The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 266 starting from one thousand and one night

However, Alibaba is not panicked. They came to the city wall with a calm attitude, shot a few arrows hanging on the scroll on the wall of a few meters high.

Then, they came to the city of a military camp next to the city. When the rebels thought they were to attack, they were just under the public, they shouted to the military camp:

Due to the distance from the distance, the people on the plum plus city wall don't know what they are calling. Because they are unknown, I will not dare to go out for a while, I have to watch Alibaba, they have played those military camps in the city.

Alibaba has the same thing about each camp - they ride to the camp, shouted a few words to people in the camp, and then with the soldiers and horses continue to rush to the next temporary camp. .

See Alibaba doesn't attack them. In the rebel in the temporary camp, there is dare to reveal the beginning and call twice, it seems to ask what, and this cavalry also gave them a response - just People on the city wall still can't hear.

Finally, there are a few soldiers who can't hold the curious. They raised Alibaba to the city scroll and swept their eyes.

Immediately, several green monks suddenly appeared.

They quickly came to the soldiers in front of their very uncomfortable agility, and they gave the paper volumes and smeared, and claimed to send these soldiers to the pit.

At this time, Isemodili finally arrived late, came to the city wall from the temple in the city.

Several green monk meets up, and handed the letter to the city walls to the paragraph of the city wall, and the great leadership, this is the non-righteousness of those who came out. language."

Isemi quickly took one of them, then expanded, revealing a line of "square" Arabic --- due to Alibaba wrote Chinese characters, he wrote Arabic and square:

"Take all the best of the whole, the name of the sacred Chinese vowes ---

The letter from the people inside: I am an empire that is a pioneer, the holy sword makes Alibaba.

We have all been understood from the discharge of the rebel. I know that you are all followed the 'Takia Principles', and the people who have been wrapped.

Because the enemy is extremely evil, I don't need you to stand up now, go against Isemodin, no one, no fuery thief ---- this is the mission given to the Holy Spirit. You only need to stay in the midst of the Empire army to leave the locusts of the green clothes, pray to the Holy Spirit to our Holy Spirit.

As long as you do this, there is no sin of the slaughter of civilians, rape women, and the sacred objects, etc., I will give you all the universal crimes with the name of the Shengjian.

Shun commented is a blessing, the sacred drink of the Church of the Church, will be planted in a large number of next year. The devout faith, and is willing to transfer the people of the Shengzhi's glory to the world of the world, can apply to the Kingdom of Akos, or the southern part of Yemen, and there is no upper limit.

May the sacred blessings, you will see the evil destruction of the evil heiever's loyal to the Holy Spirit. "

After reading the paper volume, Isemo is bad.

"Immediately send people, go out!" He is really anxious: "I will drive away those different parts, don't let them continue the demon!"

Although I can't hear what the cavalry is shouting, Isema doesn't want to know, they have a certain amount of this paper and the contents of this paper.

He started regret - why didn't you lead everyone in the city? Is it because I want to go to the religious party? Or do you still implement your own level of view? Alever or the root will look down from the heart of the vulgar people, so I simply prohibit them from entering the Holy City?

The apprentices of Isemi immediately agreed, and immediately began to collect the green robe soldiers and ready to go out.



P.S. The end of the month, I have completed the task of 180,000 words four days in advance, and I don't intend to break more - so, is there a blade? Especially in the case of the blade, there is no one without casting!

The 330th chapter of the village committee

Isema is worried that the rebels will be disintegrated by Alibaba, and they will make the disciples out of the city, which inadvertently makes a wrong decision.

If there is an experienced person, they will tell you that after discovering that I have made mistakes, the first thing is to keep calm, don't rush to make up your mistakes right away, otherwise it will only be more wrong.

People have not finished, as long as he is still doing things, you will definitely make mistakes, but when you make mistakes, you will need someone to point out and correct it.

However, it is probably the high right to be highly ranked, but his father is not hungry, but his father is not hungry.

People who are in high or highlights are "merit", often more than ordinary people need someone to point out his mistakes, but there is no kind of people around Issm. People who have been in the environment for a long time in the environment for a long time, it is very easy to produce an illusion --- that is what you know, you will not be wrong.

If many famous people do not adjust their minds in time, 100% will fall into the same trap. In the society, this kind of person is also uncommon, goes to a national president, and attempting to be a economist of Guo Meimei mother and daughter, it is the case.

When I Smati is most important, the disciples are all retreatful - because they are clear, it is very clear that it may not be accepted, but they have to be a whip but it is the staple. .

Alibaba took people in the middle of many campsies outside the city, and it was not tight.

He told his soldier before departing - don't be afraid, the more it is, the more it is, and the doubts in the heart will be heavier.

And the fact is true, all rebels are turtles in their own camps, and they are looking at Alibaba's one. There may be a few dares in these people, dare to go back to two, but the body is still very honestly restricted to the military camp.

Psychology said that this is a very natural stress response - just like the bus in the bus, when you see a pick-up hand, even if someone will see the righteousness, but if the car is all people, everyone will see Don't do it, but if someone overcomes this kind of psychological station, everyone will be over, go to help fist.

Alibaba uses the characteristics of the rebels and the sudden advantages of their sudden emergence, and successfully embrace these rebels.

Then, he started to shout one --- and he shouted was also the same as writing on paper and injected into the city. It is nothing more than admitting that these rebels are wrapped instead of active rebellion, and encourage them. In this case, the group will hear self-protection, deepen these rebels on the untrust of each other.

Last night, the words revealed a lot of information in the chat, the most important information is that these rebels are not trusting, but this is also determined by Alibaba to take a little risk.

As for scared, then he is not afraid.

As long as he does not take people into the shooting range of the archers, then this pedestrian is stable, even if there is one or two cold arrows, it must be shot to yourself, it is easy to shut down by Zalefa.

If the other party counterattack, he lost a few soil bombs. - In order to cook the calcium phosphate ore, Alibaba can do this kind of little play - I believe that the tragic encounter of these people, the rest People will be awake.

When the Isemo's green robe army went straight to himself, Alibaba's first reaction was that Isemola was not a brain into water.

It is true that he can also understand the urgent mood of Isemo - if Alibaba continues to continue, the rebels will only become more and more military hearts, and doubt them with each other, beware, and finally collapsed.

But this is not the reason you are dangerous now --- You can return the rebels into the city, and it is also a dead sheep. Anyway, Alibaba's most important purpose is the fact that the rebels in the city "Apage Dynasty has reacted", and continues to delaying the other person's soldiers, thereby further gaining time for the Arms military.

Isema is anxious! Alibaba immediately concluded.

As he thinks, Isema is really anxious - he can "light more" in a short time, the same is also the principle of Takia, so he is very clear that this is in differentiated enemies. What kind of power is there.

The profession of Isemodi is religion, so he has unique insight in how to make the consciousness of the convergence, but he does not know anything about the army, and the distribution of political interests can only be considered a semi-solving, and all are all It has heard from the prophet of missionary in the past.

So he made mistakes.

Alibaba immediately took out a medium-sized gift signal bomb --- black powder did, put it out of the air.

Subsequently, he led Ma Muru, with a little retreating to the West.

Seeing the gonghua bloom, all the people, including the rebels were shocked - they don't know what this is.

Even even the green robe has happened, there is a small turn, and the action is slow.

Madi, took the lead, looked at the sparks of the liter, but the face revealed the strange expression - it was surprised, but it was better to say that it was so interest, if thought:

"It's a lot to be aunt ... The little fun is really as many as the quiet saying." He whispered.

Iema instrument on the city can see that after the signal is released, the distance of the city suddenly rose a dust, from the direction of the direction of the green robe.

"Stop! There is ambush!" Isema shouted against the Green Robe.

The Green Robe Army did hear the shouts of Isemodin, but he didn't hear what he was shouting. They also thought that the instructor was dissatisfied with their timidity.

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