The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval chapter 459 starting from one thousand and one night

I am shocked by my big.

"Kaota, what did you do?" A Tang Ring Rating angry.

The black-called black ride is open, and trying to tell himself: "I don't have a force root."

The others can't continue to reprimand him, and I jumped into the horse and I was ready to support Alibaba.

However, after seeing Alibaba quietly squatted a while, suddenly, in the eyes of everyone, slammed from the ground, and began to walk forward.

While climbing, he still didn't forget to come back to say two sentences: "You, I will give me a horse! Don't ride on it right away!"

Others are still being worried, but there are several people who have read the books thinkped that Alibaba had the meaning of Alibaba after Alibaba last night.

"Everyone will be honest and fearful." They shouted with your companions.

Harlan Rashid, sitting on the back of the elephant, can be seen very clearly that Alibaba is far away from the horse, and then runs on this side all the way.

"Also, I'm doing a little, and the sound can only hear himself.


In front of Harlan, the Harleman's Jihad General, the top of Harlem Munier Canal, the biggest hero of Northern Africa - Alibaba's performance, except for it, it is still so good to His Majesty, and it seems to be I feel very interesting for the collective of many ministers, and apologizes again and again.

Not just him, even the Ma Mulu behind him also holding the horse, a deputy mouran, and does not go to the giving of the people in front of the people - Baghdad.

"It seems that I have already lost it back." There is a unhappy minister so irony.

In fact, Alibaba was "falling", I thought it was wiped down onion under my eyes, I came to tears, and I was dozens of meters to show humility. But after I thought I thought, he still felt that it was too much, and gave up.

Some things are just a time, and it is enough to make "anger" to make Chen Bao Guo, and the performance will be too stupid.

Harlan Rashid is in the face of the group, repeatedly said that this is the glory of Alibaba. Because he not only opened a canal to the wealth treasure house, he also spread the glory and blessing to ignorance, the backward Berber tribe, innocent, is worthy of the Virtual warrior.

However, the more he said, the more Alibaba can't be affected by this ceremony, he insisted that this as a collective worship under the leadership of the people's leaders ---- Everyone is doing a prayer for the direction of the holy place .

See Alibaba insisted that Harlan didn't say anything, after making a worship with the group, let everyone go back to each home.

After Harlan scattered, Mashlun passed the words: "I heard that you have a lot of movement of preparation gifts there, I am looking forward to it, you will come to the palace tomorrow. Your people are ready, and the widows should be inspected. What is the strong men who have been defeating those barbarians. "

After listening, Alibaba gave a breath and knew that he had passed.

He took a sandalwood sculpture inlaid in the gemstone, stuffed to Maishlen, Mashlun did not refuse, but smiled.

It seems really safe.

Alibaba immediately came to Baghdad's largest hotel area, and broke the biggest inn, let them help feed the horse, feed camel, tipping is also handed out, and everyone knows the return of the owners.

Alibaba is going to find Aladdin to gather, but it is far away from Basra, and is studying the winch drilling technology from the Tang Dynasty. It is ready to use in the mine of Sort, Alibaba has only returned Chinatown went.

There, Alibaba met a group of strangers.

A group of people from the Guardian guards, or the defeat of the soldiers, currently hurt in Balmark

"North Tingdu Guardian ... Is Alibaba surprised.

Anxi, the North Tingdu Guardian is watching the situation, which clearly has a lot more than history, how can it be ranked in advance?

The monk soldiers still have to smile --- Every break.

Not only breaking the North Ting, returning to the coalition, and the Tubo people also launched an attack on Fandler throughout the winter opportunity.

Fandler was originally intended to temporarily contraction, so there were only many "volunteers" for gold for gold.

These only with greed in the volunteer soldiers of the morale, they were unbearable in front of the sophisticated weapons, colors and strict teams in the Tubo, and they were forced to defend the four towns.

The seemingly powerful chastity, four instantly have been broken, this speed is really incredible.

The 6133 & fourteen chapters true doubts

"You actually flee here ..." Alibaba didn't know what to say.

The current Tubo fruit is really a full period, not only the three major hegens in Asia - Datang, returning, Arabs, but also actually achieved victory.

However, Alibaba is strange, why these people are willing to be far away, but also to the Arab. By going back to the people, you should go back to the Tang Dynasty, it should be difficult.

As a result, Alibaba mentioned this, the expression of this group of soldiers became a bitter vetement.

"Package! We are not no longer going back!" They began to have bitter water.

In the first Ning Ting - returning the coalition, some people returned to Datang, but they will be "military power" by the side of the Tang Dynasty, and they will fill them together to send flow. .

The encounters of these people also let the do everything possible to listen to the Nordic Guardu, which is completely returned to the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty.

More infusable is that Tubo is obviously not prepared for long-term left-behind, cured rule, but after the war is defeated, it is actually those "allies".

"I'm going to have a passive ... give a message, there is a living road, we will do it." The military soldiers of the North Tingfu said to Alibaba: "Make a horse, kill people to kill people. ! "

"This is not used." Alibaba thought of answering: "You are here to settle down, then find a time to help work ... You will ride, right?"

"More fresh, if you don't ride the horse, you will not have this kind of captive. I am afraid that I have been dug a knee bone." The soldiers were happy.

"That's good." Alibaba nodded: "If you want to grow, you want to work, you want to join the army, to join the army, go to our site, you will never eat less yours, but ..."

Speaking here, Alibaba put forward a request: "But you have to help me a busy - I want to open a military class in the Religious school of Keluwan, you have to send several veterans to go to lectors."

"Hey? What do you do not know two people?"

"Nothing, you will tell you the experience of riding the battle, and you will have a good experience, let Muruch over there will be translated." Alibaba took these professional soldiers.

The rise of the army in North Africa said to Alibaba, both a good thing, and a bad thing.

Of course, it is a strong force, Alibaba is not worried that no one wants to fight, and bad things is the quantity of qualified grassroots officers.

Ma Muru is ok, there is a team of Frank mercenaries and Tang Jun veterans. The heavy cavalry troops in the district are not in training. It can be light cavalry. This time I can add a group of veterans, it can be said to be just right.

After listening to the treatment of Alibaba, the veterans thought a little, and then asked if the Axi also had the same fate, it can still be handled.

"Come, some people, have a place, there is a horse." Alibaba answers.

"Cheng! To be so, we will follow you, which the holiday is not selling?" The veterans were allowed to have two sentences.

As a result, "the festival makes" out, and Alibaba feels that it is more like An Lushan.


Alibaba thought that after the first round of test, Harlan Rashid would reduce the drain and let him have an idea.

But he was wrong - Harlan was still so like a big flat banner.

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