The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From Chapter 480 of the Middle Ages from 1 million and one night

The Frank is also a nation that can do not have a mouthful. Some of the counts, I wanted to monitor myself, then I got it, and I called this violates the tradition of the Frank, and I simpled the house, I made a fact independent.

However, after Charlie passed the rebellion, it was also a great realistic. For the patrol, he has made a notice to the whole country, indicating that it must be followed, otherwise it will be appreciated.

This tough and universal attitude makes everyone understand his determination, and finally someone is rebellion.

Some people are not surprising, such as the Duke of Saxony, the Earl of Provence, even if they don't have them, not to mention their interests.

However, another rebellion is a little unexpected. Among these people, they actually have an Earl of the Brittany Region of the Palands.

So Charlie is from Saxony and the south to betray, and let people write to the Britney Earl, ask you is not serious, I was originally thinking about the whole world, you are not too likely to rebellion.

As a result, Bretani is also very honest - let me vent, Your Majesty.

In recent years, I have never been revenge. Anyway, Although Astria is loyal to you, but it is just behind, I can only take a boat in the past, I can invade you. I don't care, now give me the whole thing - I will say it straight, and the soldiers here will definitely have something to check.

After receiving the reply, Charlie thought, I sent the second notice, announced that everything is not in, and the patrol will take effect from the passbook next year.

As for the stack of Veneton asked to open, Charlie is not allowed to be a good thing or a bad thing, but since the church said that this is what they are covered, the Charlie will not say something.

He once again wrote a letter to Brittany, let him endure, and immediately go to the Avar to grab the money, let's go to play Spain --- this time he will bring all full deputy Armed knight.

After a comfort, the Earl of the Earlissen, said that he would continue to follow the vows in the top of the holy, loyal to the king of Frank.

After seeing the main ruling zone, Charli immediately sent troops, holding a few stably of the rest of the country, letting them understand what is a father.

Subsequently, he has opened a call, ready to completely drive away from the Panonian plain.

Although the East Roma people repel the divorce, the hiring chance sent in advance will not be still still, not to mention it is just name.

For Charlie's discussion, Venice welcomed, and gave him a limited part of support through the new stack.

Charlie found that the "All Court Collars, which have not been achieved in its own manor, the supply station" plan, actually made Venice and church completed in advance.

Although this is a good thing for yourself, it is not too big for the sage of the church? Is there any need to limit?

Just as he thought about this, a knight took a horse to come over:

"My master! This is the horse called 'Tang Cat Chamber of Commerce" to give you a horse! "

The arms did not like horses, so Charli's attention was immediately attracted.

He found that the horse and Frank were different from the knight. The body is not very high, but the pace is very fast, and the temperament is very warm. The sound of the eyes around those eyes are not very resistant.

"What horse is this? I have never seen it." Charli asked.

I didn't answer this around the left and right side.

In pair, there is an old-age knight who looks close to it. It is said that this should be the horse's horses:

"My family, I spent 70 gold coins from the Klemont family." The Knight said, "I can't resist it, but running is very fast, and I can run very far away." "

"Saleson horse? How did they get?" Charli refers to the store of the church: "Let him come over, I have something to ask him."

This is not difficult to figure out - the Venetian and the Salast have trading, then they have obtained the right to operate from the church, so many Salason's goods have flowed into Frank.

As for this Tutea Chamber of Commerce, it is the product after Venice and Keluwan, and the product after Alibaba recommends "unified signboard" - anyway, this name is full of religious colors, and the church will not refuse.

The six hundred and forty-three chapters

The merchant of Charlie naturally also has its own picture - he hopes Charlie to sell the battle to yourself after defeating the Avar.

For this request, Charlie did not refuse. After defeating Frank, it is necessary to turn the trophy, and the merchant merchants have been doing this business since ancient times.

Although the merchants from Aachen are somewhat dissatisfied, these merchants have not expected Venetian high.

In addition to bid, Venice is very popular with a variety of payment methods - except for the most traditional means of gold, no matter how salt, spices are olive oil, even weapons armor can be for you. Make up.

Just think about the uncertainty of war, so it is not accepting credit.

Some knights listened to the heart. They asked the merchants. If the furmount in the future is open to their own territory, Venice can do what price for their agricultural products, and quickly get a reply.

Looking at these happiness talked about the business of business, Charlie suddenly had a uncomfortable feel.

He felt his own efforts, risking life, bleeding and sweating only, the income of output is all defrauded by these businessmen.

Will Venice? It seems to be in the South of Avar ... Waiting for it, I have to talk to your boss sooner or later.

Just is still not the time, at least wait for the new Pope to say, otherwise any move to the church property will be considered provocation at this time.

In case of this is expected because of this fault, it is even more unstable because of the flatk, which is a matter of the system, and there will be even more unstable, and this fall is also impact.


In the rings of the Yinaglass, whether in order to maintain the rule, it is still a diligent inner, or seems to be big, the heart is unparalleled, and the period in the four-party situation is maintained in the necessary restraint.

But there is so two not only don't restrain yourself, but also the increasing public.

Of course, it is a Byzantine - after the failure in the war of Arabs, I was eager to save the face, almost couldn't wait to pay taxes, and adjusted the legion, prepared and the Bulgarian fight.

His Grandfather Constantine Winnadeen, this year, with this military power, the "Bulgarian Butcher" generation, the Constantine Sixth, I really want to come to the Bulgarian butcher's second-generation.

But the soldiers and generals who are familiar with Qiriya traveled, all said that it is also not optimistic about Bulgaria.

Their emperor is really too easy to use!

Moreover, it is even more disuusable. Such ancestors have never seen it from small to most, and it is clear that it is a juvenile of a ritual, and a teenager who is humming.

If the era of the information explosion, just pulled a normally online watching drama, that person can tell the general - this is inferior to the head, so it is necessary to use "just" external performance to bluntly. In fact, this guy panic is panicked.

Even the big chest of the big chest he likes - Saidos seems to have proven this.

Although Constantine Sixth has a father, but his father is not at home, and it is in his age, and his mother is, although the mother is, but it is a polar, but the power of the eyebrows is too strong. The education has always been too strict, so his conviction seems to be transferred to this palace woman.

In summary, this child has a small lack of love and encouragement, so it will lead to this "inferiority".

This is very similar to the situation in which many Chinese people in China is --- Father is the emperor, and there are few children, and a child can share very little, and the mother is generally rarely seen. Many emperors have always been around the eunuch before the long-standing people, and they will warm up their diet.

In this case, the emperor does not have a weird event. The sentence of Han Lingmili whispers "Zhang Changshi (Zhang Let) is my father, Zhao Changzhi (Zhao Zhong) is my mother", it will also be reasonable.

The group of ministers is almost right, but unfortunately "unintervisites,", the more correct, the more mistakes in this time.

The generals and ministers of the Byzantine are also different from the mistakes.

They are not smarter, and even people who don't see the status of Constantine. But for them, it is only an angry and obey of the king, and there is nothing benefits, so it has closed his mouth.

Another floating guy is naturally Syrian Jaffar.

If it is only a cultivation in the first two years, then he has been in the martial arts.

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