The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From the chapter of the medieval, Chapter 414, starting from one thousand and one night

The latter man summed up two points when analyzing the Lee Tam Dynasty was eliminated by the Fa Tima Dynasty.

1. There is no standing army that really gains off.

2. At the same time, the rule is tuned while tuitioning.

Alibaba has proved the former in Sulter Bay and Saleh, which proved the former - the fact that the temporary assessment of herders and pirates in the face of the formal army, but the wind is swallowed, but it is hard to hard. Discipline is still a bit unbearable.

As for the latter, Alibaba has not seen it yet, but soon I have to see it.

One day, Alibaba sent a person who came to Alibaba's military account.

Come on clothes simple, but the robe is clean, and it is not dyed, which is rare in North Africa.

"He is sitting in the horse." Muruk told Alibaba: "It is a monk, people on Rusham."

Alibaba is very polite to receive people --- The two countries will not be made, and the surface work should still be done. If you really want to open, you can paralyze your opponent with a gentle attitude.

He just pulled two cats and cats and cats, and the rulers of Rusham worshiped things, and the monks directly interrupted his intention.

"Those who don't have to say ... The Governor, your strength we have seen, we just want to ask you, when we attacked Cairunwan, we are good to cooperate with your step."

Alibaba's voice came to an abrupt, and then his face revealed an incredible look.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Alibaba felt what you had just mistaken.

"Just as you said, Rushim himself is a Persian, does not represent our wishes of our Kabille." The monks said to Alibaba: "We respect Rustam himself is a devout letter and Warrior, but he should not let his son inherit the 'to win people'. "

Alibaba understands - the original trusted struggle in Rushuma.

"The spirit of the cat's eyes is from the ordinity of the people. The leader should be generated." The monk continued: "Rushum is trying to carry out the sub-commitment, there is a violation spirit, and we have no teeth. We hope that you can make the north as soon as possible justice."

Alibabapadon was thundered - what is this?

Ascein, Tunisan is reported, saying that Keluwanli is a bit chaos, but Alibaba has never been thought of, there is actually in this way.

Alibaba has some doubts that the other party just came to try to explore himself, so pretend to make a look that it is not intended.

"Northern? You misunderstood, I have never been this plan." Alibaba fake.

He recently under constant tempered, his own face thickness has a big meaning from the Great Wall of the Great Wall, so this kind of false words can also be done without red:

"I'm here, on the one hand, to remove the harm for the people of the people, let everyone go to Baghdad. II is the Governor of I heard that the Rivien (North Africa Berman's collective of European pagans) Come over, together with the devil who worship, pull the kind people in the people into the abyss ... "

Alibaba dialect has not finished, I saw the opposite monks showed the sign embroidered in the collar, it was the sign of the cat's brotherhood.

So Alibaba decisively stopped the meaningless smear, and turned to talk more. "Hey ... What is the problem?" Abdullah Wahaby? "

In the explanation of monks, Alibaba learned what happened to Rushuma.

If Rahman ibn Rustam dynastic generation projects, so now Wahhabi is the second generation, which in feudal times very reasonable home world of medieval architecture is supposed to be the norm, but it put a The problem has become big in the country in which the political cooperative countries.

The first is because a generation is more than a son, the second is that the sect is more than one.

As Yi Bade sent under the cat's eye school branch, Rustam has been advertised himself with a day and the Sunnah to rule by the regime, and made a lot of people in the Berber sounds very pleasing to the ear of thought, have done A lot of things to help civilians.

But the religion, the end is still a kind of rule of establishing people's thoughts. At the beginning of the Ebad Pie, in order to unite allies, Accepted the Sufriya, Nagdiya, and the Azu Dynasty, and the Azu Dynasty. There is a difference.

In fact, when ideological differences have a strong regime of the time or trivial, but these factions and political forces together will become very troublesome --- say every denomination supports a son of the time.

After such a great foundation of the regime among the people, in fact, its hands still want a very troublesome thing, especially Governor Yi Fuli Ji Ye beat in the province Rustam regime several times, at least There is a lot less resistance on the way.

Since the differences in my thinking will be stable because of the strong regime, when the strong regime is unstable, natural disagreement will reveal.

When on land 7,000 troops almost annihilated, at sea and was overwhelmed when large fleet, internal Rustam had some of those who suppressed thoughts on the re-start active again.

"Your fleet is in Basra, Suleman presided over the ownership of these ships with his own name. I think you are not asked to do it." The monk suggested.

"How is it for the bottom law?" Alibaba began to stupid, although he understood the meaning of each other.

Cat's Eye camp to come up with a force so extensive brothers will come out, but also by way of secret societies are organized, which is obviously not just to business, but its political purpose now is a mystery.

But now its claw teeth are to expose.

"Ming people don't say dark words, although Rusham and his son have a cat eye, but since they were elected to go to the stage, they have been engaged in dictatorship."

When the monk, I said that I showed a dissatisfied expression: "I didn't want to agree that I didn't want to accept the Romans' exile, I didn't think I would see it. I think we have supported him at the beginning. "

"Do you support the Governor of the rebellion in Sicily?" Alibaba has some unexpected.

"Cat eye is a person who is willing to change." The monk does not think: "We learned that the commune you set up is also an organization that emphasizes property public and members of the members. Of course, we want you. fleet at the time of making the crew, can emphasize this point, and appropriately flashed grades 'cat's eye Brotherhood' of Basra ---- anyway, when you would have said so. "

It turns out that it is to borrow external forces to integrate internal. Alibaba said.

"In this case, then I have something to say." Alibaba thought after thinking, decided to use this.

Chapter 546 Religion Positioning

Alibaba has made a determination after listening to the current organizational model of the Cat Eye Brotherhood.

Cat's Eye faction were obviously going to borrow Alibaba to expand their influence, a decision to establish a national religion by the secular power, but that their efforts, and between Rustam attempt of feudal family conflict.

Rustam can only say that the family is indeed qualified rulers, but in the eyes of the rulers, religion is useful to make use of them by the time, even to look at feel sick when the chamber pot useless.

Medieval Well, even if it is stressed that the Republic of Venice extreme political entities elections, they are still there will be people that want to seat Mauricio passed his son, and succeeded in other countries even mention.

The teachings, the dumps, the people of the dog, Alibaba is too lazy to understand, anyway, how to get a confused account, only the public organizational model created by him, is the only purpose of his struggle to now, is him The bottom line.

As long as people can organize people to organize, then everything is good, as for the retrofit, you have to come slowly.

At this time, the Rustam Dynasty was only "founding the country" more than ten years, and the Ti Duo drove away from Algeria. It is eight, nine years ago, to say that they can build a effective administration so soon. System, Alibaba is not believed.

Without organization, it will naturally have insufficient mobilization. In the news from the vibration tube, Rushtha is a total mobilization, I am afraid I can only have a military army of eight thousand people, and the newly collected horses and camels lack sufficient training.

Cats, who came to Alibaba privately negotiated monks, and the words also revealed that there were many news that Kecouwan now, confirmed Alibaba's guess:

Saleh, who sold returned, was straight enough to take on the responsibility of the failure, and then he took the initiative to put himself into the prison of Keluwan, and wrote a letter to the leader in the prison. Sended to Alet.

In the letter, Sale Herberry should take advantage of Atlas Mountain Terrain, in the highlands stationed and architectural work, with Kailuwan each other, can't be with Alibaba. The coastline needs to establish a whistle tower for alert. Once the other party is logged in, it must start attack immediately, and it is absolutely not allowing the other party to build a military camp.

After receiving the letter, Abdullah Wahabi knows that when he is not pursuing responsibility, he rushed to let the messenger to the prison and put Saleh in prison. And in the meeting of Alet, the public said that he had forgived the mistake of Saleh, but also gave him a military full power.

Only, their propaganda has a little deviation - they in order to arouse the hungee of the residents, so according to their pirates, they want to begin to promote those soldiers and Alibaba. " Abuse, "Sell as slaves", with this encouragement to carry out jams, to resist the attack of Azu.

As a result, their propaganda was soon being ridiculed by herders. The App Aibodai monk, which was responsible for promoting, did not feel that they were not right, and quickly returned to report, so Drusham learned.

Alibaba's tolerance for prisoners did not make them feel happy, but it was more cold and chestnut - if Alibaba killed prisoners, it may be just to weaken Rustam's power, and there is also the possibility of negotiation.

But Alibaba released prisoners, and tried to include them into a set of administrative systems, and also pour a dirty water towards themselves. This is a root to eradicate Rustem, it is really going to die.

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