When Alibaba came to the library, Maffeller is addressing this.

This is another difficult choice - but Maffeller refused their property, but asked the children to go to school here, learn Latin, and after their marriage must wait for them to decide.

These slips are not affluent at home, even if they bring their children home, but they are governing to work. But if you can go to elementary school like a child's child, it is nothing.

The foregoing mentioned that many of the Arab world teachers are provided by the religious party, and most of them are not a scholarous scholar of the essence, so the status of the cultural community is not high, and there are many ironic objects of many ridiculous temperament. In terms of court, the testimony of primary school instructor even naturally has a question mark. At this time, some scholars who have a little famous will choose to give the rich people to teach, they are not willing to be a primary school teacher.

Since Maffeller is willing to go to this primary school teacher, then they must not ask.

When they negotiated, Alibaba was sitting next to bystanding, until she had said that she had completed the negotiations.

After the parents of the students, Maffeli opened their own veil and sat in front of Alibaba, started to breathe.

Alibaba looked at a fun --- Maffeller is not allowed to make himself almost suffocated.

"Have you thought about it, let so many people study, what do they do in the future?" He asked Mada.

At this time, at this time, although it is still open, it is still not much to let the woman in the house, or the work is still not much, sometimes it is a spinning, usually only to trade with some fixed people. .

So, even if Maffeller suddenly cultivated a group of knowledgeable women, they were just a little higher than the future, and some learned slaves, or entered the temple for lifelong, study - Medieval class Differentiation is such a desperate.

Maffelly, then he replied: "No."

She is just a strong idea of ​​"offering", follow Alibaba to Baghdad, after all, the idea of ​​Xiaoyao school is in the current Byzantine and Italy, the precious class is constantly destroyed, rigorous academics also It is destroyed by religion.

Although Arabia is also a religious country, it is more than a thousand years later. At this time, they are in mind more than Europe, which is relatively tolerant for academic and religion. Alibaba has always been quite a lot to give her a lot, so that she can freely organize the teacher's paper, buy, and save the Patex of Greece. In addition, she is trying to pass her own concept to people who are willing to listen.

However, in the current point of view, she has not thought about how to arrange these happy "scholars". If you just put it back to marry, and some brutal marriages that don't know how to think, it is too violent - and from their families, this is very likely to happen.

Seeing her hesitated look, Alibaba's mouth hooked.

He reached out to his arms, took a small bag of granular, and then thus sprinkled on the desktop.

Maffeller's attention was attracted to: "What is this?"

"Coffee beans." Alibaba throws its own set of money.

274th chapter bought business in the peninsula

Barren in the Arabian Peninsula, you can use "since ancient times" to summarize.

In addition to occasionally visible oasis in large slices, only a short small piece of the sea around the sea can see green, and it will be powerful.

This also leads to the most "prosperous" area of ​​the people in the people in the Red Sea and the two "bars" land along the Red Sea and the two land extends to the south, leaving the same thing in this only one. The area of ​​large cultivated land.

In mentioned, everyone may be the first reaction is where he is a place in the news. It is very harder that this Hu: The area of ​​the Iranian is funded by the core area of ​​the Apaz Empire - the religion is also a faction, and the Saudi in another faction is like a water.

Of course, now Iran and our relationship can be, don't say anything bad - in short, Yemeni still has some cultivated land.

Originally, the relationship between Yemen's land aristocrats and Apiz royal family is not good, but it is not a difference.

However, after the disaster is disaster, because the royal resort is unfavorable, the local people have quite large for the royal family, and then the Wai Mai Lee Dynasty is in the peninsula of the peninsula. Now the peninsula is like a gunpowder bucket. As long as someone is a little, say It will be blown away.

Ali Party will choose to make trouble now, it is estimated that it is also a time to see this time --- Arab religious itself is not a piece of iron, it is not difficult to find a few different persons.

In the wildfritis, they have the opportunity to know the soldiers with their hands. They also started from the two holy land, and then died all the way to Byzantium and Persia for hundreds of years, exhausted Country, and all the way to conquer the Central Asia, North Africa, Spain.

The current Apis Empire is simply the eyes of the Persi Empire. The War of the Persian Empire is just the war of the Byzantian, and has experienced the disaster, and the local uprising is constant. It is a good time "a grand macro picture".

If you want to suppress this batch, and recruit enough soldiers, then Alibaba must do two points:

First, defeat the leader of the troubler;

Second, that is, the most critical - he must find a way to re-calming these people.

But now, the situation is not optimistic.

Besdu is survived, nothing more than Yemen land, the products in the desert oasis, and the fragrance trade of the peninsula.

However, due to the disaster, food output wanted to restore in a year or two, even the output of the Oasis's output - flowers, meat, and meat.

In addition, the Isolian Dynasty and the Podus Wang Dynasty and the transfer of the post-business trade, Bedoubuo wants to maintain the input of money by profitable fragrance trade, I am afraid that it is difficult.

Introduction, Alibaba only felt that Bedu has not rebelled now, it is really a miracle. Of course, this is also related to the excessive use of the Harrolian prince in the prostitute, and is related to the excessive use of visitors.

In order to buy these locals, or at least not to let the Arabs of the peninsulate to mess with themselves, Alibaba finally found the same thing that can replace the fragrance trade as a peninsula - coffee beans.

Modern scholars generally recognized that coffee beans were discovered in Etherbia, Africa, and spread from the Arab people, which was from Ethiopia from the Arab.

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