The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Ages 295 started from one thousand and one night

Alibaba is thinking about this is not a matter - in 10,000 Harlan Rashid came to add the DPRK, all the way is touted for himself, then you still want to live?

Originally, Harlan Rashid is not a tolerant person. Alibaba saw that when he returned to Baghdad, Harlan Rashid was absolutely to hit Alibaba, Ens. This is blocked from the Barmark family sent soldiers outside the door, but Harlan Rashder has seen it for a long time to interfere. I can see it. I am afraid that the reason is not to continue to see the two people.

However, Alibaba saw many "emperor heart" in Chinese history, returning to Baghdad, in addition to worrying that the external pressure of the outside is not Zhang Yang, and have been learning Wang Wei, Wu Han, Guo Ziyi, these predecessors and Xu Da The idea of ​​"consecutive generation", Harlan Rashid wants to find trouble, don't know where to find it.

Alibaba is so honest, and even the small report hit by Harlan Rashide's generals Hamad, I don't believe it --- people still tend to believe what they can see.

But now this situation, isn't it to send the target to people?

He immediately gave himself to these Ma Murukes who were recruited in the peninsula, let them return home, by the way, "clarify the facts", they are directly with the remaining people to go to the land and add

As a result, this obvious is lacking a bigger problem with rude practices ---

Alibaba methanum in "Human Paradise", gave these Ma Muruks, got wages, and let them live there, Eid al-Eida Festival, they are like a rural areas that have not yet connected to Shenzhen. The sergeant youth, finally saw the world.

Now Alibaba is hard to let them go home, this guy has a mood of a stomach in one place, don't say that they help Alibaba "clarify the facts", they are facing their hometown father and hometown women When you worship, you can don't make yourself and your own handsome. It is not bad. He also expects them to help Alibaba?

This is really difficult to avoid in human nature - even Xi Chu Bawang, his old man said, "If you don't return to your hometown and your villagers, you don't have any difference with the silk night."

What's more, this helps you hold money on your hand, wear a good clothes, replace it with a young horse knife, and I didn't matter what to rest in the tribe. Otherwise, I will not go out to find the Sanctuary. The sword will be entered. Although they won't say good words to the Gassen Damascus, they have been worth a big blow in more than three months of "human paradise" Baghdad.

As for the mouth of these young people, their holy sword makes the long officials are God's general man --- What is the leader to all enemies, do not dare to take the head, what to see yourself after sprinting All are all in the ground (holding the impact preparation action), what is the use of magic in the holy city, and there is also a rebellion that fleeing to the sea. Sinking the rebellious boat .... In short, it is actually perfect and the propaganda information of the Azu Empire.

Now, in their tribes, I am afraid that the old people who don't believe in those propaganda, and they can't help but praise in the description center of their own lang.

Ok, even if the child is confused by the sheep and oil, you can have the locks on them, the unusual sharp horse knife also has the money bag of the drums of the robe, it will not be fake? There are also a variety of Baghdad's specialties, and the horse who is raised.

No matter what to say, it should be a good boss.

The place where the coffee is warmly discussed with Alibaba, which is unique to her herders, if he knows him, will regret it.

Chapter 370

In the party of the coffeecious businessman, Alibaba as a major shareholder, reported to Baghdad sales, and handed over the bill.

Although these merchants have more or less have their own channels, even someone is a member of the Cat Eye Brotherhood, but in the No, now there is a message that is likely to finish for more than a month, the businessmen of the coffee guild still have a burst of cheers.

"I know! Normal people in any tongue will not refuse this delicious!" Someone shouted excitedly.

After all, compared with the time ago, they lost their kinds of trade routes. They were really a human heart. Everyone is looking for the ancient Lecan's out ... Now I think of it, it is really difficult.

But now the problem is solved, they re-have a business road that is rich, and this time no one can go.

The first quarter of the meeting is basically the rejoice in the businessmen. It's hard to get rid of the big, Alibaba is too lazy to interrupt them.

After all, many of these businesses have pressed all the houses, and they also used at least half of the home and social resources. Once they failed, they had a hard to accumulate a few years or even decades, they may instantly become a black. This possibility allows them to sleep in the night, do not dare to think deeply. This accumulated depression is not more than a dozen day compared to a single person in the Arabian desert.

I suddenly saw Oasis, of course, I have to vent it, I will flood in my heart's uneasiness and fear all throw out - we have succeeded!

After the reclaimer, the merchants immediately started to warmly discuss the problem of coffee.

People responsible for contacting the planting coffee immediately started to be biggerous water - coffee This thing According to the local black people, there is not much place in the growth period, so there are not many places that are suitable for coffee in addition to Yemeni and Ethiopian plateau. After the funds are in place, the seeds previously contacted can be all kind, but if you want to wait until you have to have a few years, you can only serve these coffee seedlings as you have been in the young master, and you can't break the water.

So, everyone can only use the Nothing of the Nikamo in the country in the past few years. However, the people of the Akssham kingdom are also use coffee beans to make the soldiers who refuse to use the rations, so they are not willing to sell to the Arabs.

"Then overthrow their king!"

When a radical businessman suddenly turned into the eye --- looked at the money but could not earn, this is too painful.

"What excuse war? Is there anything we borrow from?"

"Is the excuse not looking for it? It is said that it is a disaster that launched there, and we also take us too!"

The rebuttated people have booth hands: "What is this ghost? The disaster is obviously born in the mud along the Nile River, and it is also to disaster to Egypt."

"That, I said that they support the rebellion of Issa, and the rude interference has been involved in my country."

"Don't be kept, Isemoda secretly hiding the base Hamad has found it, just on the island opposite Jedda."

".... Your guy always refutes me, what is your heart? We are not to find a reason to control the coffee?"

"You stupid goods, what excuses do you use? They don't believe in the sand dune cat, the Holy Spirit is to punish them?"

Looking at these businessmen, there is a noisy look, Alibaba has a headache.

When humans fall into this emotion, you talk directly to him and just don't use it - as a person of a sales concept, you can only choose to convince their ass, not your head when you encounter this situation. .

"I said, do you have to fight? How much is it to spend? Is this money we have come back? Also, in the country, the coffee tree as a strategic material is burned by them. Do it? "Alibaba put forward his own ideas.

These very real questions are like ice buckets, and they have pulled back these brains in the human head.

Yeah, everyone is not to kill people, just to make money.

"The Holy Sword makes the adult?" Someone asked immediately.

The current businessmen are quite convincing against Alibaba - he is not that kind of people who only give you a brain or opinion, then you will successfully pay attention to its brain cave, but it is indeed a solution. Method of pragmatic.

"The high level is not allowed, but for this kind of thing of the Axos, it is directly to send 'economic killers'." Alibaba answers.

It is said that the concept of economic killer is still a big one, don't say that the Middle East countries have worked unbeaten by these economic killes, even China has passed. However, this is the case, China's high level has begun to nottrist the so-called wiskin in the West.

Sure enough, someone asked Alibaba what is a economic killer.

Alibaba immediately scored the concept of economic killer, and then used this to make a conclusion:

".... Akssham is now not stable now, their kings are now in the focus of the focus, as long as we send people to people to make practical solutions, then he must get the other party's credit, and this The economic killer can serve us, and bribed in Akzum, collect it, should cooperate with us, and strive to turn those people into our attachment - so we only need to pay very little cost, than launch War is more savings, and it is not big if the failure is lost. "

The businessmen listened to Alibaba's plans and looked at each other.

It sounds like it is good, but those who are responsible for doing this must be good at performing, longer than confusing, and do have some ability to solve problems.

"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Someone asked.

Alibaba nodded: "Of course, there are who I am for confidentiality, temporarily can't tell you, I will report to you after they succeed, how?"

Alibaba's credit is still good, and his proposed bill is finally passed.

Of course, far water is not unfolf thirst, the business people are still going to Ethiopia, and the coffee beans on all markets have been bought and then they are scheduled to be a year. If possible, they have to bribe the Kingdom of the Akssum kingdom. Try to see if some coffee beans can come out.

"Right, Harlan Rashde is soon to come to the Dynasty, everyone is ready to accept, if you can leave a good impression, you will be a lot of business in the future!" Alibaba reminded a sentence. .

Everyone said that she was prepared, she would never lose her face cloud cloud.

Chapter 371, the most suitable candidate

Alibaba intends to dispatch economic killers to Ethiopia, of course, is not temporary, but have premedited.

After Issiman is dead, the buzz in the cultivation of the smoke drunk is also as gray to smoke. He had to go back to Baghdad, and it was more than two days than Alibaba.

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