The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

Middle Age 509 starting from one thousand and one night

This pirate heard the messenger "Hu Yan", and finally still couldn't help it. When the weapon is removed from the "caravan" big car, the messenger will be paid, and the tribute is also turned away. The accompanying personnel either kill or have a prisoner.

His foreign trade person hits the local attack, Charlie feels no light on his face, when you want to collect the army to go, give this pirate a little color.

But the ministers persuaded him, asked him to ensure the security of the messenger.

So Charlie pinching his nose and taking it down, saving money from this to the Viking people to redeem the messenger of Asturias.

Monasters Flowa saw Charlie full face and shameful --- pressing he should not be so university, he is in Spain, he is the arrogant when the king is from the soldiers, and in several anti-Corporal's "Jiha" battle is neutralized. contribution.

As a result, this was captive, he thought of all the faces that were thrown on the battlefield.

Due to the property, all the animals are robbed, so his tribute has only a few butterflies specimens --- These things don't care, so I will leave him.

History is such interesting - in the same era, there is a return Tang Dynasty (the nuntera between the nuntees), and the gathering of the goose, the ritual is light; the West has Spain Gong Frank, and the butterfly is only killed.

But laughing, Spain's butterfly is still very famous, some of which have been extinct in the 20th century, and the future generation can only see the whole appearance from the old specimen.

Charlie closed these special tribute, and then began to arrange the task of sweeping the Viking Pirate. - he was really annoyed.

As a result, this sweep, Charlie discovered the problem ---- It turned out that there was no reason, and the North Coastal area of ​​Frank has been infiltrated into sieves, and even a lot of Viking pirates have been in the local ruins, and the emperor Living in the village of the original residents, as for those fate of the original residents, it is imagined.

These pirates actually have a climate in the coastal area when they are busy with the Frank, Avarns and Lombard, and even in the part of the North Saxony has no.

Seeing, Charlie also cares about it to conquer the things of Spain. He hurriedly began to re-collect the army, recovered the exemption order originally given to the count, and developed a sweep plan for the entire area of ​​the North.

It's just a matter of event, but Tobin is somewhat called.

Finance in the Kingdom of Frank, except for the royal family's own manor, the Nagon and immune money of the priests are also unmumd income.

Although it is said that the feudal minister is "Feng Chen's Feng Chen, not my Qi Chen", but he doesn't think so in the heart of the king. However, the cultural tradition of geopolitics and Frank people is like this, and it will not be able to change it for a while.

Under such a mining system, the ethians usually taxed in their own territory in addition to the necessary Na Ko (mainly).

However, the Frank royal family also needs money, which in addition to the sale of food, levy to the municipality, I want to get the best way to get money, that is, when I am busy, I will ask all the landlords to serve, and then wait for the money.

If a lord does not want to send troops after receiving the collection order, then they must pay a disposal fee to the king, otherwise the king has the right to recover his seal.

So, if you are a medieval lord, after receiving the notice of the King's military service, don't be stupid to respond to the call. You first think about it. Is it a recent lack of money in the king, and sent a personal first to ask.

Now Charli requires the landlord to serve all over the world and is really serviced. Tobbin knows that the "custom-free" income of the last two years has to bubble.

Live the Frank is born to be poor --- Tobin helpless.

To say that Harlan Rashid keeps writing a letter in front of Charlie, it is imperative. The Surface does not say, the heart is actually very envious -, especially Harlan seems to be unintentionally, Azu All kinds of gold and silver treasures left in the Imperial Treasury have been about 900 million Dirm silver coins in the national treasury.

900 million, that is, nine hundred one million ... Charlie has always thought that one million is already the largest number in the world.

Charlie finally couldn't help, in the back of the sour, the monarch who can dictate is really good, and Harlan will read the big joy, and then add the intensity of the show in the letter, do the charlie mentality album --- You can give it to me if you have money, don't be so people.

Since there is no food in the national treasury, the Frank person is running out of the soldiers, and the military grain is raised to take a while, and the Spanish schedule is required. It is estimated that it is also necessary to drag it after another because of Viking people. .

If Alibaba knows, he strictly guards the death, if you are going to deal with the enemy, and finally, he will help yourself so much, he probably produces a mess.

Anyway, Alibaba has a sufficient time to arrange, what he has to worry is, just a food.

Chapter 686

Like all generals preparation, Alibaba is preparing to do the most in front of Spain, the most work is to view military food.

The so-called "three years of cultivation of nine years", Alibaba in the food reserves, completely in accordance with Cao Caoxin's Standard of China - Reserve food for nine years.

At the place where the reserve, he is chosen between Keluwan to Sifres. There, he established a dry warehouse, and this warehouse has also become the most important place in the Ruveruan regime.

Alibaba is naturally a strict defense against the death, not only sends the heavy soldiers, but also uses the best accountants in the Jews to serve as the library, and finally ask them to ventilate food and ventilate. When ventilated, the military representative will send people to check When selling Chen Food, the members of the Tmall Mall and the commune purchase Chen grain can also check the quantity.

It seems that this examination is obviously playing its effect.

Alibaba deli came here, of course, nothing, nothing, but because he received a report of the nearby commune, saying that the warehouse of this warehouse may be corrupted.

Because this is quite big, the Alibaba, Keluwan is alarmed, and has to come to the warehouse to view.

He is naturally surprised - he has already attached great importance to it, plus military supervision and commune residents supervision, or some people dare to trial.

However, when he came to the scene, he found that it was only a false one - not only on the number of food, it was the printing in the sealing of the grain bag.

However, the reason why the library is reported is because when he is in accordance with the regulations, the component is not the same as the weight of the bag while welcoming the new food. In addition, the library tube is a Jew, so the peasant of the commune is not dry, and it is necessary to punish the pagan.

Alibaba immediately weighed, and the result of weigh was that the barley in the linvelhe is indeed a little bit more than the components of the warehouse.

But when he opened a package of unopened food for inspection, he found that Ni ---- this bag of barley was dehydrated.

Alibaba came to the air building of the granary - the light here is best.

He will compare these Chen grain wheat grains in his hands, and the wheat grace that has not yet returned to make a comparison, announced that these foods have less than two less than the library tube, but the dried barley has been taken. Will continue to dehydrate slowly.

"... Not only because of hot, dry, and this is also related to the use of lime and anhydrous carbon chloride when saving, these things will make you think 'dry' dry wheat. Dehydration! "

At first glance, there was sure that Chen Mai is even more dry, even some branches, it is obviously, can not be done again.

Alibaba said even if it appeared, it took out some of the strong dehydrating agents carrying with you, and the new wheat seeds that were dried in the cereal were further dehydrated - there was a lot of weight.

In front of an unconfilled fact, everyone has only acknowledged that she was the original library tube.

"The grain is lighter than in the warehouse, fully illustrates the care of the treasure tube in the preservation of food. He has no corruption and has no dereliction of dreating. From beginning to end, it has maintained the dry and ventilation of food. I propose, everyone should be open after returning State out everything that happened today, this library tube is a clear. "Alibaba proposes.

Although Alibaba is not a judge, as a governor, he does have a certain degree of finalization of the right to have a certain extent on this land, but Alibaba has never like it. It is a case today.

People who heard it nodded, indicating that they will pay a fair in the city. Especially the person who reports the library tube is also low, it seems to be ashamed for a good person.

"You!" Alibaba pointed at the reporter: "You don't need to be embarrassed to report, I believe that when you report the library tube, you must do not want to let the members' property is losing, and it is exposed to the independence, right?"

"Yes, I think so." Reporting people acknowledge.

Although I don't know if he is really thinking, I still reported to some prejudice or and the library tube has a report, but since Alibaba gives the steps, he can only follow this step.

Seeing a few teachings also slowly walked into the warehouse, Alibaba simply became the ruling meeting.

"Very good, since you are reported from the righteous resentment, it is because you don't know how to drill, you will continue to dehydrate, these are because ignorance, I've been in the fault, then I will identify you from the results. If you are guilty, it is obviously not suitable, so I rulined, you are not guilty of this year. "

The people who heard nodded and seems to be agree with Alibaba's judgment.

"However, ..." Alibaba suddenly turned: "There is a philosopher who surname Liu said, 'Weak and ignorant obstacles, arrogant is' - I heard that when you complain, because of each other It is a Jew, and I blame him 'greed'. Is there this? "

This, the reporter said that it would not come.

"This ... I am afraid there is something." Side people answered him for him.

"You are the Sha Vay (Berbaire next to the Atlas Mountains), right?" Alibaba glanced at the other's cranial phase: "You know that Cordova in Andalusia is How do you call you? "

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