The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 233 starting from one thousand and one night

According to Tang people's simple concepts, their long officials liffened, so the people underneath can also be separated from some benefits. Alibaba got a big piece of seal, and it is sure to give yourself some, even if it is poor, it is also a place.

But after seeing such a rolling walk, they also died.

As for this Petra Ancient City, which was found on the rock wall, looked very similar to that, but also looked at an eye addiction, no one, no bustling shop, no food, beautiful wine, even Good look, what?

"Is there a crime? Why is it sent to such a poor hometown?" Ma Muru is also complaining.

Under the unanimous comments, everyone decided to quickly march, hurry to south, leave this sad land.

Only Alibaba observed some stones received along the way, and said to everyone to take a few days.

In order to calm down, Alibaba settled the East Roman soldiers to the military commander, and the Muruk, he is the truth - "To find a way for the brothers to find a way to make a fortune."

With unsuccessful, Ma Muruk and the East Roman soldiers spread out, ready to be temporarily looking for a site. Regardless of what their chief has idea, the first priority of the soldiers is still obeying orders.

But then, Petra Ancient City is really not lacking in the place where they live - Petra Ancient City hides inside a narrow mountain channel, many buildings are excluded on the sandstone wall, which even includes one Ancient Roman Early can accommodate four thousand people.

And now, in addition to the location of the spring water and the water, almost all houses are empty. Alibaba is as long as they are not afraid of loneliness, they can enjoy "luxury enjoyment" of one hundred square meters per capita living area.

Alibaba is a largest "palace", which helps people come in with their camels and the right baggage, and began to test those ore received along the way.

Ti Du looks at Alibaba to put the bottle cans, and I want to ask if I want to ask.

She knew that it was asked anyway, he would only smash a big pile of things that she can't understand, it is better to "explain", but not asked.

It is Alibaba who tells a fall behind in full satisfaction. After seeing Ti Duo, it is actively starting to ask:

"How is the place where you live, are you satisfied?"

Tiro pointed to the inside: "It is very good, there is still a throne in the place you choose. We can call the king in advance, but it is unfortunately."

"What about Shan Rudo?" Alibaba asked.

"She? She went to visit those temples, saying that I have to find a sense for writing." Tiro shrugged, it seems that I don't understand what the stone house is good: "I let several sisters have followed her, should not have something." "

Alibaba nodded, poured something in the test tube to a corner, satisfied with the work.

Curious heart kill the cat, Ti Du finally did not hold back, pointing to the things that Alibaba poured: "What is it, worth your attention?"

"This one?"

Alibaba is obviously in the heart of the heart: "will truly change the era."

Chapter 284, calcium phosphate ore

Alibaba originally thought that since Jordan has produced "phosphate salt", it is said that 60% of the land is covered with phosphate salt, that is, the popular "sky-blue stone" in the Middle East, that is, magnesium aluminum phosphate.

But when he came here, he did not have seen the blue-green ore.

Just when he began to doubt where there is a problem, he accidentally discovered an open-air valley, which was distributed in a large amount of yellow, white, black, and the surrounding red, yellow-phase land.

Until at this time, Alibaba plays what you have made wrong.

He immediately made some ore, put it on the hunchback.

Until now, after the test, Alibaba finally confirmed these for these ---

It is triphydrate ore phosphate, and the taste is quite high, with almost no heavy metals, it is easy to solve it.

If there is a mineral, mining expert, he will tell Alibaba, and the three open-air phosphate mines of Jordan, the later generations are this high-grade phosphate ore. This also made Jordan after North Africa Morocco, became the world's second large phosphate ore origin, and finally had the ability to export commodities.

By the way, the "Idris Dynasty" mentioned above, the land is located in North Africa, is the world's largest phosphate ore origin.

The rich, Pacific Island, the rich, and the phosphate mine formed by the bird fees, which have been mentioned on the geographical class have been sold. There are also a few business invested in the money, and the national economy has collapsed. So once I was broken by Taiwan, it was later dollared with 15 million US dollars in the fog island dish. Now Nauru's national pillar industry is a laundering, and provides the company's registration avoidance.

For people downstream of a history, when the historical problem is in front of you, the "correct answer" to the history is very normal.

And phosphate ore is one of the "Solution Ideas" identified by Alibaba.

Although the big Britain is beginning to think that the "Japanese Infrequent Empire" is its superior system, as well as the free trade policy that is manufactured in this system. However, after the second industrial revolution, the Britain had to transfer global hegemony to the United States because the technology industry is behind, they resemble the original seemingly brilliant "Japan,", and its foundation is the first industrial. The revolution is completed.

For modern people, if it is transformed into an original country, it cannot be transformed into a industrial country, then the transformation of it is undoubtedly failed.

So, how can I hatch out the industrial revolution?

This problem plasted for hundreds of years worldwide. The so-called "Li Yosepurative problem" - why the industrial revolution has not been born in China, in fact, this problem is "so many countries around the world, so many civilizations, the technical progress and expansion ideology, humanism, technology So far, the industrial revolution is born in the UK? "

For this issue, socialists around the world are trying to explain with their own theory, and all the theories can be described as a hundred flowers.

Although Alibaba doesn't know which kind of thought is "correct", he is very clear, you want to just rely on a school, or with a theory, a few inventions, try to drive the world, that person is not arrogant It is stupid.

For a learning chemistry, when he considers this problem, he will only think that it can use the experiment to solve this problem - just like a chemical experiment.

He wants to put the British before the industrial revolution, and the conditions of the industry are far as accurately restored as much as possible, and do a big social experiment with this, see if there is a look at the idea of ​​his mind. It is possible to "hatch" out of the original industrial revolution in the Middle Ages.

Despite the social conditions of the medieval, it is too far from the Western Western Western Western Western Western Europe, but Alibaba wants to try - he thinks it must also try, even if it is finally proved that the idea is not good.

If Alibaba is just a wild home, Ji Tu took the so-called "far-aged knowledge" after winning a political power, and went to get a superb position for his wine pool, and that Alibaba really thought that this is not difficult. .

However, Alibaba knows that these knowledge they have learned is, they are all countless admirals to throw their youth. Some people are even more than the scientific research, except for the manuscript. . Alibaba feels that if he uses these things to exchange fame and fortune, then he will not forgive himself.

So he initially wanted to use the "quiet middle class" way, let himself become a rich man, and then use money to promote this social experiment, but it is a pity that they can't change the change, inexplicably be wonderful by the Holy Sword, and then want to pass and slow It is impossible for the means to achieve the purpose.

The phosphate ore is to let him really return to the first step of knowing that era.

There is a thing, even if it is still going out until the 21st century - that is the fertilizer.

To hatch the industrial revolution, the most direct necessity is the population. The upper bearer limit of the population depends largely on the development of agriculture and the food industry.

When agricultural production efficiency reaches a certain height, it will produce food in addition to food for agricultural populations, and a lot of food workers can eat. There are farmers with the remaining products, there are excess energy to chase other consumer goods.

It seems that after the disaster is observed, the first group of damage is the same as the inner trip of Baghdad. When the grain prices, these people don't have their own land like farmers, and they can steal some food. When they earned the meager salary, when they are not enough to eat, they can only leave the city to the countryside to eat, and the process is naturally more impossible.

It is not difficult to see through the British British in the 18th century, at the time of the British farmers and urban manuals in a relatively "rich" state, and when the lack of the industrial revolution began, with the price of the price Hiking and cultivated land have been reduced, and the workers have a large number of people entering the extremely poor state.

The grain production in the end of the 8th century can only say "people who are barely enough", which will make the entire empire will be turbulent. When the Chinese have really eaten thousands of years, it is neither in the so-called "rule of literature", nor "Kangyuan Shengshi", not "Kanggan Shengshi", only for 30 years.

Other conditions don't dare to say, only "Agricultural increasing production" is definitely the necessary conditions for the industrial revolution, this Alibaba can be determined.

Because only farmers have enough balance, food is enough to eat, there will be a handicraft practitioner that is enough to Domoni. And only food is enough, and farmers will consider other economic roles of land - such as cotton, raised sheep.

Therefore, this batch of open-air phosphate salt mines mining in medieval conditions, Alibaba intends to temporarily don't consider what flowers in the whistle, allocated to fertilizers, and strive to reach the seed and output weight ratio of wheat in the year of birth.

Of course, this is the kind of non-Mono 1:40, but that is, how many years of selection, breeding, and extravagant fertilizer use are reached. If there is no kind of intensive level, 1: 8 is probably difficult ... We must know that the British to the Renaissance period is only 1 to 4 slightly.

I believe that when the production of fertilizers is present, even if it is expensive, those land arists will be purchased crazy. Who will hear more money?

The second hundred and eighty-five chapters are tradition

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