The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Ages 351 starting from one thousand and one night

Alibaba ordered the cavalry to abandon the weight, leaving only the heavy Tao Human, who bought from the Frank, and then let the people put all the horses, everyone, carrying weapons, in addition to carry only back A dry grain bag, lightly installed.

Of course, he didn't forgot to send a letter to the Petra and Yemen, and sent a message to Baghdad from the land.

He took people to return, while taking the information sent to him over Egypt.

The old man in the mountains stayed in Cairo (the ancient city) 'light' in the letter, the unspecite, the unspeakable thing for himself: It is too rushing, he can't understand all the situation, but this civil society is completely complained. Inevitable results.

The centrifugal tendency of the people of Egypt, mainly from three parts ---

The first is the Popular Coptener of Egypt. That is, it is often true Egyptians.

After years of many years of Romans, these Egyptians have come from spirituality to be Romans, even if the Taxes of East Romans give them a low tax. When the Arabs conquer Egypt, many people refused to refuse to change the sand dune cat, so these letters of people have always paid high 'Gizorn'.

Even the sand dune cat believer believers, their land tax and commercial tax collection are also increasing year by year, not to mention these "people who are obsessed with", accumulating so many years, the tax is not lower than the Roman era.

The second part is the Yi Mai Ye Dynasty, and these people oppose the history of the Azu Dynasty, and not recently burst. During the Wai Mai Lee Dynasty, they were the rulers of Egypt, and after the high-pressure rule of Araw, these people had to go deep into the Egyptian folk.

The third is the believer of the Cats - it originally thought that the Apagence royal family and they are "a group of" these people, and finally was woke up by the Azu Dynasty. And their forces are still everywhere, even if they are still in Baghdad, there is a believer under the "Takah Principles", not to mention in Egypt.

"The world is suffering Qin Dynasty" is such a thing.

Egypt can be different from the Sinaz penins of the river. Before the excavation of the canal, the Sinai Peninsula can only contribute thousands of dinar's tax, while Egypt is more than 2 million!

The Chapse royal family attaches great importance to Egypt - or says, paying attention to the money of the Egyptians.

However, the way they express their attention is that frequent Egyptian governors are frequently replaced, and they don't let them have the opportunity to sit in the local area. As for the Governor, the governor can not benefit the local people, they are not very careless. The birth of famous faint arrival Karaki is both an accident, and an inevitable judge who has aroused the people in Egypt is also directly sent by the center, and the Governor is independent of the past.

These centrifugal tendencies hide the high pressure of the Azu Dynasty, seemingly windy, in fact, the dark flow.

And the guidelines of things are in fertilizer ---

Or Alibaba chooses the potassium phosphate dihydrogen phosphate, just because of the school, know that this is more efficient, and the profit is relatively high, so he did it.

However, even Alibaba didn't know, he made something. The actual user is more clear than Alibaba himself. These are common in the 21st century, so that ordinary people are not blameful, and there are many agricultural producers before the Agricultural Revolution. important.

So, when he saw that Egyptian's rope is still related to him, Alibaba has a kind of ignorant.

"Wipe, it is no wonder that the Egyptian governor is looking for me to fertilize, but never explain the reason, the original roots are here!" Alibaba shakes his head: "I have explained early and I would like to find a way! Have you been bored? "

However, he is actually understanding the idea of ​​the Egyptian Governor - no one is willing to admit his incompetence, and no one will go to take the initiative.

However, he has to face, and he bites the people of Egyptian cotton.

Chapter 454, cotton and fertilizer

Alibaba comes from the information sent by Asgen, the cause of the riots is cotton.

Cotton is in Egyptian, may date to the 10th century BC, and cotton is not to say more about the importance of Egypt --- If there is no cotton, the Egyptian law is probably used to bundle the cotton strips of the bundles of wood. .

Knowing cotton knows that there is a non-bacterial, virus, and fungal infection, the self-birth cotton disease runs through the cotton planting process from the beginning to the end - that is leaf stem, also called cotton withered disease.

The reason why it is generally because it is because you control it again, as long as you type cotton, then the incidence of cotton is more than one-tenth, and the extreme year or even 90% of cotton will have leaf stems.

Once this disease occurs, the cotton blade will have a yellowish or even become purple, and the whole cotton is turned into a light rod, and the cotton bell itself is not talking about ---- the yield of this cotton can be said to be abolished.

So what should I do?

In modern, farmers or large farmers, when they encounter this problem, they will usually have a fire in the village or the company's employment.

Agronomers may look at the love action film in the house. When the farmers are fired, they usually quickly use the mouse to remove the fork of the fork in the upper right corner, and put on the trousers to ask the farmer what happened. You can help you.

One listening is a cotton leaf stem, these agronomic experts often break up - this big thing? Anxious fart! Delayed Laozi. Location of the soil, then watering the fertilization is not enough?

What fat?

What fat is still using me? Potassium fertilizer! Leaf stems are not because potassium is lacking? First of all, the root nitrogen fertile urea walks up, and the pneumon phosphate is not good when the leaf surface occurs when the toppet is topdd.

So farmers have been solved, and they are satisfied.

The above scenarios often happen to modern times, however it is in ancient? Ancient Egypt?

Grass wood is a good thing, can effectively supplement potassium in the soil --- but the grass ash is something, is it something in the four seasons?

Egypt is a tropical desert climate, and every year, the Nile is despised with sludge food, and it has planted grain. How many places go to the grass?

If leaf stems are bacteria, fungi or insect infection, then the Egyptians have a way to use plaster powder and lime, but the leaf stems are not. In summary, the classical era encounters leaf stems, the best way to plant cotton growers is --- to pray.

But things have changed last year.

As Alibaba said, phosphate dihydrogen phosphate is administered during the toppet fertilization, and can only increase the production of quarter, and the efficiency is not high.

However, if it is applied, the cotton field leaf stem has dropped to one tenth. If the surrounding cotton field is 50%, 60% of the prevalence rate, only the cotton field is an exclusive show?

The people are not a fool ... brother!

How can farmers may not be worried when the cotton field is ill, and they want to think about the brain juice? Even if I can't think of a solution for a while, they also have to go to four or five fields to observe the situation, as if they can make yourself better.

They see more than their own place - if they are better around, the rest of the farmers are usually asked by the roots, ask what kind of seed use or what fat is applied.

In this case, the cotton-like cotton of podium phosphate is apparent - the color of a large piece of red and yellow, is it?

The peasants suddenly fried, and they wanted to figure out how this is something.

However, they were stopped by a group of family, dog legs ruthlessly stopped --- is all eggs, this is my home xxx master!

After four views, these peasants found that when they became a common phenomenon in leaf stem, the normal cotton field is all the rich people or family members who have affordable people at the Governor.

The anger of the peasants can imagine: Harry in Bairda is far away, and everyone can at least comfort their holy cats is considered. Can you even have a poor love now? While giving these officials and the land of the land, we have to break the life of our poor people? Is the holy cat ?

Of course, there are also some people's news that is really better than ordinary people.

They told this farmers after listening to the four times: these XX Master's cotton is nothing, because they use a kind of thing called "fertilizer". And this kind of thing is said to be from a mysterious desert in Jordan. The city has been served for thousands of years, and even what cards are doing with cats. The care.

The fields of those who have been applying these fertilizers who gave to the sacred cat blessings, so they can not be sick, even higher than in previous years.

After the peasants heard the news, she suddenly recalled the scene of these landlords to spray things to their own field: I still won't be a ghost, now, can it be spraying fertilizer?

The peasants have built this.

Diazi, they can bear! Anyway, how difficult is to be prosperous, as an Egyptian farmer who is flooding every year, what big wind big waves have not seen?

If you can't bear it! Karaku West Laozhi sentenced a false false mistakes. They had already endured for a few years, but the pastel is still like it, and the alcohol is beautiful.

The earth-growing science, the cats of the cat, the Yuay Ye's Yuki, and Syria wanted to make a fortune but did not make a fortune ...

These people finally abandoned the vulnerable race dispute in front of the reality, and the class difference is the source of the evil. This truth is a consensus - even if they don't understand what is a class.

Although they don't understand the specific theory, they realize their situations, that is, there is no way to them, but when the disaster is coming, they will be damaged for this.

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