The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 361 starting from one thousand and one night

The real situation of the front line, of course, will not be what he just said.

If they have just cut off the rebels, they have tried to attack the two waves by the number of people, then when Oremia and Lugero have rushed to the battlefield. The rebel army does not have a chance.

In front of the rigorous formation of the East Roman mercenary, the rebel army did not even panic even when he was on top. These even in the amateur soldiers can only be called a second-run rebel army, obviously not the "Sword of the Sand Dunes" Harley's generals, can still be a long after five times in succession. The same anti-stroke back - Of course, this may also be related to the family behind them.

In Alibaba, the farmers who have just put down the weapons are the future "property", so when he saw these people were cut, it was quite distressed.

There is no way, if you don't kill, you have to be killed. If you are destined to be soaked by one of the bloodsfields, the Alibaba will definitely don't want itself.

However, don't be in your hand does not measures to do any measures.

The guy who tied to aesthetic landscape in your head became the object of Oralia. The new bow is for them, it is simply more than the old monomeric bow.

Take Alibaba for a long time, these people also have a show that there is a thought-minded thought - Achmide is more awake, and it is more common. So when he recognized the Nubians, and when he joined the battlefield, he quickly retreated to the last side of the array.

Although he ran, he sent an order in the army to maintain order, but he was named by Nubia's godners, one by one, turned into a soul of death. Later, this gang found that the gambling was behind him, and these supervisors had a low body, then dragged down the headband prepared by the water lily on the head, and went to the ground.

Originally, there are some scattered rebels. Now, it is more like a headless flies, followed by the military array of East Roman Legion.

Ma Mulu is always swimming outside the river, as long as someone dares to go out of the bankline, they immediately catch up to give a knife, while faint approving the land of the rebels, getting the Achmith, I don't dare to send the Spear forces Go to the front battlefield.

The soldiers are not enough.

However, all those who have learned a little military theory know this sentence, but only when the living example is placed in front of you, one can turn the common sense of rationality into an inductive cognition, knowing the line to become more Deep rational understanding.

It is like learning how many workers strikes the history. It is still just the theory of staying on the paper. Small Bur Joa is still small Booxa. Only when the X Wen Group gives you a slap in the face, some people can realize that they are still still in the proletariat - not literati, but a writing worker.

Alibaba saw that the rebels lost all the essence after this, turned into a poisons and shrinking, hiding in the temporary ditch and refusal to surrounded by the horse. After the "barrier" of the camp, I will never move one step.

"It's like hiding behind it, we will not like it." Lu Ji Luo is nose.

Chapter 468, the first evil

Although I have encountered a failure, but because Alibaba deliberately leaves, the rebel army has a lot of death injury, but the total number of people who lost combat has not exceeded one tenth.

The East Roman Legion, the East Roman Legion, you can choose to chase, but they don't do that. Because Alibaba has commanded the order, let them kill people as little as possible under the premise of protecting themselves.

Everyone came out, for the soldiers, they were for eating rice, no one was a demon of the kill, and more than one thing is less than a few things, right?

So the rebels are not only the hands and feet people withdrew, even those who are stupid, or the heart is more sincere, and they are not retreating, and they also escape from Alibaba.

After this quality is not very high, the rebels and Alibaba feel the strength of the opponent, but the reactions are still very different.

Alibaba is a breather, and the rebels are caught in deep dullness.

The characteristics of the U.C. decided that they can only play the wind, when the war is smooth, they are still swallowing thousands of miles, but they can encounter setbacks, but it is a cloud that is too long.

Now Achmide is a little panic - if Alibaba is just a cavalry, he can take someone along the river bank to go back, and leave himself in the back of the army. If he is just a infantry, he also dares to flicker a group of people to send death, then take the opportunity to slip.

But the army soldiers are too complete --- and even if they all command the rebels to attack, those cavalry still saves horsepower carefully, and there is not all put into battlefields.

If you escape, you will definitely be caught, you can't get rid of the army! Achmide can determine this.

Now there are only three ways to him, the first is to die - but he is very suspicious after losing so many supervisors, and the morale is so downs, he has no ability to continue to command the army.

To put it bluntly, all of his "authority" is just from his claimth of the "Savior", and the facts that have won more than the way along the way. After the latter is shattered, he can only rely on the former.

The second is to surrender. On the one hand, Achmide is still a little unwilling - he always feels that he is not expected to take this cavalry force, so it will take risks to the long drive. If he is old and old, it has attracted the army of the already attacked, contacts each other, and operates for a period of time, and the small number of officials should also have themselves.

I have a base card in my hands, how can I make my life to others, see each other's face?

What he didn't know is that if Alibaba is willing, he does not even continue to gather the opportunity to gather the army, and the rebels have been hit four minutes.

After gave up, he did not grasp the death attack and surrendered two options, he decided to try to escape.

Directly along the river bank eunish is obviously not what strategy, even if he can still maintain a skilish. It is best to prepare enough dry grains, I'm traveled to the river on the river, and then the urgent army ran away, and when I dawn, I camp again.

No, even more perfect - "Agenddi can send mers, negotiate to the leadership of the army, or simply and falsely surrendered, and make a look in a day. When the other party lost his vigilance, he would bring the team to our later.

After ordering the idea, he made himself a white flag and sent it to Alibaba's camp.

Of course, in order not to cause suspicion, he tells his apprentice first should ask for negotiations, see the other party's attitude, if the other party does not want the soldiers, then, then, if the other party is tough, then, then, even the first, even Establishing can be talked.

In short, flexible points.

But unfortunately, Alibaba has not intended to talk to him - he wanted to swallow the rebels of thousands of people in total, and their families.

Under this kind of thinking, he can give somewhat to a certain extent, but for the "first evil" of Achmide, he is going to do it anyway. If you don't scatter the organization, Alibaba really does not dare to build a team of rebels.

Looking at Alibaba, I have to explode the chrysanthemums in the top. I came to surrender the messenger to find that I didn't have a flexible room from the beginning. I don't want to negotiate, I am not allowed to act, and even the surrender is not allow!

It's really a good talk, and the messee is a few words, then turn around and leave.

After watching the messenger, Luger Luo hesitated, and then to Alibaba: "The purpose of this messenger, I am not so pure ... I said, in addition to exploring us, they There should be an idea. "

Alibaba nodded: "Reassured, I understand. Sun Zi - 'Wait and the benefits, the incomingness; resign, the progress of the people. They are going to run away."

"Sun Tzu" is really a good thing, even if it is not made to sum up the third-class generals, as long as you don't commit dogmism, you will never make a big mistake.

Although I didn't understand Alibaba's words, I saw that Alibaba understood that the enemy was to escape, Lu Joiro relaxed the heart ---, his employer is still not confused!

So far, they have surrounded this rebel army near ten days. If Alibaba really wants to do it, I am afraid that the rebels have already left what slag remains.

But now they actually want to escape?

Ducks are cooked, will you let it fly?

Alibaba took a whistle that made a sound, put it in his mouth.

Not allowed, there is more than one person outside the account.

"Please tell me." He said.


Due to lack of food, now the rebel army can drink a bowl in a bowl every morning, and other time, the proportion of grains in the meal is not limited to 0.

Oh, yes, this paste is broken with dried cakes - because after unplugging the palette that can be used to be ignited, there is no fuel for cooking.

However, even if the food is rotten, the fuel is scarce, and people who have a good cooking can eat it better.

Achmide has a small apprentice from a civilians, although it is stupid, it is not very intelligent in reading, but it is quite a set.

After searching for several aquatic dishes, this little apprentice squeezed them into vegetable juice, plus a little combo lemons, marinated the rocar tilapia collected from the rebels.

After pickling, the torrented toroidal taste is all, and the delicate meat is more smooth and smooth --- Achmide tried it once, ordinary raw fish and full of sediment taste The screws are also difficult to swallow.

"The tutor, eat." The little apprentice gave a piece of pickled fish on the leaves of the water lily, and handed it to Achmide.

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