The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 326 starting from one thousand and one night

"Great Venice guarantees all normal business contacts, as long as you pay taxes legally, you can enjoy the benefits of financial lending, perfect freight, transportation services for Gary-free cargo ships with 30 hundred years. "

Mao Richio said that he was absolutely correct, and it was assessed in your heart. It would seem to have any initiatives in the Frank people. They will force this little girl to negotiate with themselves.

"I mean ... for big, stable trade, do you have to give some normalization, low-risk tax rate?" Bradamant did not bend around: "I think I think Your management fee doesn't need to be so much! "

"Big, stable"? Mao Riche missented this part.

It seems that the Clemon family is really looking for other seafood channels, and cannot pass through the North Italy in Rimini and Rome Dilorth.

"Dear ladies, some time, management fees do not happen to the place you got ..." Mao Ricio decided to continue to test: "You see, we have to pass the Akron Strait, it means us To pay taxes to the great emperor; if we want to carry out transnational trade, we must also provide guarantees for the docking of foreign ports, as well as financial, coin exchange, and port maintenance costs are not small numbers. Of course, I don't say it is not enough, depending on your goods ... How many goods do you have to transport? "

"A lot, how much you can't imagine! You can built your small town again!" Bradda Mante is overcast.

"Oh ... This is really sad! We Venice did not feel bored with this lagoon town. How do you do this like those pirates? It's a threat to 'incineration' ... ah I almost forgot, sometimes, the pirates of Cyprus also need us to pay, so ... "

Braddam Mante eyes bright: "Wait, if we can solve the problem, how much can you?"

Maurich is in the heart.

He guaranteed the unobstructed method of the business road. It is fair, fair and open from the Venice public payment, and annually pays a lot of protection for the Aiqihai Byzantine Navy. But listening to this little girl, how do you say that those pirates will not be like her fashion? Those who are being a subaraton!

If so, you can save a lot of money, but ....

"Ms., I can't be asked as you just like this! I heard it as yourself, but please don't make a second time, otherwise ..."

While he said, he referred to the secretary: "... otherwise I am also hard to do."

In the case of Bradamante, Mao Ricio made a pair of guests: "About taxes and tolls, no matter how dissatisfied with it, this is also needed to approval, Parliament Things that can be decided, not if I can alone, please return it! If you do have a need, please write your request to the paper. I am a governor, there is a right to hold 'big council' - - I will discuss your request in the parliament. "

Bradamant had to retreat according to his request, and the gray slipped out and prepared to start writing reports --- this stuff can not be good at.

After giving away, the secretary also slowly collapsed the paper pen and walked out of the Governor - his mission has been completed.

Ma Riche came to the second floor of his own, shouted in fullness.

"Jo Fanny, you will give me this fool! Give you a task, let the people under the hand to touch the woman! Go to me, what is the bottom?"

Chapter 418 Political Independent Sign

Alibaba didn't know that before he did not set up this East Mediterranean Convention Organization, he has already made this kind of protection of the road to receive protection. Of course, even if he knows, he will only be more happy.

After talking to some pirates, the pirates returned to Cyprus will definitely promote the "brutal" of a governor, and try to find alliances who work together to deal with Alibaba. However, Alibaba hopes is this point - whether it is "bad name" or "", isn't it? First announce your existence to the Mediterranean.

Anyway, he is now in praying. I hope that the shipyard of Fars, the shipyards he wants, and several big boats appear in the sea. It is stronger than anything.

Considering that the demand for fire oil is getting bigger and bigger, Aladdin is self-proposed without Alibaba, so that the alchemist's refinement tower is followed by Alibaba's oil refining tower, and finds a brass. The simple version of the part is sent to Kuwait.

Subsequently, these alchemists attempted to weld the mass of the material with Alibaba's aluminum thermos, and the result had an explosion, hurt a few people, they have to change the most original approach - Brass soft brazing is a little bit to weld the equipment.

According to the semi-exasive words of Aladdin, although the efficiency and conversion ratio is less than Alibaba, heating and operation is much more convenient than Alibaba, and it is simple to clean, but it is not easy to rust.

nonsense! You have copper, of course, it is better than my equipment thermal and corrosion resistance - but equipment cost is 10 times that of my refining tower. Alibaba added a sentence after reading the letter.

However, this year, people are really far more than copper, they can use copper to do workpieces, Alibaba has to admit --- Stupid approach is also a way.

As for them, they can be photographed by cats. It is necessary to use aluminum thermal reaction to weld copper. Alibaba can only say that this is the limitations of the ancients --- copper boiling point is more than 2,500 degrees Celsius, while aluminum heat reactions can reach more than 3,000 degrees, After the copper oxide is reduced to copper, the volume expansion after the copper instantly evaporates, and the external limit is limited, of course, the explosion will occur.

For those alchemists, they can continue to study their equipment, learn this, but he is still more appreciation, so finally, I will still write a letter to the past, the impulse, change to a good relief.

Although this equipment investment is a big point, according to the situation of the competitors, it is just a matter of time.

The "oil brick" production method, Alibaba has written it in the letter, sent back to Baghdad through the just built Suez port, this place is not very complicated, and the alchemists can even do it directly in Kuwait.

Although oil palm is still relatively small in Persian Bay, the lime milk, salt is not lacking. As for the alternatives of thickeners, due to the cost of coconut oil and butter, Alibaba suggested that they go to the fish market to buy fish sausages, the water and the water, the water is going to do ---- No Potated fish oil, fish adhesive, mix with asphalt, paraffin, and then use the heavy oil to make fuel to do the fuel, and finally saponify, and type.

Do a good job in the first batch of oil bricks, you can sell to Baghdad along the river to try the water. In order to keep the soil in Baghdad, the residents have begun to cut down trees. The herdsmen in the desert in the Arabian Peninsula, it is estimated that there will be some bought some - camelia is not always burned, and the residents will always cut some sands and coconut jujube branches.

In modern estimation, it is considered a "high carbon life" fuel, put it in the medieval, maybe you can make a contribution to environmental protection.

Alibaba, which is once again stabilized, now every day, the novel and letter is written in Shan Ruod, and read the black calendar history of the religion in the ancient rolls of the dead sea.

Now written to Harlan Rashid's letter, has gradually become a tendency to develop in the direction of "Pantry", and the two couples don't think that I don't mean this to write water accounts. The battlefield of exercise writing, you started a trustee in a rhetoric.

In terms of literary literacy, especially calligraphy, Alibaba can only be willing to worship the bottom of the wind, but Nai Horse ass to learn this thing is still more experience and tempering rather than talents. For example, Shan Ruzzard has written a monument to the canal stone inscription, ready to hand over Harlan's review, but Alibaba only wrote a sentence, saying that there is no way to express the glory of the Harlan Canal, and then the monument is only It seems that the empty hole can only use the same great thing --- the statue of Your Majesty.

Then, Harlan Rashid is a letter, and the Alibaba is smelling. It is said that the teachings prohibit idol worship. He is a letter to the leader, but it must not be violated. .

In short, in this interesting contest, Alibaba won the whole victory, life has reached its peak.

Of course, there is no change when the outside of Alibaba enjoys the jungle.

On the side of Spain for a long time, Abdul Rahman has started to prepare an epic greenery, and sent a fleet to the surrounding country, acquiring building materials and decorations.

Although the Empire and the Empire of the Apiz have a feasible feasibility, in the construction of temples, you don't ask for it, you don't ask for it, and then there is not much way to get help.

When the Green Temple was in preparation, the Byzantine Empire was still in place, and he also sent a lot of marble columns to Abdul, a lot of color to this temple. As for this temple, half is a small thing to recover from the Church of the Aiqin cat, and the emperor of Byzantine is not too care.

But unfortunately, the "Queen" of Byzantine is cared.

Irina learned that after the green temple was rebuilt on the Church of the Aiqin cat, I immediately turned his face and stopped the supply of Spain, but also returned to the architect of Spain, banned them in the sick. The more far on the road.

Abdul is a little way, I have to go to the craftsman to continue to build, and I will send the businessman to collect building materials, and even find Syria, Egypt and Sinai.

The final result is that he is not anxious to insert will will will will will will. It has made a good green temple, and the big brightly announced that the name of the ceremony is to recite his name. It is no longer to pray for the Apine Empire. From Religion It is also independent.

This also makes Alibaba understand a simple truth - Before you stand, you must build a temple first.

Just, Venetian thinking too.

Chapter 419 Venice's conditions

"... San Marco's hem?"

Li Tuity Zhang Da has a mouth, Bradamant, can even see his little tongue.

"Yes, I don't know where to leak the wind, they seem to have a deep connection between us and the Sarats. Some people come to me later, saying that we will talk to the Salast people, put in the saints The tomb of the horse opened, looking out the hem for him to send him. "Bradda Mante replied.

San Marco's "Marco Gon" is also one of the prominent admirings of the short-lived cat, and its significance is not in Venice, the legend is not in the wind. I got the god when prayed. And this is said to be a saints that God cares, killing in Egyptian Alexander, so the remains are still in Egypt.

"Take out the hen of the saints? Then?" Li Tuiness asked unconventional.

"It seems to be a plan to build a church with his legs?" Mandert Brada replied uncertainly.

Li Tuity heard the words and out of mouth.

"This is a businessman wants to make trouble? Their governor actually has this plan?"

If Venice is planning to take Church of St. Ma Ke, it means that they intend to "approval" in religion, and this approval is often a political independence. This is the truth that Abdul Rahman, who has been in China, has not yet been fully settled in China, and it is a truth to sell iron to build a big green temple.

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