The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 332 started from one thousand and one night

"Which fisherman? I remember that you have played at least three fishermen." Jaffarly asked: "That said you stole his clothes, then let you reply with silk robe, and teach you the one?"

"No, I said that the one gave me three drinks, and then let me drink the fourth cup." Harlan recalled, while it was unable to support.

Jiafa was shocked: "You have a small voice! Don't let others hear!"

"Nothing, I don't dare to take me - even civilians can drink, how can I not do?"

"Still be careful." Jiafa shook his head.

Harlan said that he was a matter of his Jieji last year - he went to the rush to find the music, and then left to protect Jafar and his guard team, and went to the river all the way. At noon, there is no baument at the river, and there is a little hunger in his stomach to find the fisherman to eat. Just a good luck in the day, the harvest is quite rich, so I gave him food, and I also gave him a drink when I used it. Drink.

People give him something to eat, naturally ask who he is. Harlan started to say that he was a walk, and the result was a little dizzy after drinking the first cup (for the first time), immediately changed that he was a luxury, etc. would make people give fisherman money, and ask for Second cup of wine. After drinking the second cup of wine, he simply claimed to be a friend of the prime minister, saying that he would give the fisherman, and ask the third cup of wine to the fisherman. After drinking the third cup of wine, Harlan Rashid has been drunk, so I just shouted "I am Harry".

The fisherman saw that he was drunk, and he did not think that when he was talking nonsense. After the result, Jaffar came over and sent Harry to the carriage. Harlan immediately gave people to give the fisherman, when doing a reward, and asked him what is the official.

The fisherman is naturally shocked, so I fell out of the fourth cup from the pot.

"Scorpio, I have never seen any more honesty than you - drinking a glass of wine, it has become a luxury, drinking two glasses is the friend of the minister, drinking three cups to become a Harry hair ... Pracemakers do not have official position, But please allow me to give you a glass of wine and see if you will say yourself. "

Harlan Rashid is naturally haha ​​laughed, but Jaffar, who came with the guard, is green.

Later, Jafal gave the guards to the defender, and the matter would not be introduced, but the religious side did not know that Harley was also drinking wine, otherwise he was looking for a chance to attack the royal family, and it is estimated that there is more reason to oppose the Dynasty. .

"In fact, even if you say that you are the prophet, it doesn't matter --- Ja Faul, the widow remembers, this month seems to have a self-proportion of missionary," Harlan Rashid thinks.

Jafal nodded: "It is true ... such a scammer has seven or eight each year, but in the past two years, there are many more than two years, and even the judges do this."

"Why? The judge is not a widow?" Harlan is still the first time.

Ja Fah was bitter: "I thought you heard from Ababa ... mainly the judgment, only from the" Tianjing "and" Hadith ", often find the judgment basis So many judges will claim to be a prophet, and hard students have created a new law. "

"Strange, I remember that Abs did never did this." Harren frowned.

"That's because he has always been using another method -" seeing an opportunity to tell the shape, Jafah will not let this opportunity: "He will make his hand when you can't find the right law. The judge closed "Tianjing", and then closed his eyes and casually turned out to judge the first case in that chapter. "

"for example?"

"For example, I said last month, some people use shoes to take a wife's livestock, the defendant to the judge. The judge will close the scriptures, then open the" prophet, we should do a marker on the nose of the elephant ' - I cut off the nose of the defendant. "

Harlan Rashder is prepared in his heart, but still caught by this judgment.

"This is a bit too much." Harlan said: "Even if the Judgment of the Holy Spirit, the widows feel that he understands it."

When Harlan Rashid said, suddenly the spirit of the mind suddenly.

Yes ... you can do this!

He has been thinking about how the judicial power is stripped from the prime minister, but it seems to have a good opportunity - he can do this by interpretation of the name of the teaching law, and he has this qualification. of.

He slowly stopped: "Jafah, not as good as we invited the faculty scholars to come to Baghdad! The widow is going to debate it, let them debate once, use the results of their public to formulate a new law. "


Some of the results you think is somewhat not, but Jafar actually can't pick any problems.

"If you are willing." He replied.

After talking about it, I can't hide my identity, and Harlan Rashid simply invited Jaffar to listen to the opera.

Mahdi Harry is still in the world, because he loves music, so the folk song + dance + play-in-form "Mama Mime" is full of popularity - it can be determined that this is not too much related to the ancient Greek drama.

This is also one of Mhdi left to Harlan.

Sure enough, the same as Ababa, Harry won't do anything, Jaffar thought.



P.s. If I haven't updated this evening, it must be because I have been playing too much yesterday.

The 428th chapter touches the stone over the river

No matter how Baghdad, it is now far from Alibaba, the political center. Now, in addition to the canal, there is no place to care.

If it is a mission, it is undoubtedly a smooth - after the first phase of the completion, about more than 30,000 slavers, in addition to the person who believes to love Qin cat or shorthair cat, the remaining people have all converted Sand dunes party.

It's just this conversion. If you look at the old point of view, it is quite unresolved - Alibaba In order to save things, only the slavery will be worshiped once before breakfast.

Moreover, these slaves have no "religious thinking", just simply leading to the leadership of St. Catherine Monastery, with the name of making worship and the name of the vintage.

Although the dean of the Shengkerine monastery is quite unrelenting, but this is good, from him, Alibaba can take the pot completely. Even if someone is asking, he can also say "it is the following people who are self-propelled, I don't know."

After the judges of the Ma Lick, it is actually slightly wording. But Alibaba said that there is a simple condition, so that it is already a matter, even some bias, that is also tolerated - wait for the next condition, the green temple builds, and then ask a high-spirited taller. Come.

These apprentices thought, just pinched the nose to endure.

The initial sand dunes is not so biased, some of the sect branches are so embarrassing. In the case of more "original teaching", it is said that "others have to believe in him, do not believe in him." Therefore, everyone often sees other sects, but the sand dune cat is usually not --- In addition to the branch of people who use the knife sword "persuade" people conversion.

Alibaba disposes so many people in one-time persons, but it is not very eloquent. And although the religious party is satisfied, the rulers may not be happy to be happy to pay more and more people who need to pay the talent, even if the slave is also.

Those who have faith in the East Romans and Slavians have no difficulties, Alibaba, which is not difficult for them, allowing them to keep their beliefs, and give the sand dune cat send the same treatment - so do not believe in the conversion, there are Some people convert the short-haired cat or Israel cat.

Others can't understand why Alibaba is so doing, but Alibaba is smirk.

North Africa, Although the belief is also a sand dune cat, but is neither a cat fenist is not a cat ear, but a part of a synthesis from the cat clamp + Hawali Ji. However, all spellings that are beneficial to Berman have been accepted - such as the people who are equal, the chief need to be public, but at the same time, the other they don't like it -, such as deliberate, Guleish The largest is full of pragmatic colors.

Although the thinking of the Holy Catherine monastery became a hodgepodge for a variety of reasons, Alibaba needs it just like this unclear hodgepodge - the Sinai Peninsula is also!

In the paralysis of religious thought, the slaves who have a canal will finally settle down.

Alibaba is very concerned about the living and diet of these slaves. When he wrote to Ti Du, these people will be the largest class of the new country. Ti Du knows that after the loss of his own people, I will think about it, then I hesitate to ask this will cause people to be dissatisfied - because they are hugging "people" thinking To do supervision.

Alibaba does not dare to do this --- hard-student uses races or nation to divide the country of the social class, and the last bottom is not very good.

Berber, Tang people, East-African, Greek, Slava, Turkic ... In the future, there may be some other bloodlines to join, and the number of slavers under Alibaba has been close to 20,000, this number has already Not less than some small countries.

Obviously, if Alibaba tried to engage in a so-called "racial country" in this era, according to the land political theory, the desert oasis of the North Africa is naturally suitable for departure, then the final result of this country is definitely a differentiation. .

Therefore, Alibaba is absolutely impossible to use nationalism to organize this batch. It is more impossible to use nation to divide social classes.

He stated in the letter - the army must guarantee that any race will appear, and his future government organization will not discriminate against any race, if the figure Aleg people have Local personality, trying to become a ruling class, if the nation is ruled, Alibaba can only choose to endure and cut.

After receiving the letter, Ti Du has found that she does not understand Alibaba's meaning - according to the "Arabs", the values ​​of the values ​​of the "Arab", the tribe leads to each Arabs, "Family", "tribe "The concept is higher than" country ". In her original idea, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

But watching Alibabain's mean, only did not directly open "You, the stupid girl, we rule the 'owner', you must have a bit of ruling class".

"One gold coin of the black man is gold coins, and a gold coin of the white hand is also a gold coin, which does not contribute more for us because of human species -" She wrinkled with eyebrows.

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