The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Ages 340 started from one thousand and one night

"I heard that the money of the Aegean fleet is available."

"Why do you want to go to Constantinople? Don't you do it better?"

The people who were launted were very dissatisfied: "Since the woman is still taking tax from us, then she will take responsibility!"

Others don't buy: "Then you go to Ma Richo, see if he will help you go petition!"

If there is still a difference between everyone's opinions in the center of Byzantine, then these people are quite consistent with the views of the Governor.

"Get it? I hope that Ma Ricio is not as good as Go to the Cat Hospital!"

"Just, he will tell you to patience, patience, patience ... I all have been annoyed!"

"'Our power is not strong enough, so learn will first succeed" - Oh, you can go to fuck! "There is still a wonderful to learn Mao Riolio.

When you are a three-year dog, it is more than 20 years of Governor. It is the same as those who are dissatisfied with the Venetian people.

However, people on this boat now are obviously not behind.

Finally, the people in the middle of the boat opened their mouths:

"Brothers, we must take a way! We can bear it, but this time it is not, this time it is related to Venice."

After heard the words, the ship was still quiet and quiet.

Obviously, this person is prestige.

"Although Mao Richo is a babard, he is right, we are now too small, small to us, there is no way to respond to any power from land ... so we must develop the sea business!" call.

Merchants have nodded.

He said it is the development idea for the old talk of the old man after the construction of Venice, and is also a consensus of Venice business - if the city is not developing to sea, then there is no way.

"However, the Greeks will not let us do this ... Some people found me, and told me that the Aiqihai fleet accounted for the shares of the 'Convention', so that they would not be No matter. Our Governor - "there is no more expensive."

"30%? Is the source of this data reliable?" Some people doubt.

"I don't know, but this is a Syrian Jew name called Joseph, telling me, he said he wants to subscribe to government bonds, becoming a Venetian - I think he said that there should be a bit of trustworthy."

When I listened to the three words of the Jew, there were some unhamined sounds when I suddenly made some unhamined sounds, and people who spoke quickly returned to return:

"Well, I know that you don't want to agree, because I don't want to agree, but that guy and me said that he knows the Governor of the Saraton ..."

This back, the people opposed by the people are even bigger.

"Why do you have, the Clemont family is not talking to people there? I took me a quarter of the family to gamble, the Clemon family affirmed the shares of this 'Convention'!"

After listening to this, someone who sat in the most nodded:

"Others, their families have 3% .... Although only small shareholders, these are only enough for themselves, we are counting, why do I want other ways ..."

"So, what is your approach?" Someone asked.

"Very simple - multi-faceted bet."

If you don't wait, this person answers yourself from:

"First, our fleet is moving - the name is to help the Empire to fight the Balman. After the fleet is going to the Mediterranean section, we will bring the fleet to Cyprus, and go to the one who wants us. "

Others' expression suddenly become very exciting.

"...." Some people can't help but spit: "But if we do this, I am afraid that the Greek will bring our army to find us."

"They don't dare!" The people who speaking are very peaceful: "This year, the Frank people settled Bavaria. I will fight with Avar next year. The imperial army will never dare to be siege, through the Avar's territory We attacked.

"But they will block the Otrando Strait!" Take someone against: "Even if we adventure through the strait, the sea is also covered with Crete!"

After listening to this, people in the middle began to laugh:

"My dear friend, do you think I must meet the remains of San Marco? Well?"

"You said ..."

"As long as you want to go back the heits and build a church, our ship can pass the merchant boat by believing. The Greek is absolutely afraid to have conflicts with the Holy See, as long as we give the churches enough money, they only Can release! As for the Salast, I don't believe they will refuse to send the gold! "

"Oh ~~~" Everyone suddenly realized: "I thought you would want ..."

Correct! I just want it! This person said.

After all this arrangement, he must try it, what is the taste of wearing the Governor's corner hat to your head!

Chapter 440

The Venetian side is doing a small action, and it is not aware of this side, but they can't manage it.

On the one hand, they still can't see the "small place" between Italy and Bulgaria, and the other aspect is --- they are also self-sufficient.

Irina has been muted by the seven eight porcelain.

You know, this is the East White Porcelain, which is the Eastern White Porcelain, which is not the Syrian imitation porcelain, very expensive.

At this time, she took the teeth, the Greek lady's style is all: "Check, give me the end, which people are giving trouble when giving mourning home! Who organizes!"

Just a few days ago, she worked on a valuable but elegant robe, I invited the Roman Holy See.

Then she was tied to a loud slap - from the street to the church, almost every place was covered by soldiers, as if they were everywhere.

"Italian dog, don't welcome you!"

"Head, here is Rome!"

"Back to your own church to engage in XX of the little boy, do not refine the copper!"

"I just pulled it on your grave last year, go to worship!"

Under the grand "welcome", several big churches in Rome have stopped, and when I was Irina, he was calm and calm 180 °, and returned to the terminal of Constantinople.

Irina came to welcome the car.

The Queen I am very embarrassed: she doesn't know why the end of the end suddenly comes out of so many soldiers.

She wanted to call back these churches, asked them to go to Nesia to meet, but then she was demonstrated by the cheers behind the soldiers.

Now even in the past, the soldiers will hinder the meeting --- These people have not done.

The protests of soldiers are not very neat, obviously not the same place, but their slogan and purpose are the same.

----- Against the sacred icon, let the Romans return to great!

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