The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Ages 388 starting from one thousand and one night

"When the sea is small in the summer, the sea is relatively small." Lu Jo said: "My father wants to wear sin, and build a sufficient number of fortresses, then come to help you, probably ... 4,000 people? , Yes, Manti is also preparing to meet, helping you hire two thousand people from Lausanne. "

"Lausanne ... Switzerland? Swiss mercenary?" Alibaba eyes bright.

"Well? Where is Switzerland?" Lu Jerona wondered.

Alibaba remembered that Switzerland did not build a country in this year.

"Ah, you don't worry, Lausanne can hire a little more, I will pay, there are many mountains, the poor people should be hired." Alibaba licked the mouth: "You I can hiseize this to help the poor, fighting people, I will send them 10 acres per person. "

When Lugero went out, he still had to be understood, why Alibaba clearly didn't have to go to Frank, but it is more understanding there.

Chapter 58, the human condition also uses

The multi-calling, if Aliba enters the progress of the world, the future of the world, then the impact of this son gives the world may have more than Frank mercenaries.

Although it is said to be invited to the country, but Sikai is not "hometown", so everything will have a child's rules or in the Tang people - Three days, Alibaba may meet with Shan Rudo, and learned to have a boy. To hang a wooden bow on the left side of the gate.

He generously inform the site on the side of the site, the food is in the best, and the wine has been sent in the amount of three cups per person, causing a cheer.

Three days later, Alibaba finally re-saw Shan Rudod and his son.

Although I don't know what the custom of Tang Muru wants to "washing the money" is what is going on, whether it is a herdsman, East Roman soldiers, the Nubians, is still very positive for "money". . So they turned into a Tang in this moment, rushing to find Alibaba asking for money.

I am impatiently taking out a few bags of gold coins to let servants go to throw, and after paying the rules of "washing money", Alibaba looked at Shan Rudder's surrounded by a group of mom, completed Careful bathes.

Looking at the continuation of your life, Alibaba really felt that he was integrated into this era, and he was also awkward for a time.

"Hard work." He said to Shan Ruard.


Alibaba was going to stay to the child's full moon again, but what is not only Ti Duo, but because Shan Ruzzard also insisted that he started early, so he only had to be at three or forty ships. Under the lead, slowly start along the coastline to go to Surtri Bay.

Before leaving, he finally inspected the city of Canal North.

The canal's progress is much more faster than the imagination. If you can't see the seaside from the construction site in three years, the remaining lighthouse, port, and temporary mooring projects have not been done.

According to those engineers, it is Alibaba luck, not only the labor of construction has never been troublesome, but even the weather is just right - the light rain in the desert is just humid ground, which is convenient to dig and not muddy. .

"It is estimated that it can be completed in advance, which is the end of next year." Engineers are also very satisfied.

Alibaba has promised that it is necessary to build a lighthouse to commemorate this canal in front of the Canal terminal port, and the name of the engineer involved in the construction will engrave on the lighthouse base.

This is undoubtedly scratching the itch of these technical experts - they are not so lack of money relative to ordinary people, and the pursuit of life has gradually increased from the material to the spiritual level. They know that academic achievements must definitely be more than those who have learned to learn, but they are not something likes to be famous, but they are only bitter.

Labor production is active, although the substance is first, but if the main body is a human, it is still a little spirit.

Because the livestock such as horses, camels are too much, so Alibaba put most of the baggage, food, and then let the soldiers will go forward around horses and camel columns.

So many boys have no doubt that Alibaba is in love - now Eastern Mediterranean trade gradually prosper, so the price of the ship is getting more and more expensive, can get so many boats have to say that Alibaba is still a face .

This kind of thing is not to make it, it can be made immediately. Syria is in the disaster in the disaster a few years ago, in order to accommodate the living people, it has become the main force of East Mediterranean trade.

Although these ships are not large enough, the anti-winding capacity is not too good, and the amount of cargo is not so far, but at least it is also a boat, and it is not strong.

At present, these ships have been sold out. If the small road news is true, that is, behind these shipyards have the Queen's family shares, then the queen of the private property of the Queen is probably a not small number.

There is a market, it is said that the number of shipyards of the shipyards in Venice is also reported in the Greek Peninsula, and there are many prosperity of the derivative related industries around.

When the merchants know that when the Harlel Munier Canal is officially opened, the ship market is definitely more popular, so even if it is a speculative businessman who has no need for Haibao, it has also gone an order for a batch of ships, looking forward to it in the future Price increase.

Alibaba is not polite to spend a part of the ship to the old canal of the old canal, to charge the military, as for the small inconvenience caused by trade, businessmen don't want to endure it.

When the path is Egypt, the new Egyptian Governor came over and Alibaba.

This person seems to be more than an official, and the time to talk about him is much more than the time to talk, but it seems that it is nothing to know about the civil affairs. It seems that it is a honest. House people ...?

Don't forget, he has paid for money! Alibaba reminds yourself.

Sure enough, half of the ship heard the Alibaba is empty, after preparing the news of the acquisition of food, watching the Governor of the Handheld finally fails to install, active to Alibaba, say he also wants to support the "Jihad" ".

Just two or three years, he may be in office, so he is eager to "back to this", just like Pash, this psychology is also used by Alibaba.

Alibaba was originally to lead him hook, listening to him, it is naturally promised ---- food is mainly acquired from Egypt, regularly there will be grain vessels.

Although Alibaba has a bit embarrassed, the new Governor of Egypt is still promised. After all, the food is placed, and wheat is not likely to be as long as the rice.

Introduction, he did not dare to do this with Alibaba, and the phosphate fertilizer factory in Egypt is currently constructed. The mining and processing of phosphite ore needs Alibaba to provide "technical support". If there is no fertilizer, Then the new governor is still difficult to escape the knife of the army. At that time, he will not be better than the Governor of Pasxia.

Because it is a noble, add the Queen's people to ask for love, so after Paphia returns to be reprimanded by Harlan Rashid, and then let him go to the green temple for his dereliction of duty, and To the victim, that is, those affected landms compensated for three thousand cattle and sheep.

This is already very serious punishment in the eyes of the new Governor.

The 580th & 5009 chapter sworn existed

When Alibaba entered the way to the Sulter Bay, another place was also carrying a meeting with a life and death.

Since Cyprus is more than pirates, the businessmen who are still black, the Eastern Mediterranean is still less and less in the pirate activities. The rest of the pirates have to move their activities to the west, open the ship through Crete to Tunisia, put forward the pirates there.

And Rushim is a key Tunisian pirates, although there is a bit resistant to these East Mediterranean peers, but in the case of reality, finally accept them. Because they can say that they can be said to South Italy, they just suffer from the lack of human hand, they have never been able to fish.

Obviously, if they want to get more, they must attack the town, rather than staying at the current small, and can only plunder the stage.

However, the defense capabilities of the town are different from the village. There are many urban buildings centered on the church and the leader, and the pirates are unable to use effective fire-fighting tactics in plundering villages.

When the enemy is found, the male pile of the town will be organized by the Lord, relying on the wall, the building to resist, women and children will be placed to the church to pray for their families, and this hedgehog cat general defense makes the pirate very headache.

In short, although the harvest of the town is much higher than the village, the people needed and consumption are also several times the village, and the people who are not enough to attack the town. That is to send death. Even if these pirate men are not afraid of sacrifice, they can't get money, women and glory, they can't accept it.

In order to get enough people, Tunisia's pirates increase the recruitment of Algeria and Libya coastline villages, and the other is to actively accept peers and prepare for tickets.

The strange Berman tribe of Surtri Bay, although there is no head, but for Tunisia pirates, these people have incorporated the surrounding fishing villages to their own protection, pirates have lost a batch of important "Recruiting" base, of course it will be very dissatisfied.

But after a few times, they found that this idea is really too thaw - the infantry equipment does not say, and even a cavalry than their speed.

When the pirates attacked the town, if you found a bad thing, at least the original road returned to the boat escaped, but these Coastal Army had a cavalry, which means that the pirate would be hitting it. In addition, these military fues have not been covered with some fishing villages and coastal farmland, so they will be brought to the account, the pirates feel that it is not cost-effective.

However, this means that the coastal town of Sicily and South Negli will be.

The pirates bought weapons and food from Rustam, which was stored in a "battleship" of a fishing boat - the Furosta boat began to "jet" in Sicily.

Summer is a good time for farmers around the world, everyone should harvest winter wheat during this period, and replanted autumn crops, summer is a beautiful season of harvesting and busy intertwining.

But for Sicily residents, the summer is also the most dangerous - because summer is also a period of surpass in Mediterranean. During this period, the pirates of Tunisia were selected to be zero, with ten Furosta boats (a Fosta ship approximately 23 people) as a fleet unit, plundered and kidnapped in the coast of Sicily And this plunder has become a practice.

As the number of times increases, these pirates will use Sardinia and Corsica's multi-sand and cave geographic environments, regarding there as a transit station, gotting a courage to attack the Village, Marseille and Montpell, Marseille, Marseille, Marseille, Marseille and Mount Mount Mashan, in the south bank of Marseili and Montpelli. And towns, can not be said.

People who are now preparing to meet with a meeting are the new governor of Byzantine in Sicily.

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