The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 252 started from one thousand and one night

But the problem is here, everyone knows how many precious this thing is, then this dead sea ancient programs are almost impossible to stay in Alibaba - his current status is not worthy.

If it is in Alibaba, he may make these things, and change some religions and political status for everyone.

But now, Alibaba is still a chess, but this piece of chess can change the whole situation, and has the ability to think about self-consciousness, and even have the desire to change the soil.

So Alibaba wants to stay this thing, so as you want to make your own voice, you can use the name of "retro".

"Collect themselves to study, secretly." Alibaba said to Shan Ruard.

Shan Ruzzard is very agreeable.

She waved his hand in the earth: "Well, no one gives it! I want to leave them for private collection!"


Dead sea is unique natural conditions, allowing local merchants to use natural evaporation method to get a large amount of salt halide, potassium salt.

In the past, these potassium salts did not have much value, so the commercial travel through the Dead Sea will not acquire these potassium salts.

But this is not a problem, business people are profitable, as long as the price is right, they sell.

So after Alibaba specified the type and quantity of the goods, the surrounding plants did not say that they came to the Dead Sea, and the salt people were purchased with potassium salt. At this point, raw materials such as potassium salt, calcium phosphate, sulfuric acid have been completed.

Alibaba called several soldier workers, throwing the broken phosphorite into the cement pool of the treated surface, and immediately began to introduce water in the canal.

The principles of strong acid-saving acid, everyone knows that the slightly excess of calcium phosphate is treated with dilute sulfuric acid, which can remove phosphoric acid and slightly soluble calcium sulfate.

After the sedimentation settled, then the potassium salt after purification was throwded - this is to utilize the neutralization principle, and the alkaline potassium salt and phosphoric acid are neutralized.

Since phosphoric acid is a strong acid, after losing a hydrogen ion, the acidity (ionizing H + ability) is almost completely disappeared, so the final product is a dihydroduct potassium phosphate, rather than the phosphate.

After waiting for the deposition, use the pressure piston water pump to turn the liquid to another specifically used to crystallize the crystal.

In addition to sulfuric acid, the remaining reactants and products in this reaction basically have no effect on the environment. The calcium sulfate precipitate can take cement or as a gypsum, the product can take directly to spray the crop leaf on the growing crop.

Alibaba looked at the product slowly in the bottom of the pool, and finally there was a breath.

Ti Do can't help but look at the crystal clear granules: is this thing, can you make the crop quarter?

In Ti Du, Alibaba's alchemy is really a very wonderful thing - it is flat, but it will become another unheard of stuff after he is in his hand.

When San Jia, she looked at Alibaba to celebrate, throw a "red bean" from the window to the street, then looked at the "red bean" instantly exploded, rose large purple smoke;

Another time, Alibaba put a fire in his hand in his hand, but finally did not hurt;

In order to tease Moirna, this guy also wrote a letter on paper in the paper, let her go back to take the grass and put it, but the result is displayed.

These are Zolfül?

Just when people are rejoicing, Alibaba figures are not so happy.

"Why, fail?" Ti Du couldn't help but ask.

"No, success. Just purity is not quite qualified - see crystallization, knowing, and so much production is too small, I am afraid I have to open several production lines." Alibaba shaped, a pair is very unsatisfactory: "It is ideal to expand regeneration."

Indeed, compared with the fertilizer plant that is tens of thousands of tons of annual output, Alibaba's sulfuric acid production is too small, which also constitutes the production of fertilizers.

Sulfur, potassium salt, phosphate ore reserves are in units of billion tons, and it is reasonable to supply fertilizers in the year, Syria, Egypt region, and a million-ton fertilizer plant is already enough. There is also a surplus, but it is difficult to produce 10,000 tons of fertilizer now.

And this is just a lot of technologies that change the world, one is not too eye-catching.

If you use the technology tree in the game, Alibaba just lights "high-efficiency compound fertilizer - + 25% farmland, orchard production".

If you want to study industrial craftsmanship and technology, you must first have enough social labor and market demand. The UK has kept more population by the agricultural revolution, but also relying on the colonial market, but the colony depends on the navigation technology and military technology, which slowly accumulates in a few centuries, and the progress of these technologies depends on mathematics, astronomy , Chemical, mechanical physics, etc. Basic disciplines .... Under chain, you will find that it is a world that wants to force to change a world, and the technique required is a massive amount.

If the industrial party wants to change the world, you need a group to wear! From the five hundred waste to thousands of biochemists, wear it together to fifty-eight million people ...

I don't know how, Alibaba ignited a fire - he wants to have a big one-to-list desire to be stronger. Too many things want to do, but the things of his hand are too small, and the individual's power is really small in an era.

Ti Du has been observing Alibaba's expression.

After a few years, she gradually grasped some habits of Alibaba: such as staring at a place to live, thinking, and then gradually maturing with the idea, his eyes will gradually become a firm, eventually throw out A decision.

"Help me to prepare, bring a few tons of fertilizer, I have to go to the Damascus!" Alibaba shouted in a few days of handing with him.

Chapter 311, Authority Effect

I heard Alibaba wanted to bring the team to Damascus, and the soldiers did not rejoice.

I can go!

Whether it is miner, the original soldiers are still new, they are mostly young people. The city of Petra was originally accommodated, and it would still be fresh, but after a long time, it was too boring.

There is no good spiritual entertainment project this year, and it is more impossible to have a network and mobile phone. Everyone can be separated by two months in one room.

If everyone is a farmer who is a soil farmer, I don't know how many wonderful outside the world, people still have a good self.

Why did you have eaten, whether Baghdad is still the big city of Damascus, and the worst people have also been there, so I want everyone to see a few years to the rock city, no one is doing.

I saw that the soldiers used a pair as if they were pleading to the teacher, and there was no good way to be in Alibaba:

"I have been to Damascus last time. I will stay at home this time. I will rotate a group of people in the next month, but only one week, you can go to Aman or pickled fish. But reiterate again, forbidden people, banned people, Buying things must give money. Otherwise, dragging you to the market, smashing the whip, but don't blame me. "

The half of his next half was covered in a cheer of everyone, it appeared so weak.


Before the pirate did not clear or confirm the Syrian Desert Safety, Alibaba was really reluctant to take Jabel's disciples and grandchildren. After all, the first batch of alchemists had just gave the more than a dozen teachers. .

What's more, now give these alchemists to the production of fertilizers, Alibaba is really unnecessary. Although Alibaba is very relieved to Jabir, it is not very assured to his apprentices - he is afraid of these people to use knowledge to form a solid self-seating group.

So he will deliberately show these people when he meets many times:

1. It is well done to your work.

2. After learning the promotion, you must have the management knowledge and professional capabilities, and after the assessment.

3. After promoting, some people must replace your current job, and production efficiency will not decline. If this condition cannot be met, it is still not allowed to be promoted.

Alibaba hopes to use this way of promotion, at least from its own "career", open a new person to serve.

Some people often complain that the Soviet historian's broken generation method is too rude, divided into the social form of capitalism into feudal society, slave society, primitive society, and China's self-cultivation will not be Divided into the feudal society.

However, some say that the so-called "feudal" refers to the loyalty to the rider, but the Baron is not only loyal to the river, and the dutrue is loyal to the king, and the power separation should also be in "feudal" After all, in ancient, the land is the synonym of wealth and power.

From this perspective, the bureaucratic is only responsible for the superior, and even if it is even despised, it is even despised by the people's election rights and supervisory power. It is also also a seal of building ... cough, in short, everything is not a people, bureaucrats only The administrative mode of administrative management at the first level should be broad "feudal".

Persian and China's system is similar, and it is also a feudal bureaucratic organization established on the basis of central call. Since Alibaba can't change this "feudal" power model in the Middle Ages, and you also need power to administer, then Alibaba hopes that he has to ensure at least to ensure that "enabled" and "the liquidity between the underlying and the upper layer".

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