The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From 1 million, the Middle Age 521

But I didn't raise that dinner. The locals said that it is a "Mediterranean style" dish, but in my opinion, it is to cover the ingredients that have been obtained in the ground. Even if it is a new olive oil, it is extremely greasy. meal.

The only entrance food probably only has a barbecue, but when I asked if these meats were slaughtered under the scriptures, the locals he left and told me that there were --- I doubtful, So I didn't eat it.

The king of the His Temple is satisfied with such hospitality, but I personally feel that this does not reflect respect for the royal family, especially when the Governor invited the Prince His Temple to prepare a musical class for the teaching material of the music class - - What is he doing?

I thought that I would refuse, but he actually agreed, and it seems to be very happy. When the scorpion was opened, even dinner was used more than dinner than on board.

I know that the Prince is proficient in the song, praise poetry, lyrical poetry and singing verses. Even Abs Nuss is a frequent visitor in his palace, but I never know that he actually is also good at Rome and Indians. And endorsed the statement of the Sinai Governor "should learn".

After returning to the station, the princes began to open a single child - he said that he went to the Alexander Library to find a few Greeks music papers, I have to remind him to follow the itinerary, he should take me The Orebai Green Temple met with all local people with famous people.

As a result, the prince was first rushed to my temper, saying that I hindered him - you understand, I am completely ordered. Of course, I hope that you should not question the loyalty of the Prince's Hall because of this small episode - overall, he still cooperates, just a little emotion.

I sincerely hope that the governor is not just a purple powder, otherwise I will be very angry.

Kailuan's bustling is a bit more than my expect, I have always thought it was the military fort in the year. Although it is completely better than Baghdad, it is also full of vibrants that can feel - it is a bit like the lame before the rebels do not affect.

I have proposed to go to Orebai, the Governor will quickly agree, and say that he has already summoned a lot of scholars, landlords, businessmen, monks, ready to set a welcome event to the Prince Temple, which is a lot of money. thing.

At the Governor, he opened a official introduction letter for me.

In this letter, my identity is "VIP", although the word is a good word, but I don't know what kind of role "VIP" is in the system of their commune guarantee, but it is obviously not like it. One can be free to enter the military camp.

Because my identity of this trip has your own colors, I will put it directly, I have to have the privilege of going to the military camp.

He hesitated, but finally, I changed a letter of "central general". I will use it to make sure that the army in this area can use it at any time.

Please wait for my further news.

Your loyal servant Aroff Tam

Chapter VIII Chapter, Aruguch (2) Finance

Chief Executive of the CHi:

May the Virtue make you healthy!

The things about the exploration of Magrybrin have recently have a eyebrow, but now because of the Andalus Tour, there is a good to defeat, so the military mobilization of the Magierb region is frequent, and the ministers must further investigate to guarantee Your intelligence is completely correct.

So this letter is reported to you, mainly some of the discovery.

After participating in the welcoming meeting held by the Governor, he went to the school here. After returning, he will put all the efforts to write the music textbook. There is no time to go out with me, and the minister can only investigate privately.

I have notedly noticed a little while trying to investigate the financial strength of Magley. Keluwan seems to be very rich, whether it is to sell the herdsmen sold in wool, camel hair and sheepskin, or to sell olive and food commune communes, no matter how many goods they take, Kailuwan can eat, even if they are afraid of acquisition The price is not high, but what they pay is a real gold.

Among them, gold is naturally those who allow North Africa to be built in grace, but they are used to pay for the silver coins from Sicily, and the Governor's government claims that the Pirates of Rusham stayed in Sicily found the coin mill. It was used by them. But the minister felt confused - why is these silver coins to use Latin?

Whenever someone sells a batch of goods, there will be a commissioner after checking the quality and number of goods, and register it in books, reaching a certain amount, and the commissioner is handed over to the commune or tribe a "annual full amount", People who have this certificate do not have to pay all agricultural taxes.

It turned out that Kailian will use this way to pay taxes - I have long heard of other places, saying that the Magribia region does not pay taxes to farmers, but now it seems nothing to change. A more hidden tax payment means, but I have to deceive those fools.

The minister wants to figure out where the goods from Keluwan acquisition have went to the prince, please go to Tunisia with the team carrying the goods.

There, many employed craftsmen combed the wool and woven a felt cloth through a strange machine. Oil olive is there to unload, in addition to the official Your Oil Square, many private oilfront owners are also competing, wanting to put the best one of the oil olives into the sac.

The minister continued to work together, and I have been going to Tunisian port, and in that place, I finally saw the biggest source of Magley Finance - regular flight trade.

Tunisia is very bustling. If Cairo is still afraid of Baghdad, Tunisia is no longer in Basra. The minister saw a lot of specifications - approximately three types of large, middle, and small, carrying uncomfortable goods and business people, people.

According to the locals, these ships have formed a regular flight, and the specific route should be seen by the minister. The hawker whose port called selling drinks, I am interested, I will sell it to a chart, and the chart is also marked with the specific timetable of these flights.

Here, the ministers must be discounted, and the Governor of Magley actually sells in the middle of the city, and if the pirate wants to grab the ship, I am only afraid to buy a "timetable". When you rob it. Even if the Tunisians say "It is impossible to have pirates to grab us", I really don't know if this kind of confidence comes.

The contribution will serve the sea - you can see, the port of Tunisia trade in the port of Andalus, Valencia and Barcelona, ​​Marseille, Montpellier, Genoa, Venice, Italy, Venice , Romans' Piraeus, Athens, Constantinople, and our Cyprus, Alexander, Jawa ...

Although it is the right to make a business in the Saint and the pagans, they don't have anything else, but they are still unhappy.

Especially the "ant financial" exchange in the port, the people inside in the public exchange of NNA silver coins and Magley, even low-cost people who transfer Venice bonds.

Chen is not very clear why the Venice's public debt rate is higher. The brokers here prefer Magley bonds. It seems that it is not because of risks - the minister is nothing to know, it is impossible to explain for you. . But those who are responsible for these people are Jews, which can be determined.

In this way, Latun's Latin alphabetic on the resident gold coins and silver coins seems to be explained - this is not Diram, but the Silver coins cast by pagan cast.

The administrative officials of Magley seem to have learned this, but when they communicate internal, they will be called "Sicily's goods" when they communicate inside. This is a significant mask behavior.

After getting these evidence, he immediately found the Governor of Magley. He was a bit embarrassed at the time, but then he did not say that it was not such a way to do so, there was no way to afford to afford so many education.

As for possible leaks, he is more accomplished. He even said that he is not allowed to let others know what he is here - this is simply a big picture of the world.

Although it is a little less pleasant, the minister can confirm that the financial situation of the Magarri should be quite good. The portable well is not a winner, and the construction is said to be arranged for five years.

The labor of these construction water resources is still not slave, but can get the free people who pay the money, and even see many people and black people who have seen many towers to "work".

They claim that they were deceived by a group of herders or sea merchants, saying that it is to make a fortune here, and the actual compensation is less than they think, but the food is still rich, and the surrounding price is cheap enough. It can also be taxable, so they want to have a few years to go home.

The reason why the minister judges that the financial situation of Magley is because their wages have never been arrears, and even sick people have a doctor to see a doctor - this is not a matter of financial embarrassing government.

If the governor can use this finance for military, I think Andalusia is only afraid of attacking it. - This is only an estimate of the individual, there is no implied meaning.

In short, what you are worried about "Because taxes are too light and no money," this is not existent, and the Maghiibu area is absolutely financial for a war.

I heard that in addition to the thousands of cavalry in Keluwan, the woman of your book seal also gathered a heavy soldier in a city called non-Susn, there is time I want to see.

Just ask you again, your loyal servant is respectful.

Chapter VIIP (3) Untrusted ending

The leader of the letter, respected Your Majesty:

Unfortunately, inform you, the ministers of the Best of the non-Susn, I am afraid that I can't make a trip. This is because things have changed.

I remember that I reported to you, and the parties to Magley in trade, even the dummy chart in the Andalus, this is an accident, that is, because the dummy has happened. It may not be entirely known as a good thing.

The news is that the businessman who came to Tunisia purchased olive oil. After learning the news, the Magley Governor's convenient person turned the news to me. Speaking of the questions, I guess he I am afraid I have known yeah.

The news is like this --- ,

Although the specific process is unclear, the Governor of Magley said that the king of the short-haired cats --- Alfonso II uses his own capital as a bait, after the resiscation of the resistence, then those idiots Grab, and then set up on the road they returned and defeated Shatham's army.

If so, then even if the other party is a pagan, the minister must say that Alfonso is indeed an extraordinary monarch, which is a big enemy of the sand dunes. Chen advised, in the future, after the Attentusia, be sure to go to the thorough defeating, and the people will remove this scourge.

By, the dummy seda-Shatham is - because it is not right, regardless of the people or the pagans against him, long-term relying on the Green Temple of Córdoba, and launching the northern short cat. The jail is maintaining false morale and unity. After the defeat, Andalus is extremely unstable, and the rebellion is more baked.

Although this is a great central helpful center for the Arab world, it is a holy battle failed. In the happiness of the happiness, the ministers have some rabbits to death.

Magley Governors have been determined to take this opportunity to send troops. In this way, the minister visits Magribu military power action will be more redundant.

For the sin of efficiency, the minister only has to ask the sin of the Sheng Sheng Ji, choose the change with you, and enter his "Black Forbidden Army" to be used as a military paper ---- The Governor is not Refuse.

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