The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 240 started from one thousand and one night

Coupled with the prince of Harlan, don't want to take a reputation of the monks, so he didn't preach after the death of Hafz, and the impact was also impeded.

I have doubtful Ali Party people, when Alibaba came to Holy Land, everything seems to be true and white - this shameless walking dog is to suppress us!

Therefore, Alibaba expects the other party to actively contact yourself. It is impossible. This series of changes can only be said to be wrong, can only blame Alibaba's luck.


The city of Singer, a closed worship hut.

A face of the middle-aged middle-aged people standing back to the door, squatting on the ground, listening to the report behind himself.

"You said, he went to the Maler's teaching person?"

On the one side of the middle-aged, he slowly returned his posture to kneel.

"Yes, and it seems to talk to each other." The people behind him appear anger.

The middle-aged sighed:

"This ... It seems that our holy sword makes it easy to rely on the Holy Sword to enjoy the glory of the sky, and finally go to the immortal situation. But now, he would rather go to Baghdad "

While he said, he stood up:

"So, let us forget these uncomfortable, think about it more practical ... For example, from the sword of Damascus, why didn't you come yet? I remember that I have paid a full amount."

Although the middle-aged person is plain, but the young people behind, but the hard sweat is sprinkled.

As usual, people can't be responsible for their own young and young people, because that is his parent, but he must be responsible for his own 40 years old.

This is the so-called heart, the ancients believe that your character and behavioral performance will ultimately affect your appearance, the greater the overall impact, the greater the overall influence.

The apparent genomics in modern genetics is born, and it is also directly proposed "gene can be modified in the case where the sequence does not change, and it is inherited" - So the game "Chinese Parents", family can Relying on the one-generation generation of education and accumulation of wealth, the "smart" "appearance" and other increasingly excellent genes, it is not necessarily not entirely alone.

And this middle-aged is 44 years old this year, usually he is in a heart and ventilation, and it can make his students and the people feel cold - relying on his deputy, it is always a fierce eagle Staring at yourself.

"Iematics" ... I can explain! "The people behind me quickly claimed to claim:" I have been in Damatus to take the goods, but I have opened a lot of shipyards, all the blacksmith shops At the same time, our goods are not rolled up. After a few times, after a few times, the dog of the Apims royal family, asking us why we want weapons, we are not easy to support it .. "

The Isemo instruments extended a hand and stopped him.

"I am letting you answer my question, I don't let you explain what you did ... Az, you can't take back to me on time, this is a fact. So, you and I said so much you What is the use? Do you have to reward you because you have not completed the task, just you have been busy? "

"No, don't dare!" Az knees were soft, and finally couldn't help but kneel.

Isema is clear: "There are a lot of ways, just you don't want to do ... Why do you not kidnapped those craftsmen? Let them build our weapons and come to the door? Although there is a craftsman It is because the shipyard is hitting the straw, then why can't you put a fire in the dock, delay their shipbuilding progress? What is the blacksmith does not have time to build our weapon? "

Az is tongue, I don't know what to say.

"Hey! Surim is coming back, I will calculate the account with you!"

When I was, I went out from the courtesy, and I was already a man who was sweating behind him.

Chapter 294 has begun impact

After the Isemodili came out of his worship, he was sneezing by the strong sunlight in Heaven.

He couldn't help but send a curse, then finally organized his own wrap and sleeves, and walked to the largest temple in the city.

On the way, he met a lot of people or religious scholars who went to the gifts. These people greeted him after seeing him:

"Hello, Casim! Today, the weather is really hot!"

"Casim" is a synthaship with this back: "Yes, it is really hot. But only in this kind of weather can you see that a student is really serving the Holy Spirit, I have to see today, How many people will not come to listen to the old ancient talent! "

Others listened to him, but only smile, did not study. Casim is rigorous in the school, and has always been known for everyone. For students, it is the most stringent one in all scholars.

When Kasim finally came to the temple, he entered this temple, actually a temple of cat ear.

In the Sand Dune Cat, there is a famous principle called "Takia Principles", mainly in the first sentence, telling the people that they can be persecuted, especially when they are threatened, they can Choose hidden beliefs, pretending to recognize popular religions on the appearance and showing goodwill.

This principle is intended to survive through the hammer, stay in the case of being able to survive through the threat of life in life. In fact, it is in fact, because this principle has been known by the outsiders, so the protection effect is extremely limited, it is in other aspects, this principle will always be utilized.

For example, this principle can be used to sterilize the pagan - only these pagans only claim that their belief is the sand dunes, but they have to pretend that they are pagans. This dune cat party is recognized, just need you to prove that you are really coercive - as for how to prove? Go, give you a knife, let the pagans over there.

Moreover, this principle is known to the outside, and the effect of protecting the people is naturally walked. On the contrary, other religions are in accepting the Sand Dune Cats, the general will have a doubt that is this kid in the "Takiya Principles"?

After the heart is doubts, they will naturally be good for these people's people. At the same time, the Dune cat is the neighbors of the people, and the friends will doubt that they are not fake, so they exclude these people from the language.

The human goodwill is always relative, the hammer is also the same - when the Sand Dune Cat sent people to reject others, naturally, it will be more inclined to unite in "own people", keep indifferent and vigilant for the outside world - - How much is the exclusive exclusive of the sand dunes.

After the cat claws were stiff and treated with the quasi-royal royal family - or even didn't even eliminate the measures directly from the body. So for these cats who escaping the Singer, they use the "Takia" principle to be straightforward.

It is a cat earpiece of Isema.

There is also a piece of the "Twelve Imart" that is not the iron plate, in addition to the "Twelve Imaca Party" surveillance of the Apims royal family, and is also known as the "Isemodi" in 765. Imam.

Before this, the leader of the cat is called Jiafaf Sadig, he should pass the imperial place to the eldest son, but because of the eldest son alcohol, he abolished Isema The inheritance is eligible to turn the two Musasa to Imam.

But people who follow the Isemolar refuse to admit Moussa, and think that they will never have new immimas.

To this end, Jafal Sadigg has held a famous figure in all aspects in the Octa, but also talked out of the coffin, and let other followers. I agree with my second son Musa as the Imam, but the eldest son Isema is not dead. Some people think that he is just hiding, and it is prepared to appear as the situation.

It seems that he is not dead, and it is acting well in Kasim in the religious scholar.

After coming to the temple, Isema found that many scholars were surrounded by a circle and were there.

"Excuse me, what is the topic of today's discussion?" He asked people next to him.

"We are talking about the topic, is 'weight'." Side people immediately replied.

Isemi picks his eyebrows: "'Weight'? What is it?"

The person next to him is very patiently told him yesterday, and tells him about the gate of the city of Octa, and tells the core issues that everyone is talking about - the weight of the election.

After listening to this and the Mulek sect and the Sword of Holy Sword, Isema is not easy to assume his fist.

He found a corner to sit down and start listening to the discussion of the people.

This form of scholar is a custom from the Arab Monetary Age: When everyone encounters a problem, through the common exploration of the academics, arguing, and finally find a reasonable solution.

Ma Lick did not know where the weight of Alibaba said, I didn't know where the brain was smashed. After returning, I sent a pass, I hope everyone can discuss the weights of the elections.

"... In summary, after thinking, I found out that our current electoral system has a big defect!" Ma Lick slowly explained his own point of view.

Some people immediately put forward question: "But Mi Lick, the leader of" Letter "must be selected by all the letter people, this is the idea of ​​our cat ear, you will never change your mind?"

"I didn't change this point of view, Nasri." Ma Li said mildly: "Only we need to re-think about it, is it all the value of every letter of the people should be exactly the same. Some people are It is not necessary to give more voting rights. "

Suddenly, the group is.

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