The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 440 started from one thousand and one night

When I listened to Alibaba, the leader of the coffee was immediately put down the cup, and I started to fall down.

"General Igles Close to the road tax is too much!"

"There are more and more people who are selling this trip, and salt goods must not sell."

"People eat and chew all money, but the price of food in the market has been rising!"

"The current young people are love to the seaside city, we always have a lot of labor costs."


Lin Lin's main reasons have left more than a dozen, but according to Alibaba's view, most of them can only be considered a small episode. It is like a high tax, such as labor-saving rising, but instead indicates that North Africa has a trend of prosperity, Alibaba will never stop.

However, there are indeed the main reasons --- Tax too high, and there are too many end prices that compete too much.

"I can't help me." Alibaba's regret: "I promised it, the inland is the garden of the Algles, I can only talk to him, but I have no right to order him. But in more and more competitors, we are not thinking about other ways ... "

Head people can't touch the mind - the Governor please come to talk about how to pay taxes, nor to talk about all the tribes from the army, but actually care about everyone to make money? And how do you manage how much your own accounting?

"Can you limit people working in this industry?" There is a tribal leader to ask: "30 head camels are too few, as long as you wish, a seven hundred households can make so much, it is better to upgrade to ... 200 head? "

Alibaba is certainly impossible for them to make this kind of reverse car - 30 head camel This number is the result of numerous Jewish financial officers carefully crafted: people lower than this number or organization will not have long-term business intension, The most is also a hammer sale.

And if the threshold is higher than this number, it is easy to form a monopoly or group, and the result is not beautiful.

"This is impossible." Alibaba replaced the solemn expression: "You also know that since the letter of the people's leaders will give me the management of this area, I have an obligation to be all letters. The people will take benefits and are all. "

Looking at Alibaba is so beautiful, although everyone thinks where is some wrong, no one is willing to refute Alibaba's statement is wrong. But if Alibaba has launched a non-registered vote, this gang guarantees that all will be "increasing access to the threshold".

Although some people claim that "Ning makes a small person, do not do a false gentle", the presence of a false gentleman has a strong order, and the power of moral strength is necessary.

If many people in society claim that they have to be a true villain, even "pseudo" is not willing to pseudo, it can only explain that morality in that society can not be punished, or punishment is small. The moral system with the confrontation is that it is necessary to re-create, that is, the so-called "league".

Alibaba's heart clearly knows what these people are thinking, but he still have to continue to stupid --- Something everyone must do something, really need to be closed.

"So, I want to take the lead to build a 'company', everyone is intended?" Alibaba threw a bait on these businessmen: "In order to ensure that our goods maintain a certain price, everyone will go to the trading season, Discuss all kinds of shipments and caravan, avoiding their vicious competition, by our Tute Cat Mall to control the total volume. "

Chapter 585, subtle balance can't break

The proposal of the "company" of Alibaba said a certain interest. However, the ideas of Alibaba uses negotiations to solve competition problems, they all explicitly expressed their objection:

"Your thoughts are good, but the light is not used. In order to maintain the scale of the camel, if the amount of goods sold every year does not meet the standard, we will lose this, this is not a problem that the negotiation can solve." People pointed out this.

"Let's think about it? Everyone can't make money, I am very uneasy." Alibaba continued to ask: "For example, if it is selling salted, if you can't do it, what else does it still do? Say, what is making money, it is convenient to transport? Also, can we build a station there, reduce transport loss? "

Talking about the station, many tribe people have shake their heads, saying that this is never possible - every March and April, the sandstorm in the Sahara desert will pick up a lot of rainy season. It disappeared in a month. Even if they didn't dare to easily, even if they were built, they would be destroyed by sand dust.

As for the goods, Alibaba got a more five flowers - except salt, colorful garments, cloth, from the gantry jewelry, and various drugs, spices are trendy goods in the local area.

However, there is a little attention to Alibaba --- Although it is like soap, the products such as soap and cool oil are very popular, and the black people like West Africa, but there is no one in the iron, this and "Lubin Drifting "The" Dotted glass beads, the knife can be changed back to the gold and ivory ","

There is also wood, stone and concrete --- wood, but stone ... Is the West African black has a large-scale processing of stone?

For this question, the chiefs also expressed their kindness.

"They don't use it at all -? Do you know their house? After mixing with mud, cow dung, the building materials made after special suppression, is not more than the stone." A head Alibaba explained.

"What is the cow manure?" Alibaba was shocked - it is a unwrick that Indians like it. What is this chemical reaction?

"It's just a rain, so they have to cover the waterproof of leaves outside, but if it is too big, it will be bloated. However, anyway is cheap, and the re-cover is."

"What is their dignity?"

"The pavilion built by wood."

After such a question, Alibaba has a bottom.

The problem is obvious - the black and West African black people have a lot of gold, but the production capacity is not very strong, so the North Nonchants people have almost no other earnings projects outside the gold. And the yield of gold is more fixed, so there is more goods sold, and the average gold can be changed to gold.

"Don't I say, there is no special product like coffee, palms and oil olives." Alibaba is somewhat unwilling.

The tips for trade are the need for both parties. If West Africa, there is only gold in China, then this trade will end sooner or later, Alibaba feels that you are not as good as you want to sell things to Spain.

"Yes, black slaves." Emirates do not think: "and make money."

Alibaba: "... ... Cost is too high, then change one."

"Not high? Just use a small rope, then kill a few thorns, and the rest is honest." The chief of the Emirates. "

"I said social management costs." Alibaba vetoed this.

Although Alibaba believes that he has no racial discrimination, he is also resolutely opposes the introduction of black labor and international students to enter China. This is independent of racial prejudice, but for the stability of social structure and cultural conflict, it is a 100% unfinished thing in his opinion.

Hawaii has no racial discrimination, because all nations, racial economic status roughly the same; some of South America is just a little bit of problems, that is, because in these countries see a person's skin color, you can't immediately learn the economic status of the other party. Therefore, racial prejudice is relatively small. The other part of the South American countries have this problem.

The two most wonderful two countries are naturally India and the United States - there must be a person's status, as long as you look at his skin color, you can guess the eight nine-nine-nine-necrotic ten, so the race of these two countries or the surname discrimination problem It is also the most serious.

The United States is even wonderful to the same mobile phone in Amazon, and a three-storey sales is a few times a regular store - just because the model of the formal store exposes the hand of the skin, so buyers subconsciously The mobile phone who believes that the formal store is stolen.

Registening to the Chinese people, such as "Northeast XXX", "Henan XXX", "Shanghai XXX", mostly due to the unequal economic status. Just because of skin color, as long as the other party does not speak, you can't distinguish these people and others. Therefore, when economic problems have been solved, geographical discrimination can be almost solved.

But race discrimination is not good - because the color difference is too large, too obvious.

The reason why Berber is against the Arabs, and several uprising are because the Arab "Tianshu" and "Gizer" have caused differences in social status between two people. The cat's eyes can be popular in northern, because it cancels this inequality.

No matter what the Rustam Dynasty has done in the military. Anyway, Alibaba, Alibaba, I think they don't know.

If Alibaba introduces black slaves, even if he is planning to give freedom afterwards, these black slaves will also enter the extremely poisonous class because lack of labor skills.

Wait until these people have biased the "low-and-the-art national" prejudice because of class issues, they don't want to twist. It is not a good one. There is now no Suez canal project, and then used for cultivation. Facilities build talents.

Therefore, Alibaba will never engage in black slaves, even if he needs labor, he will never make the social class to differentiate due to skin color, otherwise the United States, India and France are the front ...

Seeing Alibaba attitudes, the chiefs are also only looking for him.

"I know there is something that there is one side." Suddenly someone speaks: "And you can form a good match with your industry. If you need, I can let the West African's lazy go to this thing."

Alibaba settled, and people who saw the speech took out a bag and poured out several dry fruits.

The 586th chapter of the beautiful legend in Sicily

"What is this?" Alibaba is very interested.

The chieftain also saw that the left and right peers were staring at themselves, which is very proud:

"This thing is called 'mysterious fruit', it is the specialty there."

As he said, he handed fruit to Alibaba.

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