The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 255 started from one thousand and one night

Tiro took the pattern while chewing the cheese:

"Is this not a Kuched's softener?" Ti Du said with a mouthful of cheese: "Because of this shape, to open the enemy shield, then use it to wear the other belly!"

"What is the ghost of Kuchend?" Alibaba said never heard of it.

"It is the one with the Nubians ... Nubians, you don't know? Well, it is a point in the south of Egypt, and the people of Akusham are in the north of the place." Ti Du's poor geography Knowledge is introduced to Alibaba.

In this moment, Alibaba suddenly returned to Nurman's words to themselves:

... The Lord of the Axos is insufficient, and the coffee production may be just better than the worst case of the expected.

Chapter 314, Intermediate Geneva

In this place in Africa, most local land quality is not good, and Africa is indeed a crop that is really not worthwhile to spend, the crowd of gas cultivation is true in introducing tobacco, peanut, cotton, rice, corn, wheat and other crops. Big crops - cassava or poisonous, must be washed repeatedly to consume. Several animals such as chicken, cow, hors, and pigs, Africa is also available, and the recent African Bison has never been domesticated records.

In this case, agriculture in Africa (especially south) is naturally developed, this is not a problem with gold .

Ethiopia, lack of labor --- the place where the place is lacking?

Alexander's cotton ... It is absolutely will not be produced recently, that is, it is good to hoard.

Plus the sword ...

Alibaba feels that I am afraid that my secret enemy is ready --- just waiting for an opportunity.

"Can you take a little time? Some people find it."

"Oh? Who?" Alibaba raised his head and found that Lugero.

"Frank's special envoy."


Because Alibaba will not latin, the other party does not understand Arabic or Persian, so Lugero has only rendered his translation.

"Hey, you bring two beautiful women!" Alibaba eyes bright: "The Frank is open to the woman when using a woman? Which is your unmarried wife?"

Lu Joiro smiled: "This blonde is my unmarried wife - Clemon family Bradadamant, and this beautiful man is the first inheritance of the Kingdom of England, also Earl of Astorford in Frank. "

He deliberately add his stress in the "beauty man" to remind him of his san.

Fortunately, he had long known that Alibaba didn't engage in the basics, otherwise he really didn't dare to bring the coming to Alibaba.

"Oh ... oh!" Alibaba once again responded: "I am busy these two days, there is more idle. Two make the journey, if there is any need, please ask, I already Arrange as much as possible. "

Rugero quickly translated Alibaba's words.

"There is no negligence, but we don't ask, it is a good time, you can get a good hospitality is already outdoors." Bradamant said: "This takes the liberty, I hope to get you generous help - - I listen to the church said that the route through the Syrian desert is only by a few people. We can't send your gift to Baghdad even if there is a camel.

"So, do you want to get a guide? No problem." Alibaba didn't matter what this is nothing, then I promised: "If you lack the horses and camels, you can also do it here. Mahdi should be very happy to see Two visits - Also, personal suggestions, two best ready to prepare a gift to Harlan Rashidide. If he asked who made you, you can answer it is me. "

Astorford and Bradamant are all aristulations, they know that they must be bent around.

"Thank you for your point." Bradamant rushed to a blessing lady ceremony, attacked Lugero, a funny.

Bradda Mante wrinkled, in the table, stepped on the foot of Lugero, and Luger Luo almost screamed.

Bradadamite is satisfied, but Astorford seems to have something to say.

"Alibaba House, listening to Lujero said, are you also the holy sword? Is it like Charlie, Roland and a bean?" Astorfo took a curious look to Alibaba.

Alibaba is looking to Lugero in consultation, Ruge Luo still hurts his mouth, but it is still to turn Astorford to Alibaba.

"Yes! But it's not a big deal." Alibaba turned back.

But he immediately saw a fascinating look on the Astorfa face.

Hi! Alibaba almost wants to give your own brain.

The British in the 8th century, it should still be ancient English, and then after a long time after the Chinese ancient English stage, it will be able to evolve into modern English. He is in a modern English, ancient British is absolutely unknown.

"Cough ... I said, the Holy Sword makes you have seen three, I am nothing." Alibaba had to reread with Arabic.

"No! Not! Different! Every holy sword is different!" Astorfo quickly waved: "Roland's gluten guy, I don't say anything. Charlie except I am looking forum, I am looking for people, and my beans are also eating eating and eating, and I have to find more things to eat. "

Brada Mante quickly cleared the scorpion, stopped Astorford's self-exposure, and also threatened Lugero with his eyes, let him understand the distribution.

So Lugero is always translated by the first paragraph.

"I didn't think there was something different ..." Alibababasi took Sagafikal: "I don't know why it will choose me, but I really like it, it is very suitable for me."

"Is it? This sentence is that every holy sword has made it." Astorbian nodded.

"Right, Harlan Rashid is also a holy sword, you will see it." Alibaba saw that the topic is almost the other things, I want to end the conversation as soon as possible. .

Bradda Mante found this: "Thank you very much for your help, please allow us to make a speech, no longer bother you."

"Well ... Yes, I can ask, how is the two come to Damascus? From the side of the Romans, still walked?" Alibaba suddenly remembered a crucial thing.

"Sea Road, from Venice through the Altretic Strait ... All the way has encountered a lot of pirates." Bradamante.

"Venice? Isn't Marseille?" Alibaba was unable to see this.

"Marseille? Hahaha ... there is more pirates than Sardines!" Astorfire Tucao: "Those pirates can not be robbed too far, Charlie wants to thank Xie!"

"Yes this ..." Alibaba's mind is obviously calculated: "If there is a whisker time when you return, please be sure to come to Petra Ancient City, some things, please take it back and try ... In addition, Waiting for two to Baghdad, you can go to the spice market, bring some spices to go back, I believe that there should be something to gain. "

Thirty-five chapter monsoon abnormal

For the special embarrassment of these two Frank, Alibaba didn't have a bad thing, not only sent a few camels, but also generously introduced to their military wizards, and then sent them to Damascus.

At the time of leaving, Alibaba worked on the Astorford Earl to engage in a pair of faces, otherwise he really can't guarantee that the top class of the foundation wind will not stay there.

Walk away, Alibaba restarted to deal with yourself.

He found a pavement and then bought it down.

Due to the lack of suitable shopkeeper, Alibaba had to help the local chambers of commerce, and the Chamber of Commerce has introduced a famous businessman in Alibaba, which is said to be a high-end pottery business before bankruptcy.

Originally, the sale of pottery is not to do, but a few years ago, after receiving a huge canned production order a few years ago, it has increased capacity, and the price of glassware on the market has also fallen a lot, and finally It has caused high-end pottery without profit, and there is only a low-end pottery that does not have too high requirements for clay mud on the market. Borrowing money to buy a clay carousel, hire the worker's shred, and therefore bankrupt, have to find a treasurer.

Alibaba gave him a task: in Damascus-Beirut (port), Alibaba Trading along the Mediterranean Coast, in the western part of Anatolia Peninsula, South Greece, South Italy, Egypt is a key location.

"As long as you see the effect, you will never sell the road ... Your initial salary will give you a little higher, 50 dinar months, but three years later I will drop to 10 dinar Month, then you will rely on 15% of the promotion. You can freely recruit buddy, buy the horse camel, and have the power to give customers a discount of 50%, as long as you think it is necessary, I will do it. If you can continuous In the three years, the production of fertilizers will be sold, I will give you half the equity of this shop, and you will be a partner. "

Alibaba plays a big cake in Sea Sheb, and this cake is indeed a fascia.

This year, the so-called shopkeeper is often a senior working, similar to the general manager of modern, but as long as the East family is willing, I want to open it. Occasionally, there will be a few generations of the shopkeeper, and there will be some courtesy and rewards, dividends, but in general, the equity is not a hair.

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