The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Ages 335 started from one thousand and one night

Chapter 432 Add investment

"No agriculture, no business, no business". The first half of the sentence is absolutely truth in the Middle Ages of the strengthening agriculturalism, and then half of the sentence is only a long time to cover the truth.

When the Jews are rich because they are rich in business, some are coveted in their financial resources, but they have to rely on their finance, text knowledge, usually hire these people to become bureaucrats, and then use them in their own territory through leaps and other means .

As for the dissatisfaction of the people, the uprising ...

Ha, that's just, killing the Jews of the loan, not only use their head to eliminate your suspect, not only the dissatisfaction of the people, but can also confiscate the prospect of the Jews, isn't it two?

They think so, but also do it.

Therefore, Charlock in "Venice Merchants" is very realistic: Chinese textbooks only intercepting Charlock to make Antonio signed a part of the agreement, and some of the final trial, you easily get "Charlock is the deliberate murder" --- However, the textbook invited the intermediate Antonio to dance, but it was humiliated his deletion, and the Charlock daughter was using the chance of Antonio, and the short-haired cat. And those people even "persuaded" Charlock left his heritage to his daughter-in-law - the property directly gave a short-haired cat, this paragraph was deleted from the textbook. Charlock's breath is completely understandable.

Finally, the Duke spoke to Charlock life, but Charlock property was handed over to Charlock's exclusive daughter in trial. During this trial process, the words of the right to voice are the shorthair cats. They are short-lived cats. From judges, supervisors to the jury.

In this process, you don't care how to render the beauty of humanity, the compassion of the short-haired cats, or the murderer of the Jew, but "no feelings" only look at the results - the result is the title of the Duke's head. Various Sao, got the property of Charlock's property, and after this, public opinion also thought that it was faulty in Charlock.

After all, the Jews were originally a pagan. Even if they kill them, no one was talking, and she could further cater to, deepen the ordinary people, "Jews are the" Jews "of the branches of the demon." This stereotype.

In fact, someone who has independent thinking ability will know a little ---- Since we think that the Jews are greedy devils, then we are satisfied, kind, like white lotus general, why do she hire them again ?

But Niyomin tend to be equal to the brain between the brain - China is the emperor's turn, next year to my house, Southeast Asia is also trying to turn over, you can turn over, you have an arms, even the emperor of the grass. However, there are often the fact that the farmers' rebel is often in the country, but it is a country that is not a thousand years.

And religion does not allow these countries to make concessions on class issues, and even help the abuse - the religious reform of Martin Luode is just in the opposition to exploitation the public, but he also opposes the peasant uprising, butt is resolutely sitting The nobleman is the side of the oligarch.

There is no new thing under the sun. Even if it is in the 21st century, it is still the same for 2 10 years: those Westerners still use this set of things, they are probably, and their minds are probably and more than a thousand years ago. The same ----- Obviously, the number of people who have the right to speak (new era blue blood nobles) is exploiting the masses, but they have smoked themselves behind the scenes through the existing order (the three rights of the two hospitals). Then use Jews (Porcelan countries) to seek benefits for themselves. When the people began dissatisfaction, they pushed those people who used them, rendering religious ideology differences (dish boiled, persimmon oil), exposed the other party's evil (manipulated exchange rate, human rights), and finally the light is dominated to kill pigs.

Of course, the era of "Venice" is already a mid-mid-century, and it is not possible to set it in the early days of the mid-century, but the model of this kindage pig is starting from the Roman era.

Although the medieval Jews may be true at the beginning, two times, even three times, four times ... but they can't be not spotted every time.

Well, when we were in the local farmers in Canaan, you took our land and banned our workers;

Subsequently we started in the handicraft industry in pickling fish, and you have set up a line of Jewish workers;

If you look down on, when you find this really make money, you despise us on your way, on the one hand, stare at our wealth.

These Aeqin cats and short-haired cats are not to intervene, because they can't touch the door, and the Jews also set up the cat's brothers, and the subtlety boycottally bonded to those who do not belong to this class.

But if one day, Europeans want to pass, and still involved in business, then will they also ban our Jews from being supplied? ---- This is the idea of ​​all Jewish businessmen.

If Alibaba knows their guess, he will tell them - you guessed!

When Venice, Genoa, North Italy, these short-haired cats are the first thing to ban Jews from engage in business activities - so Jews can only put up loans. Going back, Antonio as Charlovo is reluctant. Because the Jews have been forced to pay for interest, there is no living road, what do you want? Otherwise, what they are going to collect twice, three times interest, have the capital, do it directly to do seven, eight times a profit of Haijing?

Woger's test for Alibaba is actually very simple, essentially he wants to figure out, that is, Alibaba doesn't want to go to the end to the end of the end. On his site, can the Jews can worker, workers?

Despite Alibaba, because of the mood reasons, the attitude and tone cannot be considered, but he still gives the answer of Walle hopes - Yes!

And this response to this non-false thinking, can most reflect the real attitude of a person.

This is indeed the real attitude of Alibaba - for modern people, if a person wants to be a worker or a farmer, rather than wanting to be a financial capital, how much "not wisdom" may be, but it is not a The condemnation thing: governing to eat and eat.

Alibaba never believes that it is correct to the Jews, but when people take the initiative to make labor transformation, don't you block people's road, is it?

After Viguel got a reply, the horse did not stop his companions.

"I think, I should have an additional investment now."

The 433th chapter is not very right

Alibaba found some inconsishes, probably starting from the feedback from the Frank.

Lugero came to Alibaba again, this time, this time is a unmarried wife.

Now Alibaba saw Lu Joo a headache - this since he came to himself, in addition to digging that tunnel, he did not have something to do in the fight. He is going to talk to you in the evening. You make anything, although this is also an embodiment of "personal value", but he will have something that Alibaba is coming.

Ah, why can't you have a man in other novels, while doing a high tall ruler, or you can sing in the night and night, more wonderful is the following political ecology can spurn spontaneously in the case of no people. Is it incomparable?

"If you sell fur, don't you sell to Syria? We have no boat from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea." Alibaba asked: "And you are not like buying spices and fertilizers. ? "

"That ... that is no longer used." Brada Mante was sad: "The fur business has taken hands from Tobin."

"Who is Tobbin?" Alibaba still heard about this person.

"Frank's palace is ... but I have come to pay back, I brought the furnished goods bought when I brought, I also brought the 50% interest, all gold coins." Bradamant Finger.

Lu Joiro was running off the ground.


Alibaba said that this has been more than a year. You still pay money, this year is also quite big in the financial industry.

"In addition, please ask the leader, do you have silver coins in your hand? Our family can use gold coins to exchange." Brad Dammer continued to ask.

"Well? Silver Coin? This will not be, if you go to the East, the silver coin may be more." Alibaba is somewhat strange: "What is the silver coin?"

"It's not Frank to cancel the gold coins, and quickly change some silver coins, we don't want to find Jews - they charge too high." She explained immediately.

Alibaba brows slowly frowned: "Wait, if I have not remembering the wrong, Frank and Italy should still have the right to cast gold coins now?"

"Yes, only the emperor of the Romans has this right." Luger Luojun plugged.

Bradadamite glanced in Lugero, and he was inexplicably.

"Hey ... I am really interesting." Alibaba evaluation: "Your prime minister wants to return all gold coins to do trade, then use the silver coins that allow yourself to send, this is the bid of the lame ... Hey, forget, The classical era can do this is the limit. "

Lugero and Bradamant look at him.

In the medieval Europe, West Asia, implemented "gold and silver complement", whistling is that gold coins can spend, silver coins can also spend, this is a natural formation.

If the official does not do any restrictions, then this situation is called "parallelism", the gold and silver price is completely on the market's number of gold and silver.

But as a government or official, they certainly hope that the gold and silver price is fixed, so it is convenient to manage and count, but in fact, the gold and silver price is always changing - so inferior coin expelled, and the people prefer to use "cheap "Currency to transaction, then hide" valuable "currency.

Not only is Europe, even if the gold is allowed to circulate, as the official currency is the same as copper money. Some people have confused this, including. I have a famous historian author. He knew a lot of gold in the Han Dynasty, but later became less and less - he won the phenomenon to Han Dynasty people like to use gold. Gold is buried in the ground, and there is less and less gold on the market, which is a typical causal.

When the Han Dynasty stipulated that the price of "pound of gold million" is the price of gold, because the price of gold is more high than this official price (the five contains and less copper, "Wu Emperor is still Bai Luo coin's child), if the people buy things with gold, then it is to spend high prices to buy less things, so the people prefer to trade with copper money, then put gold home, or even doctors are also the same. . There is no other use after gold is collected, so the people can only take it to accompany it.

Tobin This kind of gold coin with Frank does not have the right to cast a big foreign trade, and then use itself to privately circulate the silver coins, it should be called " " - Dance It is already possible to say yes. The silver Ben is made. Silver coins are circulating currency and gold coins are auxiliary currency.

"Is there any problem?" Lugero finally couldn't help but ask.

Alibaba gave them two people: "This ... If, if I say, if I am fighting in Rome and Frank, how will you choose?"

Lu Ge Luo was shocked, and Bradamante saw his expression, he quickly asked him that Alibaba said, and it was also in a state after getting an answer.

"Just now, it is talking about gold coins and silver coins. How do you suddenly pull this?" Lugero asked Barbani: "Is there a relationship?"

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